Saturday, May 31, 2014

Oreo And Milk Time...

The best day ever Oreos and milk

This is the best day ever...

I am so happy; I am celebrating!!
I feel like a heavy burden has been taken off my shoulders.
You know that feeling (Right)

When you made a decision to do something, and you realize;
You have made a bad choice,
Then by God's grace you turn and say I need to make a change.
Because this is not working for me!
I made a decision like that today;
I have decided to not do a Link Party on my blog any more!

I did learn a lot about the whole process, but I also became
Aware of the time frame it took, and saw myself becoming
Over burdened, and tired.
I have had a rough month!
You know the feeling (Right)

So now that the decision has been made;
The burden lifted...

It's Oreo And Milk Time...
It's the best day ever!


  1. Oh- I hear you, Roxy. There is just a pure relief and joy in doing what we know we SHOULD do but dread doing. Now you can get back to the FUN part of blogging and not have to worry about the linky thing!

    Good for you! Oreos and milk sound wonderful. xo Diana

  2. I know exactly what you mean, dear Roxy! In fact, I have been in the same boat. . .your see, I LOVE creating items for people and selling them, but it has become too time consuming. And I have a hard time not fretting over the things I made like, did I make it good enough? what if it falls apart? what if I get an unhappy customer? I have come to the place where I believe the Lord would have me close my little shop. Besides, I would much rather put my time into blogging and sharing my ideas with people for free :)

    Anyway, I am glad your burden has been lifted. I will miss the link-up, but I understand, friend. Do you have any Oreo's left over? I think I could use some! Love and hugs!

  3. There is no point in struggling with something, especially when it is eating up your precious time and energy. You did a great job and I enjoyed it whilst it lasted :))) have a wonderful week ahead.


  4. Yeah! that your struggle is over!
    I like that you celebrate with Oreo's and milk (even if it's virtual).

  5. My Heart just leaped seeing that my dear friends were glad that I needed to get back to the joy of blogging with the burden lifted. It was a tangible feeling in the natural and the spiritual...
    Love you dear friends

  6. I blog because it's fun and I love it.If I started doing things that interfere with that, I would make changes too. Your blog has a great design.
    The background looks like the wallpaper in my Aunt Edna's living room.
    Her house was torn down over 40 years ago. This brought a memory rushing back :)

  7. HI Roxy! I am joining you with your Oreo's and milk! What a courageous decision you have made...I know that your blog link-up was very successful. It's tough to say 'no' to that.
    But you know it's right when you get that 'Phew!' feeling! God bless you for standing up for your Spirit and peace. I hope you have a wonderful day :)
    June Blessings,

  8. Glad you are feeling such relief. Those Oreos look very tempting.
    I appreciate your prayers for us during this move. The Lord has certainly answered many prayers.

    God bless your week.

  9. Hey Rox,
    I love your relief tactics… I would like to come over there and have some Oreos and milk with you and share your relief. But I do feel your relief and am so glad for that relief, and now I think I had better go bake some cookies, because you have really got me going with those Oreos. Good Job, though Rox.
    Love ya,

  10. I may be right there with you next month because I started to add a new blog,
    I just realized that there may be people who need the upside of down. We'll see.

  11. So sorry to hear this Roxy! If you did not enjoy it, then on the next project, right? Sounds like you are enjoying your garden however! Nothing like growing some beautiful flowers in summer!

  12. Yay for making choices that make sense! I put my Notecard party on hold for the summer. People are simply too busy in this season. I know I am!

  13. When it starts to be a burden it's time to move on. I'm glad you made the decision to drop the link-in party...blogging should be enjoyable...without pressures! The Oreo's certainly look tempting..wish I could be there to share with you

  14. I am so glad that you had your burden lifted! It's always fun to try new things to find out if they fit. You are so wise to make the decision as soon as possible instead of letting it deplete you every week.

    Now pass some of those oreos. :)

  15. I'm so glad you made the decision to set yourself free of the burden and are able to enjoy blogging again! PTL!!

    Jan ♥

    ooohhhhh, if you have any Oreos left...well, you know...could you pass them my way?


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