Friday, May 30, 2014

What Do You Have In Your Hand...

What do you have in your hand?

Do you ask this question?
What do I have in my hand...

I think it is a very important one,
We are given a portion each day as we awake,
Sometimes it is so small it feels like a single grain of salt.
Insignificant, tiny, no value.

The Lord has told us not to despise small beginnings;
"For who has despised the day of small beginnings (things)"
Zechariah 4:10

What do you have in your HAND?

I may have but a seed;
So plant it

I may have but a simple grain of salt;
Flavor your next bite of food

I may have a child's hand in mine;
Hold it tight and place a nugget in its palm

I may have a wadded up Kleenex filled with tears;
Lay it next to your night stand, as joy comes in the morning

I may have material and a button;
Sew a creation to bless someone

I may have a cup of flour and sugar;
Bake a cookie or cake and share it

Take what you have and ask God to bless it;
Multiplication comes from the Lord.

How can I have a ready hand?
How can I know what is in my hand?
Put your hand in His and just start opening and closing what is
Placed there, as long as it is a gift from above;
Use it...

Tell me, What is in your hand?


  1. Beautiful words, beautiful truth! :) ~ Pam, apples of gold, visiting as your neighbor on essential fri

  2. Lovely post, Roxy!
    *Words of encouragement passed on to my daughter this morning.
    Sisters in Christ,

  3. Wonderful thoughts, Roxy. Yes- I have always lived by the saying Hands to work and heart to God. I do think our hands should always be open to what God has to offer. xo Diana

  4. Your posts are always insightful, but this one, this one has touched me deeply. Thank you, Roxy.

  5. I love the post Rox; it is true, we are always on the same page aren't we. The Lord gives each of us a gift and a treasure; amazing things are waiting in the small and simple.
    Love ya,

  6. Roxy-this is a beautiful reminder! I need reminded to enjoy what is in my hand THIS MOMENT and not be constantly seeking the "next" thing. Have a great weekend!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!