Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Keep That Cell Phone Out Of Your Bra...

In the days of cell phone use and how we always have it with us;
This post is another reminder of its potential DANGER!

Remember these phone booths?
Days passed and now we have strapped ourselves
 With high powered frequencies daily!

This gives a whole new meaning to being wired...
No wonder so many women's hair is standing straight up!!

As the technologies that are coming out and more data to support;
This claim of the dangers of carrying a cell phone in your BRA!
Or really anywhere close to your skin or body!

Sometimes we just need to stop doing these things that have
such a strong potential for harm. And so many women think that
Using and caring cell phones are safe.
If you want to see a new site with updated information,
Just click the link below.

Keep that cell phone out of your bra !

Use your cell phone wisely, ladies;
Use the speaker and do not hold it so close to your ear!


  1. So true, my friend! I do not have a cell phone and have opted out of having one so I don't need to worry about that, but I do use a laptop and it often sits on my legs and I have wondered if it's harming my body - it's probably just like the cell phone.

    When I use my husband's cell phone for a day I have a terrible headache. . . that should tell you something right there!

    Have a great day, sweet Roxy! Thanks for this post. Hugs to you

  2. Roxy, I have actually heard this warning before and I must admit that I have been guilty of doing this in the past for a few moments when no pocket was! Unfortunately, my cell phone is the only one I land line...but I will keep it out my bra from now on!
    Thanks for reminder!

  3. WOW! Thanks so much for the heads up! <3

  4. Excellent post to remind us of this danger Roxy! I am guilty of keeping my phone near my skin when I go out side and after a time I actually feel a pain right where I had it. YIKES!
    Thank you Roxy.
    Have a beautiful rest of the day.
    Joy! Debbie

  5. A good reminder Roxy. I use my cell phone as an alarm in the morning. I wonder if it should be on my nightstand while I'm sleeping? If I kept it across the room, I'd have to get up to turn it off! haha maybe that would be a win/win.

  6. Thanks for this reminder Roxy. I heard about this a while back and have been making sure to keep my phone away from my bidy as much as possible. I was guilty of tucking mine in my bra at times but have since quit doing that. This is a wonderful message to share with others as many women have not heard this yet. Have a blessed Thursday...Vicky

  7. I love how you write… cute, funny, informative, inspirational. I have never thought of storing my phone this way, but have heard that it has become a problem with some women. Love the "wired" comment ; very good. I am having a wonderful catch up on your blog… left a comment a couple posts down as well. I feel like I have been away a long time.
    I hope you are having a lovely "catch up" with your sister. Tell her hi for me.
    Love ya bunches,

  8. That's kind of scary, Roxy! Thanks for bringing it to our attention. I don't carry mine there but I have seen others do that.

  9. I carry mine with me all the time, in my pocket, handbag or in my hand. At work it sits on my desk near by. it is very important to have it on 24/7 in case my son needs me. I have never put it in my bra as it is too big and uncomfortable and sticks to my skins. For long calls I use my headphones, speaker are fine at home but not in public, I don't want others to hear my calls.

    :) :)


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