Monday, June 23, 2014

Keep Your Eyes Upon The Road...

Keep Your Eyes On The Road...

Things and people are moving way too fast!
Kicking down the cobble stones looking for fun and
Feeling groovy...

Learning to be quick can be a very good thing.
But how fast do you need to go?
Do you have the need for speed?

At times my thoughts can download so fast, they can get blurred.
I am not a machine or a car that has a brake and a gas pedal.
I am flesh and blood made in a way that requires
Rest and good nourishment!
And people around me who love me!
Books and pleasures that help refresh me!
Times of refreshing just don't happen, they need to be orchestrated!

Soaking is a good word to help give us a mental picture of 
what refreshment might look like.
 You have heard the saying that a picture is worth a
thousand words.
 And I think that can be very true.

Dear Ones we never know what is just down the road,
or just around the bend.
So may we keep our eyes upon the road and enjoy the drive.

Slow down your moving too fast, you gotta make your moments last.
Kicking down the cobble stones!!


  1. WOnderfully blessed to drop by your blog today!

  2. I love that song -- so happy and carefree. you're so right about times of refreshment, such a gift!

  3. Great words.... Thank you for posting this. :)

  4. You know, you're right. We don't know what's coming around the corner. We really shouldn't let ourselves run near empty, or we might not have the energy we need to meet challenging circumstances.


  5. When I think of the road I think of the verse, "I will go before you and make the crooked places straight." In order for Him to go first we need to slow down.

    Soaking in Him (love that!)

  6. Don't try and rush down the road otherwise you miss so much. wise words.

  7. Good reminders. I love your picture of the tree tops and sky. I take walks regularly in my neighborhood and I love looking at the green tops against the blue sky...God is good to give such pleasures. Happy Day to you!

  8. Thank you for sharing this reminder! Life is just too short... Hope you are enjoying your time off! And thank you for taking the time to link up with us this week :)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!