Friday, June 20, 2014

Once Upon A Time... A Real Life... Mine...

This is where you will find me most mornings...
I also need a bit more some afternoons;
The Word is like chocolate for me, it is rich and smooth!
It melts my heart and makes me satisfied deep down inside!

Here is;
My BFF...
She was my maid of honor on my renewal of my wedding vows!
She knows a lot about me and she still likes me.

Here is;
My Jewels, she is my long time friend!
My Oldest friend
Just kidding :o)
We always talk about Christ...

Here is;
My Boy Friend...
He asked me if I would marry him and I said NO Three times!
So glad he was persistent in pursuing me!
It was the same with Christ in my life...
Married 30 plus years
Sounds like a vitamin ad...

Here is;
This is my back yard view!
I have seen this view almost three decades and it never looks the same!
Constant and unmovable...

Here is;
Loyal Bronco Fans...
Go Broncos!!

Here is:
Waffles From Roxy's Cafe...
Fresh sausage too!

Here is:
My Mississippi Mud Dessert...
I may even share the recipe sometime!

Here is;
Here are my two most favorite perfumes!
White Shoulders and Giorgio...
My Birthday gift last year!

Here is:
Fresh bread and butter and eggs!
My staples in my kitchen...

Here is;
My Girls, Sweet Baby Chicks!
We have fresh eggs daily about a dozen a day.

I just wanted to give you a glimpse of my world and life!
I am a country girl and a lover of Jesus Christ...
I hope you follow my blog knowing that it is a real ministry for me,
To write and encourage you in your journey!

I struggle some days and I am shocked how fast the days go!
I had only one person mentor me while raising my family!
So I take my calling very seriously!

I am very funny, and enjoy a good laugh!
I love like there is no tomorrow!
I cry hard and deep for those things that move me!
My Husband and family our everything to me!

I just want you to know a bit of my heart!
We are not rich in some things;
But we are wealthy in what matters!

If you read or follow this blog, I want to tell you that I care deeply
about you and your walk in this life!

Thank You!
For reading this blog,
For leaving me comments.
For being a part of my life.

Enjoy your Summer; and romance your Hubby!
And allow the Lord to romance you...


  1. I REALLY enjoyed todays post Roxy! I love it when people tell about themselves and what their passions in life are. I feel I know you a little better now...keep it up! Have a wonderful weekend love!

  2. It's rare to read about someone who is REAL. Your blog is one I visit for insight and inspiration.
    It's always fun to get to know more about an author, so thank you.
    Blessing to you!

  3. Your words are always beautiful and that last line is poetic. "Romance your Hubby and allow the Lord to romance you." How beautiful! Pure inspiration.

  4. So nice to see a little bit of your life Roxy. I think we have the same waffle maker! Your view is gorgeous!! and love those baby chicks. I'm thankful to have met you here in blogland. Blessings, Deborah

  5. It really is fun to see inside the blogger just a bit. I like that and glad I came by from Beauty Observed. The view from your yard is beauty in my book. I live on the Gulf Coast and there are no mountains nor snow. But seeing yours is good for me today.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  6. Aww...after reading this wish even more that you were close enough that I could give you a hug! You have a precious heart, my friend and your gift of encouragement is such a blessing to me...what a beautiful post!

  7. Beautiful post Roxy! Thank you for this glimpse into you life. The view from your back yard is amazing!

    May you have a blessed day!


  8. Yes, beautiful post , beautiful women of the Lord!
    You are a blessing to so many!
    I shared this post today
    Thank you for all you do for so many.
    Blessings & a hug~
    P.S. We both love the same perfume :)

  9. Is there anything better than waffles and sausage for breakfast? Yum.

    I didn't realize you had chicks too. Ours are about 3 weeks old and past the "cute" stage. They're getting feathers now. Soon they'll go into the big pen.

    You have a lovely place.

  10. What a view! Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your life. We have a lot in common, including fresh bread and eggs and butter-but my eggs come from my mom and dad's hens not ours!

  11. I enjoyed this glimpse very much!

  12. This was so fun, Roxy! I love that you care about the important things and feel rich with them. So refreshing! ~Pamela

  13. What a sweet post. Thank you for sharing a taste of your world. In some ways, it is similar to mine :)

  14. I love the pictures and the little peek into your life. Thank you so much for sharing.
    Have a wonderful weekend.


  15. I loved this post!
    I'm fond of you,Roxy.

  16. Enjoyed this post so much was great to learn a little a bout you. Your blog is such an encouragement.
    Love your view and the baby chickens. Hoping someday to have chickens again.
    Loved your last line, both statements are so true. A Godly husband is so precious and there is no greater joy than walking with the Lord.

  17. Thankyou for letting into your life :))) and Thankyou for your beautiful blog, much treasured,


  18. Such a precious post Rox, sorry it took me so long to get over here and read it. I got back into blog world today…. first time in a week. I am starting to feel caught up (almost), and am enjoying a moment here.
    I loved reading all of this, and thank you so much for being my BFF, and even being proud enough to tell about it on your blog. Hope you're having a great time on your trip.
    Love you Bunches,

  19. I wish I lived near by Roxy, I would love to visit your country home. Hugs to you....a very special lady:)
    Shirley in Virginia


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!