Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Overused And Under Rated...

Glory to Glory Blog

Swimming Pigs...

I have always heard the saying I will believe that...
 When pigs fly...

Well, how about when pigs swim??

I kid you not; this little piggy swims.

Faith is a word that is much like love;
Overused and under rated!
I must use my faith to even get out of bed some mornings!
I love so many different things,
But are there different levels we love at?
Of course!
I love my morning tea or coffee, but I don't plan on marrying them.
I use my faith in giving each new morning to the Lord!

Learning to love at walking in faith...
Faith is a true and vital living power!
Faith moves us into something
Faith moves us out of something!
Faith will step us up!
Faith will hold us steady...

Like this little piggy;
I must learn a new stroke of faith!
I am not much for change;
But I have learned a vital truth lately,

I want to switch from being a passive sitter to an
active participant in our adventure beyond the familiar.
Breaking out of an old, tired routine is one of the secrets
of staying young.

"So Don't just sit there!"

Swim Little Piggies Swim...


  1. Good Morning, Roxy. Wonderful post. I will be sure to tell Karen you said "hi." She is enjoying summer days with her granddaughters.
    Have a nice day.

  2. Thanks for the morning pick me up. I love this!

  3. Another wonderful post Roxy. It was a blessing to me as I'm sure it has been for others!

    This summer is just flying by and I haven't been blogging much! Too many things to take care of around the house. And, since I'm going to have a big sale to close out my Etsy Shop, most computer time has been used listing new items!!

    Take care...

  4. Very positive...I am sure there are many that can use these words of encouragement. Have a lovely day Roxy!

  5. Just love that photo of the pig swimming. My dad always wanted a pig farm but sadly he couldn't as we lived to close to a dam. Lovely post.


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