Monday, July 21, 2014

Royal Crown Of true Royalty...

Queen of the home

Are you wearing your crown today?

Some days you just feel like your hair will not fix right;
You just wake up on the wrong side of the bed...
The sun forgets to come out,
You can feel a large pit in your stomach...
You feel like crying for no reason?

Well, for your information so does half the women in your state!

Women have more days that we might feel a bit out of the loop;
Or just out of sorts...

But, we can know the very thing that makes us feel these feelings;
Is the very thing that allows us to have the womanly instinct that God gave us.

We have been given these raw emotions that once we allow God to
Temper them, we grow in insight and wisdom!

We are given so much influence and reign...
I can promise you this that when you have given a bit of advice;
To your children or other women; they may just one day use it!
To God be the Glory...

We are ruling whether we like it or not!
But,may I ask are you ruling in grace and love?
Do you hold and iron fist or a helping loving hand?

Do you wear your crown of authority with humility?
Or do you parade around like a Queen Bee;
Be careful you might get stung is what others may be thinking about you!

The crown of life;
Which is promised to those who love Him. James 1:12

Ruling your home is a great and noble calling!

Remember the hand that rocks the cradle, washes the dishes,
Cooks lovely meals, washes dirty sock, and rids her home of dust bunnies;
And sweeps the crumbs of Hansel and Gretel away;
Really does rule the world!

Just a friendly reminder that holding your hubby's arm when walking
makes your crown sit high upon your head!

Holding a kiss with your Husband  for 15 seconds.
Will ignite passion, and your crown will shine a bit brighter.

There is a crown we can wear that brings life to all that we encounter everyday!
We might not be able to see each others crowns,
Yet we can know those Queens that wear their crowns as the
 Royal Woman Of God...

Your crown one day will be placed at the Kings feet...


  1. This is very good Rox. I cracked up over the part about "half the women in the State feeling the same way" . Its true… there are definite qualities that are a part of being a women… sometimes those qualities are difficult for us to deal with, but is good to remember who we are in Christ. Love the post.
    Have a great day my friend; hopefully we will get a chance to get together in the next couple of days.
    Love and blessings,

  2. Sometimes my cross is tilted a bit but my husband straightens it for me!

  3. I loved this Roxy! Thanks for the encouragement to wear a crown worthy of the calling...

  4. Thank you also for linking this up to the Art of Home-Making Mondays :) Please join us again next week!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!