Sunday, August 10, 2014

How To Make Easy Lemonade...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Lemons and Limes
These always make me feel refreshed...

 How I make my refreshing lemonade.

My lemonade recipe is very easy and it is tasty!
Also This Is a Very Frugal way to prepare a refreshing beverage!

I use my 1/2 gallon pitcher
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup Real Lemon juice
Add water
Stir well
Chill it well then serve it over ice!
You can always add a slice of fresh lemon in the glass!
I have been making this lemonade this way for almost 30 years.
It is quite cheap and it tastes very fresh.
I only use the Real Lemon juice brand as it is stronger in flavor.
I buy it in the large 2 packs from Sam's club.

My kids are grown and now my grandchildren drink this lemonade.
I know people may squeal over the sugar in it, but it
is more of a real and natural alternative to pop and sweet drinks.
No dyes and no preservatives.
We drink this all year round not just in the summertime.
I also make up two 1/2 gallon pitchers at a time.
 And put one in the back fridge.

Lemon Lemonade is a sweet memory that we all enjoy!
Try it, I think you will find it very delicious.


  1. Awesome to see this easy recipe! We use almost the same formula, except we have 1 cup sugar - 1/2 cup lemon juice and I think our pitcher is a bit bigger--so don't feel bad about the sugar!

  2. It looks and sounds so refreshing. Thanks for the recipe. Wishing you a blessed week.

  3. Very refreshing on a hot summers day.

  4. I've always loved your lemon aid Rox; its the best. Love having access to the recipe when I need it. Yes, lemons and limes are so refreshing.
    Love and Blessings,

  5. Hi Roxy! Your recipe started my mouth watering!
    My husband makes limeade a few times a week. Limes have been very reasonable at the market, and it's really refreshing, just like you mentioned.

    I hope your summer is going well, and that you have many opportunities to serve your special lemonade :)

  6. Roxy,

    This is a recipe I will have to try soon! I haven't had homemade lemonade in years.


  7. When I want a sweet summer drink, lemonade is my first choice. I would much prefer the sugar over any of the additives any time

  8. Mmmm...makes me want to pucker just thinking about fresh lemonade! Sounds delish!

  9. Yummo! Good sugar instead of artificial and much better than corn syrup.

  10. Yum! We use this type of recipe and yes, sugar. Just a balance for and we sliced limes yesterday to add to water for our fellowship dinner and I so enjoy the fresh scent! :) My girls said..."Mom, that smell makes me remember being lil" they are thinking of a pie we made when my sweet Momma was living! Maybe we will have to make one! Smile
    God is so good to us!
    Thank you ...

  11. This recipe sounds great to me! Will try it this week!!
    Thanks for sharing with us, Roxy.
    Have a blessed day, dear friend.

  12. lips are smacking - this sounds delicious! Thanks for the recipe!!

  13. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I just made it for a birthday lunch I am having for my friend today:)

  14. I am always in need of lemon recipes! We live near an orchard :) Thanks for sharing this on the Art of Home-Making Mondays. I am going to pin it!


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