Friday, August 22, 2014

How To Make Mississippi Mud Cake...


Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Mississippi Mud Cake

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, Also Grease a cookie sheet pan

In a saucepan, add these ingredients;

2 sticks butter

1 cup water

4 tablespoons baking cocoa powder

Whisk together and bring to a quick boil

Remove from heat;


Add 2 cups sugar

½ tsp. Salt

2 eggs

½ tsp. Soda

2 cups flour

Mix well and then pour into a greased cookie sheet

Bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees

Take out the cake and wait for 1 minute to frost it!

Frosting; Place these ingredients listed below in another saucepan and bring them to a quick boil

1 stick butter

4 tablespoons of baking cocoa powder

4 tablespoons of milk

Remove from heat and now add;

2 cups powder sugar

2tsp. Vanilla

Stir well and frost your cake quickly

Now who here has not ever tasted the classic Mississippi Mud Cake?
This cake has many alias names;
Texas sheet cake ...
Call it what you want, but please lets just
Eat Cake...

This sheet cake is the best company cake you can make,
 as it feeds a large crowd!
 It is moist yet not too sweet. It always looks very elegant and decadent.
It tastes very buttery and so chocolaty rich.
You can hardly eat just one piece of it.

This cake always brings me very sweet memories;
As my Mother-in-law made this often!
And I made this so many times when the children were younger!

What is a dessert that you make that just floods you,
With sweet memories?

When we bake and prepare something filled with love and history.
We are investing in things that make and bring;
Happy Memories...


  1. Oh that does look delicious. I've never had the pleasure, either!

  2. I have lots of happy memories tied to special desserts. Just smelling certain scents will evoke a special memory at times. Your recipe sounds and looks delicious! I'll have to try it some time. Have a blessed weekend.

    Hugs, Vicky

  3. Yum! What a delectable looking dessert. Thanks for sharing at Fridays Unfolded!


  4. Oh no! And I was doing so well to stay away from sweets.
    Mud Pie is one of my favorites!

  5. Oh, this is definitely a favorite, I do love this cake. My Mom wan't a big "baker" although she was a wonderful cook. I do remember that she loved to make Pecan Sandies, and that was something we all loved; she would only make them at Christmas time; it was a happy memory to me. Have a great weekend Rox,
    Love and Blessings,

  6. Look delicious Roxy! Thank you for sharing. : )


  7. Hi sweet lady! How are you doing? I hope your Saturday has been delightful!

    Your cake looks divine! Can I come over for a piece? :) Love to you!

  8. A slice right now would be so nice with my cup of tea!

    Have a lovely week ahead.


  9. You can go wrong with chocolate and memories!

  10. Hello again Roxy,
    I've nominated you for the Liebster Award at my blog. I'm not sure if you do awards, so no problem if you are not up to it. I do appreciate your blog! Keep up the great posts.

  11. Now who can go wrong with chocolate?

    I would love a piece... I think you should make some. What a wonderful treat!

    I have certain smells that will trigger some of the best memories of baking with my mom and grandma. I love anything chocolate, but when my grandma would make her special cherry pie, my mouth just starts watering... Happy times, Happy memories...


  12. that cake looks delicious Roxy! Home-baked goodies just seem to spell love, don't they?

  13. Roxy, this is the same recipe as what we call chocolate sheet cake. I am not a lover of chocolate cake or ice cream, but this is so moist and yummy that I do like a piece of it now and then! Thanks for sharing the recipe with SYC.


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