Monday, August 25, 2014

Invest In Things With Eternal Value...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

When I woke up this morning I felt such a sweet sense of memories!
Feeling the expectation of what a day might bring.

Seasons will come and go...

But we are all looking for bedrock relationships.
Some things require more of us;
Are you willing to invest in things with eternal value?

Let's face it ladies, we all live in a world with more distractions,
Then Carters got pills!
(My Mom always said that, I had no idea what it meant)
But it must of meant way too much!

Well, here goes;
Do you want to be right?
Or keep the peace?

Are you so Bossy even your dog runs away?
Who fears you?

When you get a phone call if they say something like this;
I was bored so I thought I would call you.
(Sure sign something wrong with that relationship)

When was the last time you got a sweet card in the mail from a friend?

Okay, here is the other side of this thought,
When do you stop investing in relationships with friends,
That seem to use and abuse it?

We all have a few cracked pots for friends
But lets face it, we all have a few quirks about us!

I am in a place right now that two very dear friends will be moving.
We just left a church we had been at for a dozen years.
We are going to celebrate another wedding anniversary.
The dog ran away!

Now I just realize summer is almost over!

Okay, back to what I was getting at!
Be wise in who you invest in!

All the time you spend reading the Bible will bring profit!
Every smile you share brings hope!
Every cup of cold water offered in His name,
He says you shall surely not lose your reward!

Invest in your man...
Love him and feed him and be there for him!
Be the cutest, sweetest secretary in the world!
I always liked that song;
~Your not women enough to take my man~

If you have girlfriends that challenge you in the right way;
To grow in Christ, to be a better homemaker,
And makes you laugh, she is probably a keeper!

God has put all things in His timetable,
We all have the same amount of minutes per hour.
May we inquire of the Lord for all we set our hand to...

Notice that picture at the top?
Well, it was an anniversary gift many years ago, and the very
first time I used it for a pot of tea;
To my shock it cracked, I cried!
Yet I still display it in my china curio cabinet!
She is a treasure and a keeper even if she is cracked!
Not perfect, but beautiful to me...


  1. You are always so encouraging! Thank you very much for this...

  2. What a pretty set and a thoughtful husband to give it to you. I keep a cracked plant pot to remind me that I am one. Ha! My grandmother taught me how to temper tea pots...I think it might be something that is not taught anymore.

  3. Wise words, dear Roxy...and my MIL gave me that exact same tea set! I also keep mine on display and I can't look at it without remembering her sweet heart. Have a blessed week, sweet friend!

  4. A lovely post Rox. All so well said. I was just
    thinking how everything we do is like planting something, or like money in the bank. We are putting something away for later use. That makes me think of the cup of cold water you were talking about. Our work, our blessing, what we say, how we love, it is all being stored up (or not). I like to think of having a savings account in the Kingdom. Friendships are in that account… nice to know I have a friendship with you stored up there. Love your beautiful picture, and your lovely teapot. Something's entire value are beauty and sentiment. Good enough for me. Have a lovely week, talk to you soon.

  5. mm, Roxy, I am rather like that pot.. a little cracked, but one day will be perfect, as made truly in His image..
    What treasure that will be .. thank you dear sister for the blessing of this post..
    BTW I linked over to your blog as welcome to one of my blog encouragers, and so hopefully so more folk might pop over and say hi, Shaz in Oz.x

  6. Your tea set looks beautiful and would look lovely on display even if you can no longer use it.

  7. Dear Roxie,
    I loved this post. I have been enjoying your blog so much over the past year, but have had trouble commenting. I'm hoping that this is no longer an issue, because there have been so many occasions when I wanted to thank you for an encouraging word or recipe. You have been such a help to me.
    God Bless,


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!