Friday, August 29, 2014

A Path to No Where...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Why would someone take a path that leads nowhere?

Why would someone take all the time and cost,
to build a path that leads nowhere?

This walkway really had me stumped!

For the life of me, I was just thinking,

What was this person thinking??
This brick path just stopped!
And it was leading nowhere...

As we all know we have seen or experienced this very thing.
Some, pathways have no profitable destinations.
So, I ask you this;
How can becoming a Godly woman be worthy and profitable?

A woman who will choose the right path can change a life,
and turn a country around!
Daily she can take steps that lead to a known destination.

A woman who keeps the home fires burning.
Keeps the home alive...
Our world needs women who will choose this path!

 Homemakers who love God! 
Living from Glory to Glory Blog

 Who will lead the next generation of Young Ladies?

Who, will desire to take the path that will keep our homes set apart!
 and for bringing Glory to the Lord!

May becoming a Homemaker never be looked at, as a path
that leads to nowhere!

 I have noticed a trend on how married couples, have put off having children!
 They have made the decision to save enough money till they can afford children.
Others do not ever want to have children!

They are just waiting...

I do not want to be judgmental or critical in any way;
But I can't help but wonder if being a Mother or Father has
lost it's appeal for this generation?

I have purposed in my heart not to be a Christian woman who does not
 Just blend and fit into a culture of friends or family.
 In other words, to not just rock the boat!

Being a light, sometimes can annoy others!
We are called to be set apart!

I have always admired the pioneer spirit of women and men who
would be willing to travel the path less traveled!
Do you think we should be more willing to not just go along
with the crowd?
The Lord has said that His path is narrow...
But Lord help us to discern those paths that lead to

We are all looking for more freedom and self expression!
At what cost may I ask this generation?

The Lord said to multiply;
We are not even replacing ourselves!

I do understand the problem with most the worlds problems
Come from a three letter word!!

May we ask the Lord to show us His path of righteousness and holiness
Living and looking for that narrow road in life's situations!

Living From Glory to Glory...


  1. I loved this! I love knowing there are kindred spirits who have jumped on the narrow road that leads to life also, regardless of what is politically correct!

  2. Oh! I love this: No Where or Know Where! Great post, Roxy!!

  3. Perhaps it was the ultimate interruption... It is sad that couples who desperately want children are unable to have them. Those who do not want them, should not have them imho. We have enough dsyfunction without that. And, you're right! We're not even replacing ourselves. It's a crazy, upended world and it certainly is sin-filled.

  4. Sometimes I feel like my path is going nowhere, but then I remember God's promises to me and I know that there is purpose in all things. Such a great analogy and perfect walkway.

  5. My thought when I saw that path was that someone forgot to "count the cost," and gave up because they ran out of money or time. Or it was just too much work. It tells me we need to persevere even when things get hard, and "finish the race."

    Have a wonderful weekend Roxy.

  6. Great post are always an inspiration to me! I love the reference of a path to nowhere or Know Where....makes you think! Thanks for sharing...:) Have a lovely Labor Day weekend.

    Blessings, Vicky

  7. My son and daughter-in-law have delayed having children because my son is a student and they couldn't afford the rent and other living expenses (we live in a very expensive city) without his wage. However I know once he has finished his IT course they will start.

    I wrote today about the importances of "home" and took several quotes from Cheryl Mendelson's book "home comfort" and she describes the current situation as home and housework as being ad-hoc which is so true.

  8. Yes,my prayer is to KNOW, each day, the right path! Love this post.

  9. I agree Roxy, what's the purpose of a path if it takes us nowhere? I want a path to lead me to a beautiful place! Those who choose to not have children do not realize the glorious blessing they are passing up. Taking that path is one of the most joyous blessings in my life!

  10. I couldn't agree more! And so well said. Thank you for the sound encouragement to remain where we are. Have a great week!

  11. Wonderful and encouraging! I love what you wrote Roxy! Thank you for also linking it up with the Art of Home-Making Mondays this week :) I know this will bless others...


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!