Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I'm So Excited...

When was the last time you were this excited?

I really just got a kick out of this sweet little girls' enthusiasm.
She is a great example of what it might look like!

I am learning to take joy and pleasure in life moments!
Really each day has so many opportunities to be excited...

Sometimes we can feel so worn out it is hard to show enthusiasm 
for much of anything.
But this is where we need to give ourselves a good talking to!

It is a very good practice to choose joy!

Like can seem very unpredictable, yet we all know that
God alone is in control...

What are some of the moments in your life that bring a smile?
Or maybe a squeal of delight.

I am so excited; I get to go and meet our newest
Grand Daughter!

What a blessing Motherhood is!
Did you ever think that the Motherhood stage in your life would of gone so fast?
I think I blinked...

Being excited will set the atmosphere and tone for your marriage.
It sets the tone for the family.
We can feel that time is marching on, so why not
get your boots on, and start beating the pan!
And singing at the tops of your lungs!

At first we might feel a bit undignified,
But really, your children or grandchildren will think
You're something special!!

We have so much to be thankful for and to be filled with
Joy that is described in the Word is not due to
Favorable circumstances;
But rather a hope and love for Him and those He has given us!

Sure, my joy bucket feels dry once in a while;
But then and there I must stop and patch that hole,
that allowed my joy to leak out!

Sometimes it may be un-forgiveness
It may even be just not getting enough rest.
It can even be what we might call being a stick in the mud!

Do something special!
Make this moment magical!
Give out hugs like they were real!

Pray for special God assignments to bless others!
Have you blessed someone today?

Dear Ones we are all accountable for this day;
What a difference a day makes;
So make it count for His Glory...

I'm so excited I just can't hide it....
I got sunshine on a cloudy day...

Never ever let the song in your heart die!
Sing to the cows come home!

I believe we can encourage ourselves by singing with melody in
Our Hearts...
Or on my case a joyful noise unto the Lord!


  1. Oh Roxy,
    I'm so excited for you to get to go and see your precious new grand baby. That gives me joy as well.
    I pray you have a wonderful, delightful and safe trip. Give my love to all of them. This is a precious post, and so well said.
    Love and Blessings,

  2. You were speaking directly to me today Roxy! You don't know how much I needed this. I have been having a hard time keeping my many things going on around me trying to steal it, but I refuse to let it! I'll just keep patching that ole in the bucket! How exciting to meet your new granddaughter...:) Enjoy my friend.

    Blessings, Vicky

  3. Congrats, Roxy, on your new granddaughter! You must be soooo excited! (That photo was really cute!)

    I have been encouraged by your words tonight. I've been struggling lately to be joy-full. It's not my nature, but that is so often an excuse on my part. For as you pointed out, joy can be a choice we make.

    So, even though life is getting me down lately, I'll choose to focus on the Lord. For in Jesus, Only You - there is true JOY!


  4. Congrats on the new grandbaby!

    Another excellent reminder that because of Jesus...I have the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart!
    I have the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart to stay!

  5. I have been so excited this week - our son has decided to return home to stay as rentals are just so hard and causing too much stress. We have come up with a wonderful solution that will cater for his needs and give him independence. It might have some costs attached but will work wonders in the long term. God has been so good with the quick solution :))

  6. PS and congratulations with the new grand baby - I can imagine your excitement :)))

  7. I'm excited now! You have encouraged this old heart and I thank God I read your post this morning, now my day is going right! Thanks again. Enjoy the blessing of your "Grand"daughter!

  8. Yay! I'm excited that you're excited, sweet friend :) I'm so glad you get to go meet your new granddaughter - oh what a sweet joy!

    Thank you for this post, dear Roxy. I have missed reading your words. Take care, dear one! Hugs to you

  9. Your excitement and joy are coming right out of my laptop Roxy! Have a wonderful trip to see the precious new baby!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!