Monday, September 1, 2014

There Is Work To Be Done...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

There is work to be done;
Today is a day that we have been given to Labor;
To work while it is yet day!

It does not matter if you are building a nation.
Or building an army!
Planting a vineyard or planting a cotton field!
We are to Labor;
Guiding and guarding what is dear to us!
Loving and helping our children and families!

Nurturing all those we have been given to us...
They become a part of us, we need them as much as they need us!
In all our Labors it can become mind-boggling to all the
Needs that need attending to!
Our duties are pretty much 24/7

Whether you are a daughter, sister, aunt,wife,
Mother or Grandmother!
There is work to be done...

Pray for a renewed vision for your family!
Start this new day and chapter with this;
A Prayer
A devotion to Him and a plan that is in His hand!
We are not of a fairy tale material;
Like" Once Upon A Time"
We are rather of the book,
"In The Beginning"

Be not AWOL
Report for duty, set your hand to the task!
Do not look behind you, but look ahead to the lovely sunset,
When the day is done!
And you hear well done good and faithful servant!

It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.
(Psalms 18:32)

Living from Glory to Glory Blog...
Zote Soap
Have you ever used this soap?
It is so good to get out stains from clothes!
I had such a ball this last spring doing a little photo shoot!
Thought I might share a few of the pics with you!

Please feel free to PIN them on Pinterest if they might
Interest you!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I use these cloths pins really all the time!
Glory to Glory Blog...

Do you ever hang your clothes out on the line?
I still like to hang my towels, then I still pop them in the dryer
To fluff them up soft :o)


  1. PINK Zote soap, never heard of this product. Now I'm going to be on the hunt.

    My job title, as a Grandma, is Prayer Warrior! My job is never done.

  2. Your photo shot turned out lovely, Roxy.
    My sister uses that zote soap all the time, and she is wonderful in the laundry room. :)
    Beautiful post and so true.
    There is so much for us to be busy at as godly women, and may we glorify our King of Kings in it all.
    Blessings to you, Debbie

  3. Thanks for the inspiration and I love your laundry photos!! :)

  4. I always hang my clothes on the line unless it is raining. Most Australians do. I rarely use my drier. It's important to be busy . I find I sleep well at night if I've had a busy day. On days that I don't do much, I don't sleep anywhere as well.

  5. How many of you ladies have used the Zote bar soap? I love the color of the soap as it is a lovely pink!
    It works well at getting stains out!
    I had a lady in the store tell me she uses it for getting dried blood out. It is also a very large in size so it does last a long time. I think I paid about $2.00 a bar.

  6. Most people in my area were camping on Labor Day. It was so quiet here, no cars going by, no noises, that I felt we were out in the wilderness alone, and it ws not as expensive as a vacation. I spent the day sewing at home.

  7. I've never seen that soap. I have used Castile, though. It's great if you have hard water. Lovely photos!

  8. Loved the photos Roxy! That soap is fabulous! My mom taught all of the value of hard work. Not a lazy one among us 8 kids! Good job mom!

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  10. Loved the photos Roxy! That soap is fabulous! My mom taught all of the value of hard work. Not a lazy one among us 8 kids! Good job mom!

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  12. Duty is such a significant word. It changes the mindset entirely.


  13. Really?! I have to work? That's my duty?! Ah man.... so glad I'm on my tenth load of laundry now and I have cleaned all morning and now I have to get dinner going.... I thought I was gonna set on the couch and eat a bon-bon.

    Loved the post! I am honored to have job security daily....

    Thanks for the good reminder!



I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!