Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Clayton's Reunion And The News Clip...

Colorado Greenhorn Rescue, Survival in the wilderness,

Family Bond

We have many bonds in our lives with many people.
The strongest bond is one of a parent and a child;
And a child with a grandparent.
This is family!

But let us take notice of another family bond;
The Body of Christ;
Where your children, become important to us all!

Children and the Body of Christ is the realization that we
All have a heavenly Father who cares and has a plan for each of us!

God asks us this very question;
Are you not you're brother's keeper?

Our entire family wants to Thank each and every person that lifted up a prayer
Was given in our grandsons behalf.

No one found our grandson;
It was only God who led him from the forest.
We were told that this part of the forest is referred to as hell,
Because of its dark and dense conditions.

The search party was not even looking in the right place on this mountain.
Only God knew where he truly was at every moment of every hour;
Of a 27 hour ordeal!

May we all stop nit picking on those we love; and realize that
most irritations are very small in the grand scheme of things!

Wisdom is not usually lofty and high.
But rather God's command to love one another;
As you love yourself!

Only a few brave ones will lay down their lives for others.
We do this in prayer for others!
We do this with actions by helping others!
Just giving a cup of cold water in His name will bring Him Glory!

Here is the TV news clip of his story!

Please click below;



  1. Oh my.. I can only imagine how you all felt.. But to God be the glory.. He is such a dear and faithful Lord..It is wonderful to be a part of the family of God.. xo

  2. Such good news. It sounds as though he is a very level headed young man.

  3. Roxy, as I was standing in my kitchen this morning making my breakfast this news story came on my local news!! In NC! I just found out yesterday about the ordeal as I had not been on any blogs over the weekend. My heart is just so full of gratitude to God for His protection over your family! Although most of us blogging buds don't know each other personally, we still have a connection through what the Lord has us share on our blogs. I have NO DOUBT that all of the prayers that went out on Clayton's behalf through churches, blogs...however...is the reason for his safe return. Your son's touching account on the news story made me cry...I could personally feel his relief and gratitude as he talked about your kids never getting too old to worry over, as I have one especially that I have cried a million tears over...and he is 35. May God bless you Roxy and your family as you continue to serve Him faithfully. Praise God for His goodness!

  4. What a precious grandson!
    I praise God for keeping him safe and being found.
    The love poured out for him didn't surprise me. You have some very loving and supportive friends who care.

  5. I can only repeat what I told Amy, it is hard for all of us to stop crying or rejoicing. We are so thankful to God for his safe return. We love you all so much and
    continue to pray for blessings and peace to you all. Thanks for sharing the great post and news clip.

  6. Praise the Lord!
    Praise His Holy Name!
    God Bless You All, Roxy.

  7. Thanks for the update Roxy and the beautiful sweet reunion picture of Clayton and his family. I watched the interview and Clayton seemed to have a peace about his circumstances, no doubt from the many prayers. Thank you Lord for bringing this boy back to his family.

  8. Roxy...what an amazing grandson you have! I know how proud you must be! I am assuming this is your son also. WOW! Just a beautiful family and we are SO thankful everyone is safe and together again. Sending hugs!

  9. Oh, Roxy. I've been away from my computer--I was in Texas all last week and am just now getting caught up on things. Praise God for your grandson's safety!! Isn't it wonderful that you were able to use your blog to "rally the troops"--it's a wonderful thing when believers pray. Thank God!!!

  10. Oh Roxy...Our Lord is so good! Rejoicing here in the mountains my friend!!!

  11. Yes- Praise God! I actually saw this on our local TV station this morning! xo Diana

  12. I watched video. Such a wonderful father and son. God Bless both of them. Warms my heart. I am so happy for you Roxy. You are a special grandmother. Now relax and get some rest.

  13. Roxy, I have only just caught up with what's been going on as I've been away.

    Praise the Lord that your grandson is safe and well!! Prayer is powerful!
    xxx A

  14. Dear Roxie,
    I am so thankful this morning, as I read a further update to Clayton's story. Tears roll down my face watching the newsclip, and even now.
    What a composed and brave young man, and all glory to God for holding him in His hands throughout the ordeal.

    Blessings to you and your lovely family,
    Christine x

  15. I watched the video and it brought tears to my eyes again. So thankful he is safe and home again!

  16. I have no words... except, "Oh, how I thank You, God!"

    Hugs full of happiness,

  17. Tears of joy and thankfulness are streaming down my face as I read your words. God be praised for this amazing miracle!

    I watched the video and was very impressed with Clayton's calm - he has been taught well and that is a blessing.

    Love and hugs to you, my friend!

  18. That news clip was so touching and heart-warming! Your son has taught his son well, and so special to see the love between them. Thank You Lord!

  19. Oh how the Lord blesses us with the protection of our children!
    Plus a very wise council to prepare our children for being able to care for themselves in the circumstances we live.

  20. I cannot imagine how you must have felt while Clayton was missing and I hope I never have to. I am so thankful that he found his way out of the woods and back to you all. God is good ALL the time.....ALL the time, God is good. Have a blessed week....Vicky

  21. I can't imagine how your family felt this past week! What power there is in prayer... It is times like these where we realize what is REALLY important. Thank God he is reunited with his family again!

  22. Roxy! Glory to God! I'm so happy he is safe and sound with his family! So awesome that he kept his cool and didn't panic! Have a great day. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  23. The news report was awesome Roxy. Gave me goosebumps! What a brave boy! God certainly was looking out for him. So happy that he is home and safe!!

  24. Thank You God. I am so relieved he is safe and he did so well. I'm sure you are very proud of him.


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