Sunday, October 19, 2014

Our Grandson Has Been Rescued...


We have witnessed a miracle and answered prayer!
Out Grandson has been found and he is healthy.
I do not know the whole story, but they allowed him to call me!

My heart is full of gratitude and my faith in God did not waver.
Scared and the longest 24 hours of my life.

Rescue workers and dogs and even a helicopter helped in the search!
I will forever be grateful for all your prayers and love you all
extended to myself and our family;
But mostly for praying for our grandson.

Will share more another time!


  1. Praise Our Lord! Prayer was answered! Hallelujah!!!! Oh Roxy, what wonderful news. I have been checking your blog for updates, and what wonderful news to read your words.


  2. Read about this on Stephanie's blog and have prayed fr him.
    So delighted.

  3. Oh Roxy, so very glad to hear your beloved boy is safe! God is so good!
    Christine xx

  4. Praise God!
    Hallelujah and blessings to your family.
    (our church prayed for you and your family today, they will be thrilled to get this good news!)

    God is good!

  5. Praise Jesus, my friend! I am shouting hallelujah to the Lord right now :)

    I am not sure if you realized it, but that was me that called you a little whil ago and I said, "Hi! Is this Roxy? This is Stephanie from The Enchanting Rose." I know your phone was ringing off the hook so I did not want to keep you, but it was a huge blessing taking to you and hearing that your grandson was found. God is so good, loving, and caring.

    Love you!

  6. Praising the Lord with you! Thank You, Jesus!

  7. Wonderful news and another reason to be thankful....hopefully, this should never happen again!

  8. Oh Roxy, this is the first I heard of this. How frightening for you all. Praise be the the Lord for His mercies! What wonderful news.

  9. Our Lord knew where he was all the time! I'm deeply grateful, Roxy, for all those who searched for your precious grandson and RESCUED him! Praise God, praise God, praise God!

    Dear Mari is the one who informed me this morning here on Guam where America's Monday has begun!

    Hugs and oh! Happy day to you!

  10. Before heading to sleep, I came here to check your blog for an update and found this answer to prayer! We immediately prayed and thanked God for your grandson's safe return home!

  11. I'm just now learning of this. Praise the Lord that he was found and is safe!

  12. Roxy~ We have never met but as a grandmother my heart went out to you and I prayed for your grandson and your family. So grateful to our Heavenly Father for bringing him safely home! I learned of your prayer need through Stephanie and her blog. God is good!

  13. Oh yes, Lord!! Thank You so very much for this miraculous rescue, and for bringing Clayton back to the loving arms of his family. Thank You for upholding Roxy and her family. Thank You for all You do for us. For Your protection, Your provision, and Your peace.

    This came to my mind, Roxy:

    "What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." (Matthew 10:29-31, NLT)

    God's eyes never stopped watching Clayton, and His arms held him securely until he was found.

    Praise His wonder-full name!


  14. Praise the Lord! I am so happy to hear Clayton was found and healthy. I just knew our faithful and loving Father was going to deliver him safely back to you all. To God the glory! Thanks so much for updating.

    Blessings, Vicky

  15. Praise the Lord! I saw on Stephanie's blog this morning before we left for church that your grandson was missing so we joined in prayers for his safety. The Lord is marvelous! Blessings to all.

  16. Read about this on Diana's blog.
    Praise God for the blessed news!!!
    Love to you, dear Roxy.

  17. Bless God! I didn't see your last post until now. So glad he's safe!

  18. I am thrilled they found your grandson!!!
    It struck terror in my heart when I saw your comment on my blog.
    Thank you for letting me know.I will update my followers.

  19. Praise the Lord! I'm so glad to hear the good news!

  20. Oh, thank you, Jesus.. Saw your need on Kelley's Highway this am .. So happy for you all.. Our God is always faithful... xo

  21. I didn't know of your grandson's peril until this evening.So happy he is safe. God did indeed stay with him.

  22. Rox,
    We are all rejoicing for you. We can not say enough how happy and thankful we are for all the answered prayer. We love you all so much, and love that boy so much. God is awesome. Thank you Jesus.
    Love and blessings,

  23. I was so happy to hear that he had been found safe and sound, Roxy. I put a follow up post on my blog right away so that people would know their prayers were answered and that God was in control....and they need not worry any longer. Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight. I'll be anxious to hear the whole story at some point- xo Diana

  24. OH what a wonderful praise report !
    Just makes me tear up !
    Glad he is okay . Thanks for letting us know .

    W have had prayers go out from across the united states we are thankful! Now, to rest and be thankful!
    A hug to all...Mayo's

  26. I didn't realize grandson had been missing until I saw this post, Praise God he is safe and well

  27. Hullo Roxy your post came up on my feed so singing with joy with you, what wonderful God we serve indeed! I pray it is life changing event for him and he grows closer to the LORD thought this experience... may we all grow more each day, as Paul exhorted believers so many years ago and us too in todays age..
    .. may we "Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ" - a great daily prayer..
    .. haven't been blogging for a few weeks or so :D Shaz in Oz.x

  28. God has everything under control. You are truly blessed. Thank you..Thank you, Jesus.

  29. Roxy,

    I am so glad he was found--praise God! I miss your visits and hope you can stop by sometime soon. ♥

  30. Dear Roxy, I am so very happy!!! I did not know about this until I just read on Nana Dianas blog. Had to hop over and say how thankful I am! God does answer prayers!

  31. Dear, dear, Roxy. My heart knows all that I want to say, but I cannot express it all in words. I am thankful to our all-loving Father in Heaven for the safe return of Clayton. I am thinking especially of you and your family now as you recover from the trauma of the experience.

    Lesley xxxxx

  32. How wonderful! I only heard about it a few hours before he was rescued via Danielle's Facebook but was praying over here in Scotland too. I can't even begin to imagine what you all went through but so happy for you that he has been found.

  33. Praise God, He is always in control!

  34. Oh my! Praise God! I can not imagine those hours of not knowing and I am rejoicing with you that they have been replaced by the joy of rescue.

  35. Just now reading all of this...and the updates...PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!

  36. Roxy,
    praising the Lord for answer to prayers and so happy (happy dancing)for you and your family that your grandson is found and home safe.

    Janet Westrup.

  37. Praise be to our Father in Heaven.
    I'm so glad your Grandson is safe.

  38. Oh dear Roxy, I am just learning of this now as I have not been on blogger for a few days. Praise God I am reading the good news first .. that your grandson has been found safe and well. We serve a wonderful Father who hears the prayers and intercessions of His people on behalf of others and answers them. Thanking Him right at this moment!

  39. Oh Roxy! What a terrible time of waiting and worry! I am so glad it's all over for you and Amy's son and family. Let's praise God for his goodness...

    Singing praises,

  40. Praise God Roxy!!! How absolutely horrible and scary that must have been. I am so glad your faith in the One Who *made* those mountains (and that boy of yours) didn't waver! :D

  41. yes we did see that on tv.

    Praise the Lord his home and save.

  42. Thank you, Lord, for answered prayer.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!