Friday, November 21, 2014

Cooking Up Memories...

Please enjoy this Thanksgiving Season...

It could be the last one that you get to spend with those you love!

It could be the last one to be able to gather to count your blessings!

We are not promised tomorrow dear ones;
But we have this day...
Make it a good one!

Setting the table this year may be one less for some.
We can become sad when we reflect on those who have passed on.

I miss my Mother during the holidays
So what I am saying today is this;
You have been given another day and maybe a season
~To love and to cherish~

Keep telling yourself it is up to me the Lady of this house,
To try to instill the blessings!

What are the blessings?
Honoring someone...
Serving with grace...
Speaking kind words...
Gentle actions...

The whole world feels the weight;
But really nothing is happening new under the sun.

So pull ourselves together and get the turkey and the stuffing!
Let's Roll (get it roll)
Make some tangy and tart (Cranberry Sauce)
Taters mashed and gravy in the gravy bowl...
Sweet Potato's
Jello in all kinds of colors, with hidden objects inside :o)

Oh my, don't forget the pie!

You're not just cooking dinner for family and guest;
You are giving of yourself to impart memories that stay
For all the days of your life!

Who might not be sitting with you at your next meal?
Holidays or every evening meal,
We sometimes need to think of this thought to teach us
"To Count Our Blessings"

My heart goes out to all those who have lost a loved one his past year.

Is there a special memory you have from a Thanksgiving you
remember that makes you smile?


  1. Such a timely reminder Roxy. Have a peacefilled holiday.
    Love, Shirley

  2. Good Morning Rox,
    I am up and sipping my coffee and reading your lovely post. what a treasure it is. It is a wonderful word and reminder of the view we should have every day.. and perfect for this time of year. So glad we get to have another Thanksgiving with you and Danny this year… we will keep chalking up those memories and those Holidays together, no matter where we are.
    Love ya,

  3. Amen! We never know that life will bring our way! I do believe the older I become, the more I treasure the moments! I so love this post Roxy! Wishing you a beautiful Autumn weekend!

  4. Hi Roxy, what a lovely Thanksgiving post and so very true. We never know when it could be our last day. How do we want to spend it?? This holiday is the perfect time to share with our family and friends just what they mean to us. There's always a lot of love to give when we open our hearts.
    God Bless you and thank you for this reminder post!!

  5. Good message! We make a recording every Thanksgiving of all the things each person is thankful for. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

  6. I was a bit shocked when you first mentioned that someone might not be with us next year. But you tell the truth! We never know!
    Your point is well taken with me.
    I'm going to serve a bunch of LOVE with each dish and plate.
    Again, you made me stop and think.

  7. Make everyday a celebration! This was our motto at the nursing home where I worked. They knew their days were numbered. We need to live the same way. Need to take a while tomorrow and spend some time in giving thanks.

  8. Yes, Roxy: The compelling question is, "Who might be sitting with us for their last Thanksgiving this year?!"

    We were having our family prayer time together one night this week and I felt impressed so strongly by these words: "What is this was your last Thanksgiving together? Live today as if it's your last."

    Honestly, I got up from there later with a zealous determination to give it my best-- TODAY, not just Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. Tomorrow's not promised, period!

    Thank you x 18, Roxy,


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!