Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday In The Country...


Just a few of my favorite things;
Waffles on a Saturday morning with my family!
My Hubby actually enjoys making these up for us.
I love them warm off the griddle and served with real butter an syrup.

I love a well browned fresh sausage patty with my eggs and waffle.
I think breakfast is the best meal of the day!
I also love Bacon...
My friend made me laugh years ago, they did not eat meat;
But I did have bacon all fried up to serve with the breakfast meal.
And she was eating some bacon and I asked all shocked,
I thought you didn't eat meat?
And she smiled and said
"Bacon is not meat!"
I still get a chuckle over that one...

In the evening it is so relaxing to sit with a skein of yarn,
And to work on a project on these cold nights.

Crocheting mostly, but did teach myself the basic knitting skills
last year. One of my Grandsons will be getting that camo one.

I just pulled my Mother in laws, directions for a Granny square,
Really, it is way easier than the one I have in my book.

Do any of you have one that is easy I could get a copy of?

Looking for a few easy craft ideas to make for gifts!

Here is one of my favorite fragrances

I really think 'White Shoulders' is  probably my Hubby's favorite;
And I think all the Grandchildren think it is what I smell like :o)

Well, we have wood to split today and a project to make.
This next week is my Birthday and Thanksgiving.

What are a few of your favorite things?


  1. Yum! Your pictures look delicious! :)

    Madelyn was *quite* excited to receive the package from you! She absolutely loved the apron! She will be sending a thank-you quite soon!

    Thank you, also, for the small gift for me. So kind of you, truly! :)

    I hope you have a lovely weekend!


  2. Ahhhh! Great minds!! I made pecan waffles this morning for breakfast with bacon! It was so delicious and a real treat for my husband. We have pancakes often when the grands are here, but I prefer waffles. Other favorite things? Rainy days like today and reading a good book cozied up with a blanket. Have a wonderful day! Splitting wood doesn't sound fun, but enjoying the wood in the fireplace does.

  3. Hello! During the week, I make oatmeal and pancakes for breakfast. On Saturday and Sunday-before Church, I make Biscuits, gluten free for me; sausage (pork for my husband, homemade turkey for me)homemade fried potatoes that I boil up the day before and eggs. I make gravy out of regular milk for my husband and rice milk for me. Today I worked on making up some cookbooks for a Christmas craft fair to be held at my daughters next month. I make a gluten/dairy free cookbook. It also has carob choices instead of chocolate and I use honey and coconut palm sugar instead of white sugar. We also got a load of wood today. It's raining today so perfect for sitting by the woodstove and reading. Hope you have a good weekend!

  4. I love your favorites...I used to wear white shoulders in my pre-allergy days. Stay warm and toasty and have a very blessed Thanksgiving, sweet friend!

  5. Oh, looks like a lovely day!
    Enjoy the rest of your Saturday sweet friend!
    Blessings to you~

  6. What a cozy Saturday post. I love the waffles… the heart shape is so cute. I used to wear White Shoulders years ago. My favorite grandma used to wear it, so it has happy memories to me. Sweet post; Happy Saturday.
    Love ya,

  7. Mmm...waffles and these together. And since I named my blog My Favorite Things I have so many if! I guess this time of the year, it would be just the anticipation and preparation of the Thanksgiving dinner. I also look forward to leftovers and different way to enjoy them. So, Happy Birthday to you Roxy and have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  8. We put our tree up yesterday, Roxy.

    I finished 1/3 of the ornaments I'm gifting to our three 2014 newlyweds. Monday we'll go buy their nativities-- hand carved here in the Philippines, a unique wedding gift.

    I photocopied some vintage Christmas sentiments that I'll use with my handmade Christmas (photo) cards.

    We had turkey chili and cornbread for supper yesterday. Cornbread baked in hot bacon grease in an iron skillet. Doesn't get any better than that!

    I have stockings to make from a linen jacket I thrifted recently, but that's after Thanksgiving's history. Going to be a fun week here AT HOME!!!

    Hugs and happy weekend,

  9. Sweet post, Roxy.
    Both of my daughters have that heart shaped waffle iron. :-) it was something I found years ago and put in their hope chests. I never bought myself one and always wished I had as I've never seen them since.
    I too once wore white shoulders and Giorgio, that was years ago, many in fact. :-)
    I do not wear perfume anymore since I began using essential oils, can't bring myself to put that stuff on. I enjoy the purity of the oils now as I'm older.
    Some of my favorite things: I love to play in the snow, take a walk on a cold brisk day then read a good country magazine by the fire side.
    Praising the Lord for our winter months.
    Sweet blessings my friend.

  10. Mmm... heart waffles! I have a heart waffle maker, but haven't used it in ages! I think I need to dig it out and make some "love" for my family.

    A few of my favorite things... snow, friendships, coffee with my husband, a tickling war with my son, wool socks, and cherry chapstick :)

    Hugs to you!

  11. I had to smile when you said about the bacon. I was a vegetarian many year ago but it was a bacon buttie that I couldn't resist and had to start eating meat again! My favourite things, sitting on a train on the way to London, the last day at work before Christmas, a rainy day and laughing with my two teens! Have a wonderful week x

  12. I love the smile I always come away with from reading your posts! I love breakfast to, and we often have it for supper! :) I love your friend's comment on bacon! lol
    It is so relaxing to work on crocheted or knitted items. My daughter just made a camo pair of mittens for someone.
    I pray you have a blessed birthday full of things that make you know how much you are loved!
    One of my most favourite things is sitting out in the trees listening to the breeze in the branches. Plus the smell.... reminds me of when I was little. Then there is the mornings that my husband rolls over and pulls me close for a snuggle before the house awakens.
    The Lord is such a wonderful God in the amazing grace that he bestows to each of those who place their trust in Him. So thankful!

  13. I have the same heart-shaped waffle iron, and love to use it. And recently we realized we could make our grilled cheese sandwiches in it, too, even though the design on the sandwich is kind of off. Still tastes good though! Splitting wood is a lot of work (not speaking from experience, haha), but the result is wonderful, a lovely time knitting or reading in front of a fire!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!