Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Everything Is Just Peachy...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Artist: Carolina Elisabeth

Everything is just peachy...

I love life!
I heard that a lady had said I don't think I can make it for even another day.

I was thinking about that a lot today;

I am learning not to dwell on things that cause upset!
We are to think about things that will give us peace and hope.

I understand that this is not always easy!
But it is not impossible...
With God "All things are possible"

Training and disciplining our thoughts are huge!

Many women can talk themselves into a poor me attitude;
without much cause some days.
And I realize some days for women can be really overwhelming.
I don't make light of the stress of women;
I just offer a small bit of advice;
 if practiced often, It will help you manage your stress.
Stress does not magically go away;
"But rather it must not be able to control you!"

But I have learned a fine art many years ago;
And I still practice it often, almost daily.

It is this one thing;
   Stop and realize that I need to take a break and
Prepare a special cup of tea or coffee for myself.
And sit in a comfy chair and look at a magazine that inspires me.
Maybe read another chapter in a book that I am enjoying!
Skim through a recipe book for inspiration!
Write a note to a friend!

Taking a bit of time to get refreshed before I start my evening chores.
We all know how many hours we spend making meals and cleaning up!
So I try to have a little time to reflect.

So then I can enjoy the evening meal and the fellowship!

Enjoy these long winter nights!
Stay warm and get ready for some holiday company!
Enjoy this season!

May you never feel that you can not make it through another day!

Remember, even David had to encourage himself in the Lord...


  1. Oh wow, this was for me! I don't know why but I am experiencing a lot of anxiety tonight. Heart palpitations, easily annoyed etc. I needed the reminder to be quiet. Time to log off, take a hot lavender bath and read.

  2. It is so easy to get caught up in the frustrations and activities of every day that we forget to take those moments to ourselves and just unwind and just "be". Great post, Roxy. xo Diana

  3. I think we all have things in our lives that can cause us to feel sorry for ourselves or feel stressed. Sometimes it's hard to get out of those places, you can feel almost crushed. But what has always helped me is to try to find the grace moments in each day and to be thankful for those (grace moments=blessings) Sometimes it's hard to even do that, that's when I cry out to the Lord for a truth to help me through...he has always been faithful to do that. (either through his word or from a fellow believer that might point me to his word.

  4. Taking time for myself when I feel overwhelmed is necessary. It changes everything for me.

  5. This is vital information. Vital truth!

    We absolutely must train ourselves to "get it fixed!" Who do we want to BE? Who do we want to BE LIKE?

    Wherever we go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine (D'Angelo said that).

    I don't want to be a horrible warning for younger women. I want to be a good example!

    Hugs and happy week,

  6. And God continues to remind me to speak life. Thanks for speaking life into me today.

  7. A very good and inspiring post, Roxy! Thanks for sharing God's wisdom!

  8. Hi Roxy, yes this is a hectic time of year and I love an afternoon tea or coffee and to catch up on reading a magazine or some blog friends. I think I'm going to try and be really organized this year and not get run down and sick with a bad cold for once! LOL! Thanks for this sweet reminder to slow down.

  9. Hello There!

    This was indeed a great post. It's always so timely too. It's sad when people just want to give up. I loved that even David needed a little encouragement along the way. So, why don't we?

    I am sharing this on my FB page today.

    I hope you are staying warm. It's beyond freezing outside! Brrr!

    Hugs and Blessings,

  10. Hi Rox,
    How are ya? I've been checking in a few times, but have missed you. Love the post. I think you had wonderful advice. We do need to be reminded of how to deal with depression and struggles and weariness with life. I have often done what you suggested, and always felt better.
    Love ya

  11. Great advice. When the negative thoughts try to work their way into my mind, I want to replace them with the thoughts God has for me. I remember a line from annemof Green Gables when Anne said she was in the depths of despair. Marilla told her to be in the depths of despair was to turn her back on God. I've thought of that a lot. I am thankful for the hope we have in Christ. I remember examples of people like Corrie ten Boom.

  12. Roxy~ this was a truth provoking post that I believe we all struggle with. You shared some good advice that one can do to think on better things.
    "Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus." That its the verse I meditate on when my thoughts get away from me.
    I appreciated what your friend Nonnie said from Ann of Green Gables," to be in the depths of despair is to turn our backs on God." Isn't that so true!
    It was lovely visiting you here this evening.
    This week has been quiet with my parents.
    Sweet blessings to you, friend.
    Joy! Debbie


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!