Monday, November 10, 2014

What is Blogging Accomplishing In My Life...

What is blogging accomplishing in our lives?

Cold and Blustery Day

Saying goodbye to summer and fall again!
It is a bittersweet feeling...

As I love being cozy in my home and thinking of what;
I might bake or cook
Pondering what book I shall read next!
Digging into God's Word!
Learning to be still and know He is God!

Everyone is told this very thing;
Everything that has breath praise the Lord!

The storms of life will come!

Sometimes you can see a storm rolling in out where we live,
But sometimes a storm can catch you by surprise!

Can we always be well prepared for what is blowing in?

I think we are able to withstand so much if we are well
grounded and we have a firm foundation in Christ!

What really matters to you?
I believe my relationship with the Lord is my mainstay for everything!

Relationships are the most important...

Fellowship is God's way of teaching us unity and compassion!

Are you inquiring of the Lord today?
Are you accessing your values and goals?

Are we wasting precious time?
Only Christ can show us where we are spinning our wheels!

God is so gracious and we live in a grace place;
Paid with Christ blood;
A Pastor friend reminded me of this statement
"We are not Our own"

Are we all just trying to be heard through blogging?
Is blogging fulfilling an empty spot?
(That only God can fill)

Am I just trying to make a name for myself?
Is this what God has called me to do?
Or is this just another passing fad in the world according to me?

So, I might ask you is this?
What is blogging accomplishing in your life?

May we not look back and wish we had done something different;
With our time and energy and resources.

Living From Glory to Glory

Take some time to read the comments!
Leave one yourself to share why you blog or just enjoy reading them!


  1. I am blogging as my ministry. I have struggled with my health for many years so God has blessed me with a ministry to women through blogging. I thank Him every day for it. I love it and I love helping women learn God's Truth. I can reach many more women through the Internet than I could any other way so I am very thankful.

  2. Hi Roxy, As the sole caregiver for my husband, blogging is a way for me to have friends from around the world from the comfort of my home. I am thankful for the Christian women I have met and the prayers we say for one another through the happy and the sad times. I believe that God uses our blogs to connect like-minded women/men. It is not about the best photos or the most followers or comments but about people who would visit if I posted a gray blob!!!!!

  3. In my life, I have come to the conclusion that writing is a form of release for me. It is my way to share my thoughts but also the many, many blessings that have My God has bestowed upon us. Not in material things, but in how we accept every single moment in this life.

    Blogging has become a unique way to connect with encourage others to see the light at the end of that very, very dark tunnel.

    Prayers, even from people that I may never meet, lifted up with pure intention, can change a situation deep inside each one of us.

    I feel blessed by your words Roxy, every time I stop by and read them. Just like I do when I stop by other's blog spaces. I do feel that I have to control those times when the computer has a greater pull than my daily life does.

    But I am thankful that those urges are not happening as often as before :0)


  4. My original plan in blogging was to record memories and the things the grandchildren say and do, a kind of journal for me. That is why I post a lot of pics because I print out my blog in a book and have enjoyed having those memories in book form.

    I didn't want it to be for anyone other than my family to read, but a friend encouraged me to make it public. I have enjoyed meeting other bloggers and reading their blogs, however, I don't want to be consumed with it and I do try to be a good steward of my time with it. Above all, my goal is to reflect my love for the Lord and please him with my words and I also enjoy trying to be an encouragement in my comments to others.

    We have to be careful not to find ourselves comparing our lives to others, which can cause either pride or depression.

  5. I read your blog regularly along with several other similar blogs. The combined effect has been to help me reach a more mature outlook with my Christian faith. I appreciate your blogging very much - thank you :)

  6. Blogging has been about many different things for me, in the beginning it was about my experience with breast cancer, and how God met us during that time. It's evolved over time, I use it to document our everyday life for my children and grandchildren. It's a place to document the everyday and how God is faithful regardless of what life may look like. I want my family and anyone else who might stop by to grasp that truth. We serve a faithful God. My purpose is to encourage others and glorify him. As an added benefit I have connected with many Christian woman who have prayed for and encouraged me.

  7. Hi Rox,
    Nice post. Have missed you these last few weeks… so much happening for me in this recent season. I think I can take a breather now. It feels so nice. To me blogging is an outlet for sharing fellowship, ideas, inspiration, teaching, recipes, creativity and love. Sometimes it is easy to keep up with, and other times it is not. Like anything it can become an obsession, a legalism, a distraction or a joy… always Jesus and loved ones must be first. Have a great week. Talk to you soon.
    Love and Blessings,

  8. Roxy, you are truly reaching many with your thoughtful posts and faith. So glad to call you friend. I put your lovely tea cozies on the blog tonight. Here:
    Thank you again. I waited for the gorgeous fall light to capture the beauty of that fabric. It really shines in that light. Such pretty fabric and cozies!

  9. Blogging for has changed over the years, just like I have.
    It started out as a expression, then a creative outlet, then for my grandchildren. Next for my friends who live far away and now for my new friends, who blog. These days I mostly blog for myself. I'm content to be where and who I am.

    Reading other blogs is so fulling and very touching. They minister to me.

  10. Great post, Roxy. That is a good question at the end. For me blogging is an outlet- a record of sorts of all the little everyday things that happen to me and my kids/grands. It is also a record of what I find funny in this old world and hope that the kids will remember my sense of humor long after I am gone.

    I also use my blog to ask for prayers for those that need prayer and I try to do follow ups so that people can see God working in lives through prayers sent up.

    Hope you have a great week. xo Diana

  11. I blog to rech out to other Christain ladies and share fellowship. It's also love.y to meet new likeminded friends and stop and chat together for a while. Blogging has also blessed me with meeting other christan ladies like yourself who are so full wise words and advice :))

  12. Interesting things to ponder... Blogging was a way to share what I was doing in our life (and hear what others were doing as Keepers at Home) when we moved into the country very far away from family and friends. My husband thought it would help to fill some of the fellowship I was missing...

    Perhaps it has :)

    Hope to see you at our link up this week!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!