Monday, December 8, 2014


Living From Glory to Glory  The gift, The Present.

The Present

Women who refuse to face reality when it comes to a marriage,
Or our children!

We all have dreams or fantasies and expectations about
Our marriages and our children.
But it is usually  quite different from reality.

This reality or as I like to say;
"This is the way it is"

God says what are you going to do about it?

If you wait for reality to be different,
You will fail to handle the problem!

What I mean is this;
You need to use your energy in prayer and love!
We must trust God...
 As only He knows and sees the end from the beginning!

We need to see that we are now in this place called
False expectations
 Unmet expectations!

False expectations will keep you captivated and in a fantasy life!

Spending time grieving over what has not looked like
Your perfect marriage or relationships that meet your expectations.
Instead, start where you are!
Praise God for these people, because these are the very situations
That God will use to refine and grow you more into His character!

Use your energy praying and enjoying the simple gifts that are
at your door and that come into your life!

We must look at each day as a gift ( A Present)
Do not be ungrateful!
When you run life's race you will have trials!

All people are somewhere in the process or in
Complete rebellion...

God knows how you have been treated!
He is a God of Justice!

It is not are call...
But we do have a calling and we had better arise to it and enjoy
"The Present"


  1. I think we all start out with high expectations of what life SHOULD be like and then the reality is that what we EXPECT is really a dream. I agree-live each day to the fullest with WHAT you HAVE and WHERE you are at! Blessings- xo Diana

  2. This is a wonderful reminder Roxy, to be grateful! Eash day is a gift with unexpected surprises! It's up to us, isn't it? Hugs and love dear girl! Hope you are enjoying the Christmas season!

  3. I am growing to love you for all you pour into my life, Roxy. You're not much older, but it's like you are my "older woman". Thank you!

    Happy Christmas,

  4. Good post, Roxy! Every day is a gift, and we can either complain or enjoy it and be a blessing to others.
    My dad says one of the most encouraging things he ever heard a preacher say was, "If you're not struggling, you're not alive." Life can be hard, but God is good.

  5. wonderful post as usual

  6. Beautiful! Godliness with contentment is GREAT gain!

  7. This is so true Roxy and took me some time to learn! Thank you for sharing this wisdom with us and reminder us to embrace the "present" because that DOES affect our future :)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!