Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cozy Evenings...

Oh When The Winter Evenings Set In...

What to do in those early evenings, when it is so cold out and gets dark so early!

Learning to have contentment, even when the nights are long.
I think it feels rather cozy most nights;
But, winter can be very long as we all well know.

But I think it is important to find a few interesting and fun things,
that we can do in the evenings.

Reading is always very mindful;
But most evenings I may find myself a bit too tired to read!

I always liked the idea of having a card table set up, to have a puzzle on it!
(So you can sit for a little while and work on the puzzle)

Having a basket filled with skeins of yarn next to your chair;
Allows you a bit of creativity for a few quiet times.
( I am working on Granny Squares and scarfs)
Also dishcloths are a quick project.

A bit of television is okay,
 Watching more than one movie a night is too much!

I like to stay active, but I need something that is easy and relaxing!

Reading from the word before bed is very soothing...
Immersing ourselves in the word helps us get a peaceful nights sleep!

Maybe in the early evening you might need to check to see what is on,
 For the next day's activities.

Sometimes I will even get my clothes out and ironed and ready if
I will be leaving out very early the next morning.
(Thank God that is not very often)

Take some time and write in your Blessing Book;
(That is a special book where you write down your blessing from that day)

Realize that it is very important to rest and relax;
So we can start fresh again in the morning!

Have you ever heard the saying?
Burning the candle at both ends...

God wants us to stop and enjoy peaceful moments throughout the day.
But He also wants us to enjoy quiet and peaceful evenings and
 At Home with our loved ones!


  1. Hi! I just found your blog. What a lovely place to visit. I will be back often. God bless.

  2. Love this post Roxy! I often feel like I am burning the candle at both ends, but I try to do just what you talked about here. I enjoy the simple things in life. Most folks don't like the fact that it gets dark so early, but I enjoy it. I enjoy many of the activities you mentioned as well. I am going to have to start a blessing that idea! There are so many things to be thankful for...and you are one of them! Thanks for being a blessing.

    Hugs, Vicky

  3. I love cozy evenings at home. I always put a scented candle on along with some tealights here and there, listening to some soft music, and reading blogs, or cross stitching or reading a nice decorating magazine. There is no place like home! Blessings, Diane

  4. A good post and I have a habit of burning the candle at both ends but I am trying to stop that.

  5. My dad, who lives alone these days, likes to do jigsaws in the evenings and has one on the go all the time - usually the 1000 or 2000 piece. He says it helps him sleep!!

    I often watch a DVD (we hardly ever watch TV), read for around an hour at bedtime, quilting or sewing, check out ideas on my iPad (which I use in the lounge room). I love the evenings as its the quietest part of the day and I enjoy that. As it is summer here at present, I quite like an evening walk or just sitting outside and watch the sun set.

    Have a lovely week :)

  6. Dear Roxy, this post was beautifully written and so encouraging, thank you! I hope you have a beautiful weekend further! With love, Kelly-Anne

  7. This is a wonderful post, Roxy, and one I needed to hear today. I have been burning the candle at both ends to try and "catch up" after having a couple weeks of not being able to do anything. Thanks for the reminder. xo Diana

  8. Winter is a slow-down, time for me. I'm finding myself more content to be at home. Sometimes just watching the fire is all I need.

  9. Hi Roxy,
    Beautiful post. I love cozy evenings and look forward to curling up with a good book, TV or having a project in my lap after a long paint day.
    I rather like it getting dark early and enjoying this time of year. It is a nice change and holds many blessings.
    Sending hugs for a nice evening!

  10. I really love cozy evenings at home. They are my favorite part of the day. So many of the things you mentioned I do, and am about to put up a puzzle "station" for our Christmas guests to play at.
    Enjoy your evening Roxy!

  11. Roxy! Hello, dear one :) I love a cozy evening, but it has been a while since we've had one with lots of people coming and going here. I thought once our young people were grown life would slow down just an eensy-weensy! Haha! We do schedule time to do a movie once in a while, but we are caring for 2 grandparents at long distance, so we are in the car A LOT! It is a refining time, and our Lord is helping us through it...Praise God, b/c I am very tired :) Sending warm hugs! Have a blessed time of reflecting on the most precious gift of Jesus!

  12. All good ideas for those long winter nights. I like the idea of a puzzle table and maybe I will learn how to knit or crochet again. I'll have to admit winter is a difficult time for me...but the Lord has something for us in each "season" doesn't he.
    Blessings to you!

  13. We've been burning the candle at both ends for months now with the restaurant. We're closing it during January and February. I cannot wait for a break to get back to full-time homemaking and homeschooling.



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