Friday, December 5, 2014

Making Deposits Or Withdrawals...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Life can be very taxing on our finances and our emotions!
On our health and our general well being.
That is why we have need of having a stash of saved up resources.
This is not just money; as we all know how fast that goes.
Scripture even says money has wings;

We need to have a heart filled with scripture and quotes and memories
That will help us get through the lean times.
Abundance of the heart is what we need!

Issues and trials are always just waiting to be introduced to us.
Every situation is either where we are making a deposit into our resources
We are making a withdrawal from it.

We have a spiritual bank, just like we a natural bank
Monetary and spiritual...

We know how we get more funds in the natural bank;
We save and be frugal and we plan, We learn to make wise financial decisions.
We gather little by little!

Our spiritual bank is very much increased in the same way;
We inquire of the Lord for each day at hand,
To make time to deposit a word in season into our heart;
As our minds will roam to find a wise word from the living word!
We can only make a withdrawal from a deposit, we have previously made!
Or it may come from a deposit made years ago.

God's word will not return void!
His word will bring the greatest dividends, then all other resources.

Seeing so many trying to make withdrawals from empty accounts is very sad indeed.
But our God is so gracious and moves with grace He covers all of our
Overdrafts in our meager accounts!

But being a wise steward requires some action on our part!
Be not like the sluggard;
Gather while it is yet day!
Precept upon precept...

I just wanted to make a comment that even though I used this picture;
Of this, 1 Minute devotion from Charles Spurgeon
It will require more time than 1 minute a day...

Please take time every day to eat from the full Banquet that
Is just waiting for us to feast upon...
Taste and see that the Lord is good!

Remember to use what God has given you wisely;
Being frugal so you can bless someone or a ministry that God has
Put upon your heart!!

Making gifts and sometimes just taking a picture and framing it,
Is a wonderful way to give someone a treasure.

We all must give account as to how we used HIS resources...
The money and time is not yours
~You my dear are just the steward of it~

I just feel I need to add this last thought here
Are you still making an active investment in your marriage?
Sometimes we can forget that this relationship needs a deposit daily also!

We can get so busy and self absorbed that we often can forget that,
The marriage relationship is used in this world as a picture of
Christ and His Church!!


  1. Thanks for the encouragement today Roxy! How wonderful it is to be able to feed on God's Word.
    So true about marriages to... they need to be fed as well!

  2. Wonderful thoughts, Roxy. I love Spurgeon. Thank God that is Word is Power!!

  3. Me ha encantado tu post, tienes cosas muy interesantes, felicidades por tu bloc. Te invito a visitar el mio, esta semana ponemos espíritu navideño en el exterior, espero que te guste. Ah! Si no eres seguidora deseo que te hagas, gracias por visitarme.Te espero en


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!