Monday, January 26, 2015

Coming Out Of Agreement...


Will you be tossed around as a wave in the sea?

There is a stronghold that can come upon a person's life;
From either opening a door on purpose or something that caught us
Completely off  guard...

I am so thankful that God gives us a way to turn from our wicked ways!
Our eyes are little cameras that take a snapshot of everything we see!
(Good and Evil)

Each and everyone of us has seen a picture that was not good;
We sometimes can see something just once and never be bothered by it!
Other times we can see just a snippet and be harassed by it.
The enemy is always looking for things that will trip us up.

So I think it is a wise thing to learn and exercise is control over our
Thoughts and images that have been imprinted on your minds.

Taking every thought captive is completely biblical!

But as with anything that has an evil intend, must be dealt with.
Firstly, God has called us to repent!
We're to repent of anything that God has not called good!

When we come before God almighty and ask for forgiveness;
Guess what what He forgives us...
Being forgiven allows us to see the freshness and purity of a restored relationship!

How to battle things imprinted is easy if you will not give up!
When that thought or image tries to come back;
You say NO WAY...

I have the mind of Christ;
I will take this thought captive and plead the blood of Jesus over my mind!

It will take practice, but I will tell you this, God has given us a way out!

Here is my post on Taking Every Thought Captive;
Click Here


  1. So very true, Roxy...once the image is in the brain, it's done...whether it be good or bad. "be careful little eyes what you see..." or should I say "be careful BIG eyes what you see..."
    Wise post, my friend :)

  2. So much truth! As I see my dear mother's life winding down so much of what you say reminds me of the great life she lived. You, my friend, remind me of the spirit of my wonderful mother!

  3. YES, yes, and a thousand more YESes!

    Hugs and happy week,

  4. Great post, Roxy! I battle with taking my thoughts captive daily but it is so necessary. I will be praying and suddenly I'm mentally making out my grocery list. I really enjoyed your post today.

  5. What a great challenge...and encouragement. Taking our thoughts captive is so important.... and needs to be done often. How easy it is to hang on to worry or other emotions that don't honor the Lord. Thank you for sharing this. :)

  6. Thankfully God is more than willing to help us with whatever we may be battling!

  7. "Taking every thought captive..." It's amazing how our thoughts can turn from good to bad in a matter of seconds. Growing up I was always told how important it is to memorize Scripture and now that I am older I realize just how important it is to have God's Word hidden in my heart.

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful post, sweet friend. Love to you!

  8. So true. Our thoughts can turn so very quickly. One of the reasons we need to be in the Word daily. What a beautiful post.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!