Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How To Become An Active Listener...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog; Artist Carolina Elizabeth
Artist: Carolina Elizabeth

Responding To Our Husbands

I wish I could stress enough how important this is...
Now lets just clarify right up front here ladies,
I am speaking about responding to them with our;
Words, our body language and tone of voice. And our listening to them!
And our loving them in physical ways of contact...

None of us appreciate  or enjoy being ignored when someone is not showing
Appropriate response in listening to us when we are talking.
It can be downright frustrating!

I realize at times we are so busy it is hard to just stop when, He
May be speaking to us!
We as women are always multi tasking;
But sometimes we just stop listening;
Sometimes we stop seeing the needs that are being displayed.

I can get so busy as he can also that we both realize we need some
ALONE time...

It does not matter whether you are a newlywed or have been married
For years. We all want to be heard!
And to not feel like we are talking to ourselves.

I think one of the most important skills we need to learn;
But more importantly is to use it!
Being an ACTIVE listener...

Blah blah blah

Husbands feel very disrespected when we do not listen to them.
When they are talking to us!

We can do so many things just right in so many arenas;
But I can tell you for sure this one thing that we might be doing;
Can and will cause great trouble!

I had an older woman tell me many years ago to STOP
Interrupting my Husband and to look at him when he was speaking to me!
Was my first thought, I was mad and embarrassed over this correction.
But she was right and very wise...
When I started doing as she suggested, the whole relationship blossomed!

We all need to be heard!
We all can learn to be an active listener!
We can respond with our eyes, and our head nodding!
We can respond in a way that he will be validated!

I am sure we have all experienced this;
When we are watching a movie;
And someone starts talking to us, we just space them out!
(Well, if this is the way you act all the time)
You can see that this can become a real source of trouble for a marriage.

Can you hear me?
Are You listening?

Do you think you are a good listener?


  1. Mmm. Roxy, are you reading my scheduled post for Wednesday? We're definitely on the same wavelength... And I say unto thee, "Ouch." Thanks for stepping on my toes. I needed that.


  2. a very good reminder to us all

  3. This is so true Rox. Listening is so important…. people are often more eager to talk than to listen. Excellent post; and yes, I'm listening, I can hear you… well said haha. Love you.

  4. Hi Roxy, this is very good and we all can improve upon listening to each other. Life gets so busy we must stop and listen as the moments are here so briefly.
    Yes, I am listening and I hear you!!
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hello Roxy..
    Yup, I'm listening. Sometimes I am guilty of "tuning" out. Must be more cognizant of listening more intently.

    Thanks so much for your sweet visit today! It was so nice to see you stopped by. Susan

  6. I needed this reminder...thank you:)

  7. Yes, we all need this reminder. Sometimes I do feel like I am talking to myself, you see my hubby is hard of hearing (very hard) and I have to repeat what I say 2or3 times and then at times explain it to him. I love him but it sure tries my patience. Thanks for reminding me to be a little more patient.

  8. I can't tell you how thankful that sister Kelly shared your post on FB ! What a blessing and breath of fresh air your site is to me.
    Linda Marie Finn
    Faithful Acres Homestead
    Faithful Acres Body Soul Spirit

  9. I definitely have room for improvement Roxy. I interrupt too much, and I don't give the focused attention that I should. My husband just called and told me he is returning home early. I'm going to pay attention.
    Thank you for teaching hard topics in gentle short lessons. I'm going to share a link this on my blog this weekend. Let me know if you'd rather I didn't.
    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!