Friday, January 16, 2015

When Is A Living Room Really Living...


Living from Glory to glory Blog

A Living Room

Looks clean and tidy and quiet...

See our Lazy Girl and Boy Chairs?

Nothing to do but rest and read a book at my leisure!
Well, at least most the time...

A Living Room is really only living when people are living in it!!
(Silly Goose)

This Christmas we were blessed to have all our grandchildren with us for the holidays!

And WOW did we have busy...
We had a monopoly game going on at a card table!
See the winner is the one smiling ;o)

We had the re- arranging of the mouse house and all the furniture!

We had Lincoln log cabins being built. And babies in the tub!

We had gun fights!
We had swords wielding...

We had Lego imagination!

They went on sled rides...

Cousins galore...

Connecting hearts...

Cousins to play with!!

Boys just enjoying a good Lego Movie...

My Sweet Treasures...

Relaxing with the new cousin...
She's a newbie to the family get together!
Not sure if she was ever not being held for eight days!

Our Son And Daughter;
God's Greatest Blessings
Our Children arise and call us blessed...
Thank you for our inheritance of our Grandchildren!

The Living Room is clean and tidy...
~But way to quiet and clean~


  1. What a beautiful family Roxy!
    The children are having such fun and you have a lovely sparkle in your eyes! The baby is absolutely adorable!!
    Hugs from Shirley

  2. Oh Roxy... what a beautiful family you have. It looked as if the fun never stopped. :) What a praise to the Lord.
    Thank you for the little peek into your sweet home, I sure enjoyed my visit.

    Enjoy your week-end.

    Much love, Debbie

  3. It's a beautiful room but all the more beautiful when it's full of loved ones.

    By the way, I just nominated you for the Liebster Award.

    Check it out on my post:

    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage

  4. Lovely living room and yet even more lovely filled with grandchildren. Great looking kids and it looks like you had a blast.

  5. Your family is lovely and your statement about how quiet it is after they leave rang true with me. It would be wonderful if all grandkids could live within 10 miles of their grandparents, but sadly our world makes it too difficult.

  6. *tears* How this post made me miss our crew. Lovely memories you made and recorded. Oh, what fun it is to... enjoy LIVING!

    Hugs and happy weekend,

  7. Our living room is seldom ever lively. Not much living going on in there. lol! Way too small for all of us. We hang out in the kitchen/family room area. Generally downstairs, but sometimes up. Nothing like having a house full of family! Yours is so sweet Roxy! Gotta love those babies!

  8. My dear friend, what a beautiful family! How blessed you are - family is a treasure!

    Love and hugs!

  9. A beautiful family, Roxy! I'll bet the cousins had a wonderful time full of memories!

  10. What a lovely family you have Roxy.
    We had a full house too, a wonderful feeling.
    Fondly Michelle

  11. What a lovely living room...what a lovely family! Thank you for sharing both of them with us!

  12. BLESSED!!!!
    All those who call you mom or grandma, what a treasure.
    You are such a great role model for them and us.
    I hope this coming year you will add to your long list of inspiring and wise posts.

  13. I agree, Roxy! Let's LIVE in it!!
    You have a wonderful family :) Hae a restful and joy-filled Lord's Day, sweet friend.

  14. Our living room is our only family space so it is used every day, its not huge but suits us :) It must be so special having all the grandchildren together over Christmas.

  15. Look at all those blessings. We love a full, busy, loud means there is lots of living going on! Beautiful family Roxy!

  16. Oh Rox, I love seeing all of these pictures. What a blessing to see all of your Christmas fun and joy. It looks just wonderful. This is the happy, "busy" and Joyful "chaos". I am glad you had enough snow to get a good sledding day in. I was just thinking of our sledding day last year; what fun we had. Happy Sunday. Talk to you soon.

  17. What a beautiful family Roxy; such a blessing!

  18. Roxy,

    Your family is beautiful!! What special memories to share. Your new little granddaughter is adorable!!I know she must be such fun to hold and cuddle. I can believe that she was never set down for 8 days. : )


  19. Oh my! I love all the children! What fun! Both of My children say they will stop with two. I said, No, please no! I want a house full. This is such a blessing. Children are a treasure from the Lord. Absolutely love these photos!


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