Monday, January 19, 2015

The Good Wife And Woman...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Hard Work And Responsibility...

Each day has its own troubles!
Each day has its own blessings!

Being a Proverbs Women can be daunting...

But the one scripture that always gives me hope is this one,

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman
who fears the Lord is to be praised."
~Proverbs 31:30

When I realized what would give my marriage real depth,
And honor and love and commitment would be my character:

When we are learning to trust and fear the Lord daily;
We get our eyes off all that we can't get done in a day!
You and I may not be able to match the work level of the Proverbs 31 woman!

But we can have her character...
No matter are age or ability or finances,
We can be faithful
We can be supportive
We can be sensitive to the Spirit!
We can be responsive to our Husband's needs!
(He has some)
We can become observant to prayer needs!
We can fill our Homes with creative ideas!
(In lovely decor and food that lifts the heart)
Loving in ways that show we care
Love is a verb; to show action

I think that hard work and taking responsibility is how;
We learn and grow in Godly character!
It is about whatever we set our hands to that we do well!

When we make a bed or set the table for a meal;
We can be a perfect example of the proverbs 31 woman.
Character is what fearing the Lord can look like!
We do it because He has given us the very Home as our sphere!

A good wife and woman does not do everything perfectly;
But rather she does her portion;
She asks God for His strength to do it with love and care...

A Good Wife, and woman is something every woman should hope to become;
As the scripture tells us this;
Charm is deceptive
Beauty is fleeting
But a woman who loves and fears the Lord
(Trains herself to resemble more of His character...)

I want to encourage each of us, even myself today;
May we look well to our hearts and our home;
We can make a joyous resolve to worship in all our tasks at hand!

Make a lovely meal or dessert today
Take a lovely photo for your next blog post!
Make a plan for a valentine craft!
Go to the library and bring home some books that will inspire you!
Take a walk!

Start a new Bible study for these long winter mornings!

Is there something that you are doing to encourage yourself
In the Lord?
Please share a thought or idea with us!
We long to grow in character and worth!


  1. Roxy, I am getting some painting done. Some old dark labelling is on its way to being creamy white. It is looking so fresh and clean! Angela

  2. Thanks you for these wise words. It's a shame that the young girls hear so much in the media about looks, and hardly anything about character and virtue. Things are going well here! God bless you and make His face to shine upon you!

  3. Hi Roxy,
    I'm Stephanie's friend, Maureen. I agree with your post about feeding our husbands It warms my heart to hear my husband say he was thinking all day about what I might be making for dinner!
    As for your question about encouraging ourselves, On January 1st, I started listening to the Daily Audio Bible.It goes through the Bible in a year. Each day there's OT, NT, Psalm, and Proverb readings. What a fabulous blessing it has been so far!
    I hope you are having a blessed afternoon out there in Colorado.
    :) m & jb (the cat)

  4. Visiting you is always uplifting.

  5. Hi Roxy, this post is so good. For married women to take care of home, hubby and family is a blessing and makes a huge impact on the well being of our loved ones.
    I am doing these things along with taking care of myself for personal encouragement. Jan 1st. I also started a daily devotional for women that has been such a blessings.

    Blessings for a great week.

  6. What a beautiful and encouraging post, my friend. You are always teaching me :)

    I thank the Lord for blessing me with a husband and son to care for - it truly is a privilege.

    Hugs to you!

  7. This is such an encouraging post Roxy. I have always stood by the saying 'Christ and character first' for our home education journey but you have reminded me that it is just as important for me as a wife and homemaker. As I write there is a lamb roast in the oven and the aroma of garlic and rosemary is filling the house. My son often knows when we are having roast as he can smell it as he comes home from milking walking through the paddocks next door... quite some distance that aroma goes. I know my husband enjoys arriving home to that aroma too. Slow cooking tenderizes the meat but also the heart of your husband! And it saves you time, no racing around on last minute trying to throw a meal together. My house is full of roses at the moment. I exhibited at a bridal fair on the weekend and the rose grower I bought my posies from gave me a huge bucket of roses to display. The scent literally drew people over to my table. Reminded me of those Scriptures about being a sweet fragrance.. that is what Godly character in a woman is like, a sweet fragrance that will attract people! I will try and remember to share the photo of my table at the expo or send it to you. It was very feminine and I loved setting it up. I love that a little of my homemaking can spill over into our business. While I was at the expo my daughter looked after our market stall by herself and did so well. She sold the last of our lace parasols which have been so popular. We deliberately make our stall pretty and that always draws people over too! To encourage myself in the Lord I am am using my electronic Note book to take down sermon notes this year. I can type really fast with the stylus and no more lost scraps of paper. I intend to re-read and study the verses from the sermons I found particularly encouraging.

  8. Roxy, thanks for your words of encouragement this morning, they are always needed. With His grace and strength we can become all He wants us to be.

  9. Wise words. Where did all of this go Roxy? I don;t think young women think like this anymore! I worked with so many younger women who were getting married and the main thing they talked about was the size of their engagement ring! So wonderful that you post such encouraging words! Big hugs!!!

  10. This is nice Roxy. Not many ladies in this world obey what the Lord wants of the wife.

    I see such a change in the church now a days. Scary.

  11. Hello, Roxy! Your blog looks so lovely that I joined. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet message. I agree with your post! One of my goals this year is to do one thing I love each day. That isn't too hard, as I love to drink tea and read, so if I do those things, my goals are accomplished. Tee hee...I also love to go for walks, when it isn't pouring rain.

  12. You are such a wise woman with wise words Roxy! Always striving to have true character that the Lord would be proud of.

  13. Hi Roxy, Thanks for this encouragement to start my day!!! I am actually looking forward to my Friday cleaning right now :)

    Thanks for also taking the time to link up with us in your busy schedule!

  14. Love the picture Roxy! We all need this kind of encouragement, and I appreciate it. Our work at home is important!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!