Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Winter White Or Winter Blues...


Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Enjoy these days of winter rest...
We sometimes think that this season of quiet is really a time
of winter blues.

This is so far from the truth!

We can sit in a chair and work with our hands with projects
That never seem to even get picked up in the summer time.

We can get off to bed a bit earlier as it gets dark so much earlier!

We can cancel different outings because the weather is bad!
We can make a pot of soup and eat a couple of meals from it!
We can make pancakes for dinner and we think it is wonderful and yummy!

We enjoy those root vegetables that we can bake in the oven;
As we don't worry about over heating up the kitchen.

We can sit with a book with a cup of warm tea in our hands and feel comfort.

I am learning to embrace these winter seasons;
I am tired of feeling aggravated over snow and cold and ice.
As it is a fact I do not live in the tropics...

I remember as a child ice skating almost every single day!
We would go sledding as a fun thing that we loved!
We can all remember lying down on the ground and making a snow angel.
( Unless of course you live where it does not snow)

How to stop the winter blues...

Can we just stop and embrace each day and season?
I can tell you for certain the more we strive the more we feel confined.
I want to encourage myself and you also;
To not allow the weariness to take hold!

Sometimes we just need to start a new project!
Clean out your closet (Now that would take up a whole day)

Keeping my heart opened to what the next thing might be helps!
We always need to help keep that anticipation for what the Lord has!
I truly believe the Lord wants us to enjoy our days!
And when we do struggle it is just another chance and opportunity to grow!
This may just be a time that we are practicing our endurance!
After all it is how we learn to overcome!

So may we all find things that will produce a harvest even if,
This may not be a planting season in the natural
God is always expecting us to use our time and talents to
Bring Him Glory and to grow us!
Being stretched is not ever really fun, but rather painful!

But we will plan and stretch and not be caught up in being ill-tempered!
It is not becoming to be rude to others or become melancholy!

Now, let us enjoy this white season and not feel blue!
Take a walk
Try a vitamin D-3 supplement
Plan a Valentine's tea party
Start making some cookies and put them in the freezer
Make a new blogging friend!
Pray and Praise
Put off this garment of heaviness...


  1. Dear Roxie,
    You are so right... One can forget that this quiet time of year has many blessings, if we but look for them. Just last week, I was feeling a little low, and a bit "down in the dumps". The weather here in Scotland has been so very cold, and I've been going through a big transition of being home full time.
    Your post today has given me the boost I needed to "pull myself up by my bootstraps" and be grateful for this time and season in my life.

  2. Oh, what a lovely post, Roxy.
    Very timely indeed.
    It really made my heart do a little skip!

  3. Your post today is so encouraging, and much needed. Winter isn't my favorite time of the year, but you are so right about using our time wisely..we don't have snow in Georgia often to make it all white and pretty but there is so much of God's beauty and love if we only seek it.

  4. There are probably many out there that need this advice Roxy! I can say, there was something about learning to live in Maine during never let the snow and ice stop you from getting out of was a rather cozt time! Sweet post Roxy!

  5. Beautifully written about my favorite season.

  6. A lovely post, fact, I am wishing my season would become a little whiter...we have had no snow yet and I am really wanting some! I actually love being snowed in, being all cozy and warm inside while something yummy is simmering on the stove. We seem to get most of our snow in February so that's what I'm hoping for! Stay warm, friend!

  7. Oh, I just love this and I needed it too! I have been oh so blue lately and although I think some of it is hormones (!) I also dread the inactivity of winter. I have so many projects to do but don't want to start them! I love your suggestions on living each day. We are called to live life to the fullest with joy!

  8. Put on a garnment of praise! Yippee! Love your thoughts. I have been trying to practice some of these very things this year. Thanks for sharing your heart as always.

  9. Hi, Roxy. I really enjoy the winter months. We don't have snow but life is slower and I'm content with it. Have a blessed weekend.

  10. Mmmmmmmm......
    You have such a way with your words that make me S-T-O-P and say, wow, she's right!
    Thank you

    (I had a good chuckle when I saw the side picture of the frozen long underwear.)

  11. This is so very good Rox. It is a wonderful delicious post. Winter blues can strike even "where there is no snow". Rainy, cloudy days can overwhelm. It is always wonderful to be encouraged, and take delight with the moment we are in whether sunny or rainy, cloudy or snowy, warm or cold; each day has something special for us doesn't it. Thank you for the word of encouragement. I am sewing today; as it has been raining all day, in a down pour. I did get some seeds into my pots yesterday, so I am finding a happiness in knowing that those seeds are getting soaked, and I have an opportunity to have a cozy sewing day.
    Love you,

  12. Hi Roxy,
    As I caught up on several of your older posts this evening, I have now come to this one. And I realize that perhaps I am not keeping myself warm enough this winter. It's a balance for me to be warm, but not overheated because I have MS.
    I made Hungarian cabbage soup yesterday and it is even better tasting today. But maaaybe...I'll make gluten-free pancakes for dinner this weekend! With warmed Earth Balance and Maple Syrup poured on top!
    I'm following you on Bloglovin' as you write a great blog!
    :) m and jb (the cat)
    P.S. Re: another post of yours. My husband and kids know that unless it's a movie about a cute bunny rabbit or the like, Momo won't watch it! LOL! (But true.)

  13. Yes, some times these winters seem to be so long and if we don't use our time wisely each day we might feel a bit irritated with the cold. Good thing I have three very active boys to keep me on my toes. I think I only set down twice today and that was when I was at your house. :)

    Hmm... what to do tomorrow....

    Great post!

    Love you,

  14. As the years go by, I am enjoying winter more and more, for all the reasons you've mentioned. Love this cozy time of year!

  15. No Winter blues here! Although it is not my favorite season, I can not help but marvel at the beauty of Winter. I enjoy the slower pace and time to enjoy, create, and catch up on some needed deep cleaning! Thanks for sharing with SYC. Love the photo Roxy!


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