Monday, February 16, 2015

How To Make An Organic Lemon Cough Syrup...

Lemon Cough Syrup, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

A Homemade Organic Lemon Cough Syrup

This is the easiest and best no side effects cough syrup ever!

1- Organic lemon
1/2 cup Organic honey

Wash lemon and dice into small chunks.
Add to your honey
Stir well
Place in a small glass jar with lid;
Set in your frig and use as needed for coughs or sore throats!

This must be kept refrigerated and will last for about 2 months!
Taste good and really quells a cough and soothes the throat!
No side effects
 And taste and smells wonderful!

Having some frugal medicinal items for your home is wise!
I think you will find this cough syrup works well;
But as we all know, sometimes we need to see a Doctor!

Keeping Healthy
Staying healthy is a part of being wise and frugal!
It cost money to stay healthy;
But we know it cost more when we get sick!
But as we all know an ounce of prevention is worth our time!

 To eat right!
(More salads and veggies and yogurts and fruits)
Try to eat a handful of nuts daily.
Soups are so nutritious and very frugal!
Taking a multivitamin can really be pro-active

Getting more sleep and drinking water!
Washing our hands often!
Staying away from large public places during the cold and flu season.
I have been wearing those little knit gloves when going into some stores;
It helps to keep my hands clean and also to,
Keep the germs off my hands, when I get home, I just pop them in the washer!
(Years ago ladies wore gloves, while out in public!
I wonder if it helped them not be exposed to so many germs?

I hope you ladies are all doing well!
I find my Mondays are spent getting my home in order from a long weekend,
Doing Laundry and cleaning out the refrigerator,
Keeping up with my study in Gods Word...
Encouraging myself in the Lord!

Hope you will make up a batch of this cough syrup as I think
You will enjoy it!

Roxy approved...


  1. A wonderful post, Roxy. I am just beyond the homemade remedy with my cough at this point but I tried that early on.
    You are so right- it is easier to stay healthy than to GET healthy once you are sick. xo Diana

  2. I have used this. It is delicious and good for what ails you. Thank you for the reminder that it does cost more to be sick than it does to maintain a healthy diet. That is absolutely the truth.
    Thanks Roxy,

  3. Monday is a busy day at HOME for me,
    Just like you, I clean ,cook and bake all day, while listening to Bible teachings.
    Love my Mondays!
    Next Monday I'll be making you cough syrup

  4. Thank you for the cough syrup recipe. Lemon always soothes my throat. I was reading something related to Downton Abbey where it said that people would rarely shake hands because they were so afraid of germs. Those gloves sound like a good idea. Have a blessed day.

  5. Good advise Roxy, I always put walnuts in my oatmeal each morning. I'll try and remember to wear my knit gloves when I go out to shop. Hope your day is a blessed one.

  6. I agree with you, and Diana. Better to stay healthy with good nutrition, than try to do it after you are sick! I will make some of the honey and lemon and keep it in the fridge.
    Thank you for sharing, Roxy.
    You are a doll!

  7. Hi Roxy, Great post!! You are so right about staying healthy. I have made up the honey and lemon syrup and it really does help. My hubby is getting over bronchitis and the coughing was unreal for him. This really did help.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, CM

  8. I have never used this but I sure could use some now! I have had a nagging hacking cough that is left over from a nasty cold a couple of months's driving me crazy! Thanks for the tip! Have a lovely evening, Roxy :)

  9. Dear Roxy, this looks truly delicious and how lovely that it is an all natural cough syrup! I will be showing this to my mom as our winter is not too far off and we always seem to have at least one coughing sweetie in the home during this season:).
    And thank you so much for your very sweet comment on my blog! You encouraged me so much!

    I did use a pattern for the bunnies - it is an Old Crafts Beautiful pattern by Helen Philipps - isn't it cute?! The magazine it is from is the February 2013 edition... I'm sure they still have it on their website!

    Blessings to you and lots of love! Thank you for your lovely blog:)

  10. This is absolutely the truth, It does seem to cost a bit to stay well but like you said, illness can be so much more costly.Pay now or pay later, I would rather invest in trying to stay healthy, I like the gloves idea, I use those little wipes for grocery carts and always wash my hands after I get home. I like the cough medicine idea, sounds like it would really soothe an irritated throat. Hope you are staying warm,blessings to you

  11. Honey and lemon sounds so soothing to a sore throat! And I remember gargling with warm salt water when I was a child. Those old remedies are great, as are good, old-fashioned advice about staying warm, getting enough sleep, and eating well.

  12. That looks like a very soothing cough syrup.

    I was wondering the same thing about women wearing gloves in the past, did it help protect from germs. As soon as the cold weather starts, I start wearing my thin, smooth leather gloves whenever I leave the house. They are thin enough not to be too clumsy. Acrylic knit gloves tend to make my hands get chapped. I wish I had some of those 1950's thin cotton gloves to wear. Though I think the dainty white ones would look a bit weird with my black wool coat.

  13. Nice and easy recipe Roxy! Thanks for sharing it with us! I will pin this to my Lemon board if I can get me computer to cooperate today :)

  14. Isn't it wonderful to find healing properties in foods we eat and enjoy! I have been making homemade cough syrup for several years, and love the lemon and honey idea. Have also made it with apple cider vinegar, ginger and a bit of cayenne pepper, which works wonders too. Will add your lemon recipe to my book of tricks! Hugs to you today :)

  15. Roxy that is the best cough syrup ever!Thank you for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


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