Saturday, February 14, 2015

Why We Need To Love...

For The Love...

Why we need to love...
My life can be poured out as an offering,
Or I can save it and keep it and stuff it in a box

Like a piece of chocolate placed within the confines of a little paper cup;
The box is lined with a gold foil,
There is also a white frosted paper neatly folded over the top.
There is a bow attached to the outside of the box.

This box is safe and very orderly;
Every piece of chocolate has its own little space!
Each one is different in its taste and texture!

We all remember the silly saying
(Life is like a box of chocolates as you never know what you are going to get)

Love has a way of being a bit like the word;

Love can fill us with rapturous feelings
Love can make us cry our eyes out at the loss of it
Love can stretch your heart till it feels like it might explode
Love can make your heart ache
Love can come in many forms;

But true love never fails
True love really works patience in us
True love never keeps the list of the wrongs done to us
True love just plain hurts at times
True love doesn't quit when things get tough
True love is not easy

Take a risk and love like there is no tomorrow;
Take a risk and say what is in your heart
~Better to love and feel loss, then to never love at all~

Why do we need to Love?
Because it is the only thing that makes the world a better place...

Parents and Children

Make these relationships a priority!

God created us to love...


  1. Aww that was so beautiful! Happy Valentine's Day to you. I made the crocheted heart and then attached it onto a cup cozy. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Julie


    Hugs and happy Valentine's Day ,

  3. Oh, so very true Roxy! Your posts are always so beautiful and meaningful! Thank you, what a lovely reminder! Hugs and love to you and may your weekend be truly wonderful:). Blessings, Kelly-Anne

  4. Oh so true words! Thanks for sharing them with us today.

  5. Perfect message for the day of love, thank you!!

  6. I enjoyed the poem and the way you laid the flowers done.

    Love is so important with family and Siblings, friends. All year round just not on Valentines Day.

  7. I agree. God made us to reflect His glory, and we can't do that if we're not reflecting love to the world. Have a blessed Lord's Day.

  8. True love is hard to find and even harder to keep-and almost impossible to restore once it has been tainted. Wouldn't it be wonderful if true love could touch everyone's life?
    Great post, Roxy! xo Diana

  9. I needed to hear this today, Roxy.
    I should walk my talk.
    Good post!

  10. I just loved the point Diana made, once love is tainted it is so hard to restore it!


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