Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Amazing Strength And Know How Comes From Teaching And Learning...

Teaching one another, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Why we need each other...

Some of you are great cooks and amazing bakers
Some of you are so funny and have the greatest sense of humor.
Some of you are so beautiful in your physical appearance.
Some of you are very strong with physical strength.
Some of you are so crafty.
Some of you can sing like a bird.

~No one is good at everything~
That is why we are in need of each other;
I may admire your special strong points, but they are not mine!

I have heard that we can develop gifts and traits at any age.
We must never stop experimenting at learning new things...

We are all called to teach and train one another in many arenas;
Older women teach the younger woman!
It does tell us that it encompasses how to love ones husband and children.
But God has also many things that develop a warm and loving home.
Like being a better cook, or baker of special treats.
(A Hubby Loves Good Food)

I was talking to a friend about reading a pattern instruction that teaches
You how to sew something or crochet an item.
I told her it required me to pray and ask God for help as I did not understand the How To!

We need help from Him!!
But we need each others expertise in so many other areas!

My friend told me well at lease think of all the new brain cells I was growing!
(I loved hearing that line in our conversation)

Now, this is a powerful truth dear ones;
We will only stop growing if we stop...

Growing each and every new season is real living!

Strength comes from Him
When we are weak, He is strong
When we do not know how to do something we ask a friend or find a class,
That teaches what we need to learn! God wants us to learn and grow!

And my challenge here for you is this!
What do you know that you can teach another?
What do you need to learn, that another could teach you or help you with it?

Lack of know how is no excuse...
Ignorance is not a disease!
It is what comes about when we as women are not teaching the next generation!

What is it that you have a good knowledge of that you could share with others?
This is what helping and teaching others really is about!
We must never stop learning and growing...
You are never too old or too young to learn something new!

Grow in spirit and truth and learn how to be the best
Homemaker you can be...

Maybe you could plan a class and invite some people over,
To share something that is a real blessing!
In these settings you grow in relationships and love
And we fulfill our biblical calling;

What skill do you know that you could teach another?


  1. I liked your comentary. Amen.

  2. Hi Roxy,
    This was such a lovely post and so uplifting. Yes we can learn so much from each other and teach each other new things all the time.

    I am so happy that you were able to meet in person Stephanie from The Enchanting Rose. How exciting it must of been to meet each other in real life. You both are so uplifting, sweet and caring people.

    Hope you have a wonderful week and thanks for this nice post.

    Julie xo

  3. Such an inspiring post. Sharing and growing. We ourselves grow when we share with others. Thanks for the encouragement to get with it! Hugs.

  4. Roxy, I think blogging in a sense is doing what pioneer women did years ago with quilting bees and such - we all need other female companionship to learn by. I have learned so much by blogging, and reading what other women have accomplished and know. Yet, there is still a piece missing, and that is actually visiting face to face with your friends and sharing ideas, skills and knowledge. Blogging certainly helps some of those areas, but still much is lost without "face to face" visits and sharing. Wonderful message, and I will consider your thoughts carefully to see what I could offer to other ladies. It is something I have pondered before. Blessings and hugs to you today!

  5. That's such a good message for those of us who are 'older'. Thanks for always inspiring us to be the best we can be. Sweet hugs, Diane

  6. I want to learn to crochet.

    My baby wants to learn to can.

    My firstborn? If she is hungry to learn it, she goes online and LEARNS! Amazing!


  7. We do indeed need one another. You said it so well, my friend. We each have our gifts from the Lord and He has made each one of us unique :)

    Beautiful and uplifting post. So glad you shared it with Roses of Inspiration. Enjoy your day! It's raining AND snowing here right now...blah! :) Hugs and love!

  8. This post is getting me excited to move into our new home.
    I want to "grow more brain cells", too.

    I have told my close friends, your very thought of needing each other because of our different gifts that we each have.

    I always enjoy stopping by and reading your wise and encouraging.

  9. I want to grow some new brain cells too. I never want to stop learning. I would like to be more computer literate, I want to learn how to knit and crochet and I want I want to improve my photography skills, but I also have skills that I do share. I have had cooking dates with friends in my kitchen. We decide what we want to make, split the ingredient list and cook a couple of meals or sides for our families. Then we split what we've made to take home. Just one idea on how to share a skill.Great post Roxy

  10. I think this is why God has given us all different gifts and talents. By sharing what we excel at with others, and they with us, we form wonderful encouraging relationships. Great post!

  11. Oh, how very, very true dear Roxy! And it is so lovely to teach...and learn! Thank you for this beautiful post!
    Blessings and love to you!

  12. Loved this post. After my recent surgery, I have not gone back to work. Instead, I am going to learn to help my husband with the book work for his business at home. I am also learning Spanish with Duolingo for free. I keep up my knitting, too.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

    P.S. Still reading your posts from the very beginning!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!