Thursday, March 26, 2015

How To Make A Delicious Dumpling...


Homemade Dumplings, Living From Glory To Glory Blog


Ingredients Needed:
2 cups flour
1-1/2 tsp salt
1 TBL. Baking Powder
2 TBL. Vegetable oil
1 egg, beaten
1 cup warm milk
Salt and pepper the tops of them after you drop them in the broth...

Add dry ingredients, mix well in a bowl
In a measuring glass warm your milk, then add your oil and the beaten egg!

Pour this into the dry ingredients, the dough will be a bit sticky.

Now, Drop a spoonful of the dumpling mixture into hot chicken broth;
Cover and steam for about 4 to 5 minutes. Do not allow it to be a roiling boil
 The tops will look cooked and a bit firm after cooking time.

Carefully remove dumplings with a slotted spoon onto a plate with paper towel, to drain extra liquid
Cover in a separate container from the soup or broth, as this allows you to keep them from getting soggy.  These taste yummy warmed up and topped with a bit of butter. Or place in a bowl and add your chicken soup stock with veggies!

 I like to eat them just by themselves!

These are very simple to make and require only a few ingredients!

This was my own version for making dumplings!

I have very fond memories of eating dumplings as a child,
Our Mother made them often for dinner.
It is a nice change from having potatoes or rice all the time!

But I finally came to the conclusion something was just missing from the
Flavor and texture of my Mothers dumplings;
So I did a bit of testing and found it needed more salt and an egg for richness!
The liquid needed to be thicker than broth or water, so I tried warm milk.
Warming the milk really did make a difference in the batter.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

These dumplings only take about 5 minutes to cook;
Just have them at a light boil and cook with the lid on the pan!

So if anyone ever calls you Dumplen,
They my dear are giving you a compliment...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog, Dumplings

I promise you will love this easy, yummy comfort food!
They last for about 5 days covered in the refrigerator.


  1. Oh... I LOVE dumplings and yours look divine :) I think I will have to try your recipe sometime SOON :)

    Happy Thursday, my friend. Hugs!

  2. Oh Roxy! These darling little dumplings really look so very good! You know that I have just never tried them...? Well, I think I shall have to remedy that sometime soon!
    Hope your week has been richly blessed!
    Hugs and dear love,

  3. Looks delicious Roxy! I only made dumplings once, and that was many years ago. My grandma always made dumplings. She added them to her stew, chicken soup and other recipes.

  4. This is a wonderful comfort food for sure Roxy! Thanks for sharing such an easy recipe!

  5. Oh yes! My mother served dumplings often...such comfort food! These look delish so I cannot wait to try your recipe!!! Thank you Roxy!!!

  6. Oh my....dumplings! I too love them and make them once in a while to top a stew but have never added egg. I have always used the basic recipe that my mom followed. I will have to try this recipe.....they look delicious! I wanted to stop by and say hi, follow your blog and thank you once again for stopping by my blog for a visit! THANKS! I will be back, your blog looks delightful!
    Have a lovely day Roxy!!!

  7. These look DEElicious Roxy! Thank you for sharing your recipe and tips :)

  8. Your dumplings look so good. I remember my mom making them in my house when we were little. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    Julie xo

  9. Hi Roxy, your dumplings look so delicious. Thanks for sharing your recipe.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs, CM

  10. Yummy... dumplings!
    My mother made the best dumplings when I was little. One of my favorite things.
    I want to thank you for your prayers for my fur baby Archie. He had surgery this morning and is home now. Very out of it and can barely stand but should improve by tomorrow. I'm hoping he will sleep good tonight. We won't know for sure if it is cancer for two weeks. I will be beside myself.
    Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it.

  11. Hello Roxy... :0) I have never made these, but hey sure do look yummy :0) mari

  12. Thank you for this recipe! It is autumn here and I will be trying this with soups and stews. I just found your blog and I love it!
    I blog too.. Homemaking and lovely cooking and crafts on a budget. I follow A Prudent Homemaker for inspiration and encouragement. Also Sugar pie farmhouse. Anyway I love uplifting and encouraging blogs and I'm so happy I found you. Xx

  13. These look delicious! Thank you for the wonderful recipe!
    love and blessings~
    Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

  14. Yum, yum! I love dumplings. Have got to try them! Thanks for sharing the recipe with SYC, dumpling. : )


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