Saturday, March 28, 2015

To Many Boys Looking Pretty...

Artist Henry Raeburn

Boys, looking like boys...

But we hear so often the phrase "Pretty Boy"

We are living in a culture where so many boys dress in skinny jeans,
And fashionable clothing!
I think it is rather odd how boys are made to look pretty!
And there is a fashion trend geared toward looking good!

I still prefer a boy to look like a boy;
Seeing Earrings on boys still does not look appropriate  
As I have seen very young boys with them...

Snails and puppy dog tails
That is what a boy should be allowed to do;
We have confusion going on in even little boys' wardrobes.
Nothing wrong for them to look neat and tough and rough;
Little boys need to have the freedom to play ball,
Find roly-polies, and collect rocks!
Play war and ride their bikes like the wind!
Have a good tumble every so often;
Even a good punch in the arm can help them roll with the punches!

Keeping the little boy in a place where they can be in training,
To discover the great outdoors...

Too many of our little boys live in sterile environments,
And sit in front of a video screen!

Be careful to not expect them to be pretty and clean all the time...

Little Boys are not supposed to be dainty and re-fined!

Boys need forts and sand boxes and dogs to play with!
We need to allow them to build things out of scrap wood and fly kites.
They need to have trucks and play guns and books just for boys.

Do not dress your boys like girls
Do not let them have long hair
Do not expect them to act soft and dainty!
Boys will be boys

Unless of course you want a pretty boy'
Most of the ones who have been told so many times how good looking
They were, it has gone to their head!
Some have even grown up to be playboys.
And have made a game out of winning young ladies hearts!

Grow boys and train them to be loyal and strong!
May they grow up learning to honor and to practice diligence in their tasks!
May they be hard-working and able to fix things!

Teach them well as one day they will need to support a family!
Help them to have Godly character...


  1. Amen Roxy! I can't help but thinking that our daughter (who is quite a young lady) can out-work many of the boys I see out there today. Who will take care of our daughters when the boys are more concerned about their hair than the girls are these days! Give me a round and tumble boy with grease on his hands, sweat on his face and mud on his boots any day for a son-in-law...

  2. Yes, It is so unfortunate that men have lost their manhood. Often it is stripped away by mothers who have already emasculated their husbands and stripped them of their rightful role as protector. Manhood is a creation of God, and I miss seeing manly men around. We need to go back to the men in Wagon Train days. Men who knew their role and gave it up to no one.

  3. Very good, Roxy!
    I sure enjoyed this, and I say that because when I had my two daughters I was fearful I would have a boy and maybe make him to be a "pretty boy". I love frills and fancy things and I was afraid it would spill over to my children should they be boys. Well, God has given me four grandsons and they are all boy! It was just what God knew I needed to prove to myself that a boy can be a boy, even around me. :) I love that they are boys!!

    It's good to visit with you!
    Have a blessed day.
    JoY! Debbie

  4. Yes, I agree wholeheartedly Roxy. Let us recognize the differences in the roles God has given us, instead of trying to blend them together and make them indistinguishable.

  5. This is a really interesting topic because it wasn't that many centuries ago when little boys were dressed liked girls and wore dresses until they were toilet trained (as it was easier). In fact pink was the colour for boys and not girls. It you think of the regency man, they dolled themselves up to the nines with the very rich going completely overboard with wigs and face powers.

    My eldest loved playing outside but didn't build forts, rather miniature cities in the dirt where he built gardens and streets. He now works in IT which is why he always saw the detail in the things he built. Whilst we want boys to be boys, not all boys are the same. Whilst some are physical and love sport, others are thinkers or dreamers and we still want boys to be like that too.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!