Tuesday, March 31, 2015

There Are Real People Behind Blogging...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

There are real people behind blogging...

I just wanted to share with you ladies my visit with a dear blogging friend!
Her name is Stephanie from Enchanting Rose!

I just feel sometimes we do not see the hand extended to each other through blogging.
We are real people with families and homes that we are called to tend and water!

We are all sowing seeds of either weeds or flowers with our words;
All words produce something;

So may this post about blogging encourage you to try to see the person,
behind the post that are written on our blogs.

This was a powerful lesson that helps us to see that we are really
impacting another person!

My visit with this lovely lady was so precious!
~She has a very cozy and lovely home~
She gives the gift of hospitality and her crafts have inspired so many from her Blog!

We had a delicious dinner and some good laughs!
We connected and found comfort in the memories we were making.
We were able to take a few pictures to share with our other blogging friends!

So what I wanted to say to you about blogging today is this!
You can make life long friendships with some wonderful people out there!
We must remind ourselves that they have feelings and long to be recognized and
Appreciated and to comment on their hard work of writing a post!

The connection is something that we all long for!
And when you find like minded ladies that love the same things you do!
Wow, what a blessing Blogging can become...
Through Blogging you can make friends all over the world!

I appreciate it when we can see the hearts behind the purpose of why we
Write and Blog and Comment!
May your Blog be a source of inspiration to others and to know
That a real connection is in the making!

I realize we cannot spend too much time on the computer as it is not healthy!
We need to learn to do it in moderation...
Keep an eye on the amount of time you spend sitting in front of your computer.
Find a few ladies that you have the same heart and interest and invest in them!
You can be kind to all!

Make a Blogging friend today...


  1. I agree Roxy, and you are one of those Ladies, so kind,encouraging and blesses me each time I read your blog.
    Have a Blessed Day!

  2. This is so true, Roxy! I've made many friends via this avenue. In 2013 I had deleted my blog, I was burned out on it. I put self-pressure in this regard-- no one did it but myself. Then I started missing the connections after hearing from many that I was "missed," and my voice was missed.

    I only publish when I want to and can now, and stopped self-pressuring. Bloggers, well, the wise ones, accept you as you are. I definitely appreciate the knowledgable words, the tender correction, the perspective of others, and their voices-- LIKE YOURS.

    Thank you for taking time to meet with sweet Stephanie. It's certainly a dream of mine to meet my dear blogging friends, too!

    Hugs for Holy Week,

    P.S. I'm in the Albuquerque airport, bound for Mother's (Missouri). Her knee replacement is tomorrow.

  3. Oh Roxy, I am both jealous and thrilled about this! Not really jealou...just kidding but I would love to meet BOTH of you sweeties! How wonderful that the two of you could make this happen! I am very close to meeting a couple of as well...one living only about 30 minutes away! I do have to say that either sweet Stephanie is much taller than I expected or you are much shorter...lol! Blessings to you both!

  4. Hi Roxy,
    How exciting to have met Stephanie in person! Wow that is amazing. You both are special ladies and so glad you both were able to connect and meet up. I love this too about blogging and making and meeting such nice blog friends. Yay for blogging.
    Have a wonderful week and Happy Easter.
    Julie xo

  5. How wonderful you were able to meet Stephanie! She is a sweetheart! I just posted about meeting a blogger friend too!
    There are so many lovely bloggers I would love to meet in person, they are very dear to me. It is such an encouraging and welcoming community.
    Blessings to you Roxy.

  6. What a great post and a lovely photo of you and Stephanie. I'm popping over from her Link-up party. Have a great day, Heather

  7. What a blessing to connect with a blogging friend in person.

  8. How wonderful for the both of you, Roxy!! I can see what a blessing you were to each other in your eyes.
    I meet a blogger friend for lunch and shopping from time to time, and she is a treasured sister in Christ.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Great post!

  9. Beautiful people and wonderful blogs. Love both blogs and the attitudes demonstrated through them. God bless you both.

  10. Roxy,

    What a special meeting!! : ) Stephanie is such sweet blogging friend, and so are you!


  11. Roxy, you are so right about wanting to be appreciated and encouraged for writing our blog posts! I very much enjoy reading what others are writing and often find inspiration for my life and my own blog in their words. Peace, Sue
    (BTW, the name of your blog always makes me think of my Aunt Audrey who's favorite exclamation was "Oh my glory!")

  12. Hi Roxy,
    How wonderful for both of you! This topic has been popping up a lot lately--the geniune relationships we make as we blog. Such an unexpected blessing for sure! Lovely post!

  13. Amen Roxy! I have met some wonderful ladies with wonderful blogs that I follow. I love getting to know them through comments and emailing back and forth. Stephanie is one of the ones I hold dear!

  14. Hi Roxy, your post is a blessing and how special you met with Stephanie. Love the photo of your girls together. I am sure you had a wonderful time. I know first hand how special it is to meet another blogger as I have met several and we stay in touch all the time and plan to visit when we can.
    There are many I have not met but feel like we've been friends forever. God has a way of crossing our path and what a blessing it is. Certainly you and Stephanie are friends God has blessed me with.
    Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful Easter week.
    Hugs, CM

  15. 'Find a few ladies that have the same heart and interest and invest in them' I love this admonition Roxy. Even though I blog less these days I am truly grateful for the heart connections I have made through blogging. I'm sending my daughter to stay with two of those dear friends next month when she travels from Australia to Vancouver staying with Camille (again!) and then after attending her friend's wedding in Saskatchewan onto the States from New York to Missouri to stay with Carrie before heading to California. To say I am a little envious that she is getting to meet my blogging friends before me is an understatement! I wish I had blogger friends in New York and San Francisco I could send her to but I'm grateful she does get to spend some of her time over there with real people in real homes rather than just impersonal hotels. Yes, blogging can truly be a blessing and I feel very strongly that our time for writing should encourage and commenting likewise. Rather than adding to the hundreds of comments at the popular blogs imagine what would happen if we all left some words of encouragement for those who only have a small following who rarely receive comments unless they have a giveaway! I'm sure some have given up their blogs when they don't receive any comments because it feels that no one reads their blog. Knowing there are real people such as yourself and Pam who kindly leave comments on a regular basis has been the motivation to keep up my own blog!

  16. I only know Stephanie through blogging, and that not for long and i find her to be a very gracious lady. I'm pleased you were able to meet her in person and enjoyed each others company so much.
    I tend to cull my blog list occasioanally, taking out those who do not interact or have not done so for a very long time, this way I can keep my "pooter" hours under reasonable control. After all there is still life to be lived as well.


  17. Dearest Roxy, what a special, special blessing to visit with Stephanie! How delightful it must have been to see each other in person!
    And you are so right...blogging is a beautiful way to make sweet friends, and I daily give thanks for the unique blessing each dear blogger is to me and also for the privilege of sharing my heart through my blog!
    To God be all the glory!
    With all my love in Christ,

  18. How sweet. I am so glad I got to see a picture of your visit with Stephanie. I love hearing that you two were able to connect and visit each other. Love the post and am so encouraged to get a chance to meet with blogging friends one of these days. Have a wonderful Passover and Resurrection Sunday.
    Love and blessings,

  19. When I started blogging I didn't realize there was an entire community of fellow bloggers out there. These connections I have made over the years have been so precious and encouraging. What a delight that you got to meet Stephanie, she is such a sweet blogging friend as are you.

  20. I just love that photo of the two of you! You are both darling together. :)
    Your post was quite inspiring Roxy, especially since I have only been blogging for a year now.
    I would have never dreamed this blogging community would be as precious as it is. I stand amazed at the love these ladies have one for another, their hearts are real in deed!
    My heart has been blessed over and over again through the writings on the blogs I follow. It is so beautiful to see the uniqueness of each lady, her talent, the way she inspires and touches our heart strings, truly amazing.
    May we always strive to honor God in our relationships, even through the internet.

    You have a lovely warm and inviting place here, Roxy, thank you for it.

    The Lord bless you!
    Joy! Debbie

  21. So true. And how fortunate that you were able to meet one of the BEST!!

  22. Roxy, You are one of the dear blogging friends that I have made and I always look forward to your posts! While I don't blog near as much as I used to, I still enjoy reading everyone's posts in my blog reader. Life has gotten so busy that I find less and less time to spend posting but I hope to get back to it eventually. Thanks for the uplifting words. I have made some wonderful blogging friends all over the world! And yes, Stephanie is one the BEST!!!

  23. How fun to meet Stephanie! You two are both gems :) I love the picture...

    I hope you have a lovely weekend of fellowship!

  24. Oh Roxy, what a deightful surprise to see this post on your blog :) Blogging is truly a beautiful way for us to connect with like-minded women. The women {yourself incuded} that I have met through blogging are simply precious and have become very dear friends to me through email and "snail" mail. I am daily blessed by you and other bloggers and I count it a sweet blessing to be a part of this wonderful blogging community.

    It was such a joy to meet you in person, Roxy. You are a REAL person and I am so thankful for you. May the Lord continue to bless and guide you, my friend, and may He continue to use your blog in a mighty way...it's a beautiful and refreshing place to visit.

    Love to you!

    P.S. -I look like a giant up to you! haha

  25. It must have been wonderful to meet a blogger face to face and get along so well - how exciting :)))

  26. What a lovely post and a lovey visit.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!