Friday, March 13, 2015

Why Are We Becoming A One Child Family...

Children are A Blessing, Living From Glory To Glory Blog
She has two teeth now!

Little fingers
Little Toes
Smiles that warm the heart...

It is becoming less common to see little ones anymore;
I think we are becoming
 "A One Child, Family Culture"

We are allowing the lie and fear that is being spread;
You can't afford children...

Since when do we look to ourselves to provide?
Yes, we have to work and be wise, but I am afraid we are being
Cheated out of eternal joys and blessings!

I know it has come to the point of single Mothers and even Fathers;
But, I believe it grieves the Father's heart on how we do not marvel,
At the sight of a new baby or a small child and think that they are little miracles!

Do you think your inheritance is MONEY?

No, my dear ones, it is life...
"Human life"

What legacy are you leaving?

Do you help propagate the lie,
 with comments such as HOW do, you afford all those children?
Or, do you tell a Mother that you see with a few children,
My you sure have so many blessings...
 My heart feels broken when I see the loss of the desire to have children!

God's Word talks about a quiver full;
That means more than one;
Maybe only two or three..
We are not rabbits that breed with no thoughts to the welfare,
Of health and mental stability...
But God's grace and a natural love for our offspring!

I am glad my Mother wanted me and gave me birth;
What about you?

Children are a blessing...

Too Many lies;
If you really can't keep your baby- give them to a family
that has the heart and desire to have a family.
There is so much infertility;
Many pray to have a child;
Some of these children can only come to them through adoption!

Please pray that all babies are given a chance for life...

Count your blessings, name them one by one...
{Say Your Children and Grandchildren's Name Here}


  1. Dearest Roxy...I dearly loved this grace-filled post and how beautifully you write! Thank you for sharing the truth, for I do believe it is God's heart for families to embrace children! Why do so many not see children as the blessing they are...? Oh...the enemy is so sly...
    I praise the Lord God for my dear parents who have walked in His ways and given me precious sisters - they have shown me what a blessing families are and thus I know that when the Lord decides to send me my prince charming, I will be filling my home (Lord willing, of course...sometimes He has other plans...) With the sweet little feet and chubby hands only He can give... I know there will be many challenges to be faced...many sacrifices to be made but YES! It is worth it! Thank you for being such a Godly encouragement! Hugs and lots of love, Kelly-Anne

  2. I would love to share my blessings!
    Todd, Kimmy,Lulu, Levi, Ila May, Silas, Trey and one more in Sept.
    With more to come, I'm sure!

    When it comes to babies, I get all mushy. Your grand daughter is adorable!

  3. My blessings are.....
    My GrandAngels.
    Your little one you are holding is so precious and a lovely photo of you Roxy.
    Hugs from Shirley

  4. Yes, there are SO many infertile couples that would LOVE to adopt a baby. Abortion is tragic, not just to the precious baby but to the mother also. Many live to regret it the rest of their life and suffer deep anguish because of it.

  5. Roxy, I love your heart for the family! I always try to make it a point to say something nice to the larger families. I know from experience, it isn't the norm. Our daughter has four children and more often than not someone has something negative to say, and right in front of the children! It is such a sad thing to witness. And for this Nonna, it is maddening. :)

  6. Beautiful words Roxy sharing tremendous message. I pray that more families realize the special blessing that each child brings, and not succumb to the lies of the enemy.

  7. We live in an area where there are large families. We have 6 children, 12 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. And many adoptive grandkids. Such a sweet post.

  8. What a beautiful, love-filled post. My heart aches for those that cannot have a child when another has no intent to carry the life that has been entrusted to them. It is just sad and seems so cruel and unfair.
    I am so glad my children all wanted children and were blessed with them. Our family is almost complete-although we hope we might get one more baby. xo Diana

  9. Those are some truly RIGHT WORDS you've stated here, dear Roxy. May all our decisions please our wonderful, Heavenly Father.

    Hugs and happy weekend,

  10. Hi Roxy,
    Congratulations on your beautiful grandchild - such a lovely photo of you and her!
    Yes, children and grandchildren are a blessing - May the Lord keep on cherishing you and your family, as an apple of His eye!
    Blessings to your weekend,

  11. Roxy,

    Just loved seeing the picture of you and your sweet grandbaby! She is adorable!! I am so very grateful for the blessing of my own little treasure. She brings me joy everyday. I remember reading a precious article last year when I was expecting her, how babies are a blessing and reward from God. The article reminded how God provides all of our needs, and that he would not send you a little one without the financial provisions to care for that blessing. I have seen the LORD abundantly bless my husband and I with enough for our dear baby. : )


  12. So very true! It also breaks the heart of many to hear complaints of having so many children or not wanting anymore children when there are many mothers who have been praying for years for more blessings and yet they have stopped coming...

  13. As I have mentioned many times, I am the baby out of eight and I wouldn't trade growing up in a large family for all the treasure on earth! What a sweet picture of you and that precious li'l darlin'! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, my friend!

  14. A lovely picture Roxy. I always wanted a large family but had so many miscarriages, I am blessed to have three. You're right, so many want to have children and can't. I think two people working makes it too hard to have more than one or two children -- if only women knew what a blessing it is to stay home!!

  15. Thank you for this post! Beautiful words and beautiful baby. I am a mother of 8 AND I've mis-carried 8 times. I know blessing and loss.

    I hope other mothers of large families will have compassion on those who sling careless comments. I was raised in a small home and encouraged to "be responsible." I'm thankful for words from other believers and magazines such as Above Rubies. They have encouraged me even when everyone around me worked to discourage our growing family. As Christians, we need to really be pro-life and let the author of life bless us!
    Oh and when I have careless words come my way, I always say, "We have lots of fun!" with a big smile.

  16. What a precious baby, a gift from God, all of them.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!