Saturday, May 23, 2015

How A Fence Really Gives Us Freedom...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Good Fences
Bad Fences
Old Fences

Fences are in place for many reasons!!
They are what I see as boundaries and are used to keep us safe...

If we did not have these fences we would have cows in the corn;
Horses in the alfalfa fields;
And rabbits in the gardens;
A fence can help to keep things in their own area!

A bad fence is where you build a fence around yourself to
Keep others separate and away from you!

Old fences are boundaries that were put in place to keep us
and our stuff from being abused or taken advantaged of!
The laws of the land to give us freedom;
Laws to keep us from being overrun from agendas to take our stuff
And poison our minds!
We are not suppose to be run by the government
But rather they are to be a service to us...
We had men long ago that wrote a constitution for the American people
"We The People"

We all want freedom!
But as we all well know it does come with a price...

Some countries have no freedoms and no fences;
To keep themselves safe or to keep the enemy out!

Do you go to bed at night and leave your doors unlocked?
Do you just trust someone because they say they are a Christian?
Will you get in a car with just anyone because they have a driver's license?
(These are all forms of fences we should have in our lives)

We all have God given rights...
But many in places of trust will cross over an established fence.

I do not enjoy hurting other peoples feeling;
But I do not like to feel cornered or coerced into things.

We must all make good choices everyday!
God tells us to lead a quiet life and work with our hands...

Just don't tread on me!

I serve one master and loyal to one king!

Keep your watch dear ones, manage your home!
Keep the fences in good sound repair!
Watch for anyone trying to climb over this fence and does not come through;
"The Door Or Gate"

Freedom is not really free...

Have any of you seen that movie called
"Little Boy"

I loved it!


  1. I have not seen the movie. Now I am curious. I agree with every single thing you said here. Every.single.thing.

  2. You gave us something to think about this Memorial Day weekend.
    You have my curiosity about this movie "Little Boy".
    Have a good weekend!

  3. I have not heard of the movie.
    This is a very good post. I am reminded of my late mom's hospice chaplain, a young father of 3. Eight short weeks after my mom died, he stopped on his way home from youth church to give a man/woman who were stranded a ride. They murdered him.

  4. Roxy, that was so true about fences! Thank you for writing that. These days, we need to be super vigilant about who & what we allow to come past our fences. God bless you, Bev

  5. True...oh! So true, dear Roxy! Thank you for sharing such wise thoughts today!
    I seem to have missed many of your posts for some reason, so I am doing a little catching up this lovely Sunday morning...
    Have a blessed and peaceful day!
    Much love,

  6. Amen Roxy! No, Thanks for this reminder today, to keep a watch. I haven't seen the movie.

  7. Such a good post, and so true. The whole aspect of fences rings true on your every point. We need need those boundaries, but we don't want to be held captive by them. We haven't seen Little Boy yet, but have been wanting to see it, hope to see it soon. Love ya Rox

  8. Hi Roxy,
    This is a wonderful post and it's message is one that I needed today! Thank you! Hope you have a blessed week!

  9. Hello Friend~ such a good reminder.

    I am getting ready for my Down Under Guest~ Ann's daughter. I am looking forward to having a girl around for a little bit. I sure miss mine. I get to see them all very soon though.

    Have a wonderful evening.

  10. Roxy, I love your thoughts here! Always truth!! I have missed being able to visit regularly. I may not always make a comment, but I want you to know I appreciate your encouraging words and solid teaching!!!

  11. Yes, sometimes we think because we're Christians, we must be "nice." No, not if that means letting others harm us or our families.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!