Thursday, May 21, 2015

How To Impact And Improve Your Marriage And The Lily Of The Valley Flowers...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog, Lily Of The Valley Flowers


How can such a tiny flower give off such a heady and powerful scent?

They have a lovely tiny bell shaped flowers, it is usually only white in color.
But it can actually be found as a pale pink in color.
 I have never seen the pale pink.

These little tiny bell flowers will fill an entire area and atmosphere
Of a heavenly perfume
And I might add, it is distinctive scent!

These little flowers can make a huge impact;
Just their presence can release a strong and sweet perfume!

How can we as women make a strong and sweet impact,
In our marriages and relationships with others?

By being distinct in our way with our words and our intent of our actions...

We get this silly notion like we have to be perfect and big important in
how we live and our realm of influence has to be large...
That is a big fat lie

Let me tell you this, it is the smallest things that have happened
in my life that have made a huge impact...

When you will take the time to tell your Hubby I love you and smile,
And do a small gesture of showing that he matters; it will make an impact!
Small things done daily or even just once can prepare a fertile ground
 A place that love and humility can increase.

How to improve;
In our hearts and the intent and the real motive should and,
Can be done in small increments, little by little
Can produce a strong sweet perfume...

We have all heard or maybe have said this phrase;
"Well that just plain stinks"

When I leave a room or a place, I dearly hope they are not saying
that about me, even if I might speak a hard word to someone,
If it is done in love,
 I must trust it will still leave a sweet smelling fragrance.

Just because something that might look delicate does not mean it
Cannot make a huge difference.
A truly biblical lady must be a bit like a lily of the valley flower

The Lily flower is a picture of sweetness, purity and humility,
And fruitfulness...

Just remember we can really fool no one;
Husbands and children and even animals can sense if you have a true intent;
To bring safety and kindness to a person
"That is why if your instincts tell you to beware of someone, trust it!!
Even children can sense an evil motive, don't tell your child go give
So and so a hug, when they clearly are not comfortable!
And this is my warning;
This flower might be sweetly scented
But it is highly poisonous...

Some impacts can be dangerous to ourselves and our loved ones.
Sometimes situations can seem that they are about to implode.
God wants us to be gentle as doves but wise as serpents!

We are all called to bloom where we are planted;
The the Lily of the valley blooms supposes to mean;
"Happiness is said to return"

~The symbolism's for this dainty tiny flowers are these~

Marys tears she shed when Jesus was on the cross.
Ladder to heaven.
Jacobs tears.
Also, it is considered a sign of Christ's second coming!

May your days be filled with a sweet smelling aroma;
Small and dainty but powerful...
Love others and look  all around you for those sweet spots,
That are filled with His presence...


  1. Oh I love your lily of the valley analogy. The first little house we rented after we got married had been an elderly woman's home for many years. She had a side yard full of these precious little flowers so they always remind me of this sweet time in our early marriage. Have a blessed day! Angela

  2. Mine are just leaving no flower yet.

    When I was three I always wanted my Mom to put them in a tiny fruit glass on the table she did.

    Do you remember those cute fruit glasses back in 1944?

    They had pictures of flowers on each one. I think back then my Mom bought them in a store called A& P grocery store. She had to have so much money spent on her grocery bill. Then she got two given to her.

  3. I liken that to some people that are beautiful on the outside and give off a charismatic air of goodness but are really vipers in disguise. I have run into a few of them in my life.
    They can poison a life when they infiltrate it.
    Good post! xo Diana

  4. Your blog is a good teaching tool that reaches out from your country home to others who may never get to hear a lesson like this!

  5. I look forward to your posts. They are a breath of fresh air and always give me a little boost! Thank you.

  6. Such a wonderful analogy. keep encouraging Roxy, we all need these reminders

  7. Beautiful writing Roxy! The best way that we can leave a "sweet smelling fragrance" wherever we are is to spend time with the King, and it is His fragrance that we will leave behind as we go about our day. I realize that more and more, that it is HIM that I want others to see, and less of me. Thanks for a thought provoking, beautiful post!

  8. I love Lily of the Valley and I love sweet little ways of showing affection. Might be a gentle hug or just a sweet smile. You're so right. Those little things make a big impact! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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