Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Lovely Parosole...


Summer Sunshine

How the days just seem to fly by ever so quickly, I find that I must purpose in my heart;
To take pleasure even when the days are so hot and muggy.

I see so many that dress with very little clothing on;
But I have also seen those that work in the fields, that are covered from
Head to Toe with clothing!
I asked a woman once last year if she was super hot?
She told me that with having her arms and legs covered it allowed her to
Stay much cooler than having the sun beat down upon her bare arms and legs.

I found this photo of such lovely and pretty parosoles!
(A Parosole is just a pretty name for an umbrella)
I do not even think you could find these anymore.

Years ago all ladies carried these when going out and about!
Or you might even remember ladies that carried those little hand fans!

Also now days we all have A/C and Fans we plug into the wall.
I am so thankful for modern conveniences!!

I also still enjoy seeing a lovely straw hat on someone at the beach!
But also there is nothing more soothing or wonderful than a portion of the shade!
Having a shade tree is so pleasant to have in one's backyard.
Also, many years ago we sat on our front porches and we just enjoyed the breeze!

I find myself doing most household chores early, so in the very hottest part of
the day, I can rest and just be still and read for a bit!

I hope you are enjoying this very hot weather and learning to make the best of it!
As so many of us feel like we could even melt.

If you have ever hat heat stroke, I have heard you will always feel a greater
Sensitivity to the heat!

Do you feel a bit dried out?
Remember this heat can make you feel dehydrated quickly!

Remember to wear some sunscreen as a bad sunburn can ruin a whole vacation
So try to keep some handy!

Have you found yourself really busy this summer?
Or are you spending more time at home?

I will be reminding myself to plan a bit more carefully for upcoming dinners;
As with this hot weather we need some foods that are light a cool!

We always try to sit outside in the evenings if there is a breeze as then the
bugs that bite are not so bad! I always worry about all the sprays that have
the Deet in them, especially for children.

I hope you are all doing well and taking joy in these days of summer!


  1. In cities. I have seen the Chines ladies use an umbrella's for the heat walking. I thought they were very smart. Not just for rainy days but for health against hot weather.

    Your parosoles!are very classy for the ladies back then .

    I know people who are black they wear wool hats in Spring and summer. I asked my friend. Isn't that hot. She said oh no. Keeps me cool.

    I wear hats. I have all sizes. Now I find them extra hot. My hair sweats terrible.

    Enjoyed your blog.

  2. Those parasols are just gorgeous, Roxy. I don't get as much sun as I used to-knowing what it does to our skin long term. But. I do still like to see my legs tanned up a bit. Sad that we think TAN means HEALTHY-when it is the exact opposite. xo Diana

  3. It has been a scorcher here in Florida! The humidity is always bad but it has been terrible this year. We've had temps near 100 degrees and over with the heat index. My hubby works outside and I do not see how he does it. I am very sensitive to the sun and burn so easily so I have to wear sunscreen and lots of it if I am going to be outside for long. Great post Roxy...and great advice! Have a lovely rest of the week.

    Hugs, Vicky

  4. Dear Roxy, oh yes, you can get those style of parasols (para meaning for and sol the sun in Spanish), in fact, I sell them on my stall at the markets together with matching fans. They are one of my best sellers! I am onto my second order. I purchase 100 at a time. They are made in China of course but still very lovely. The ones in the photo are the two styles I have stocked. Ivory is the most popular colour. I also have white and black ones. At a vintage fair earlier this year I sold quite a number. The girls in their red 50's style dresses went for the black ones and they looked great too!
    People just love them and they attract customers over to the stall. I have sold them to young girls, older ladies and everyone in between. One girl bought one to take with her to England for the Jane Austen Festival! They are very popular for brides and bridesmaids here. They have such feminine appeal and it is very encouraging to see and hear the responses from people when they come to or walk past my stall! I would love for you to have one. (A gift from me) Let me find out postage to the States first that it is not too prohibitive and I will mail it to you. If it is too costly perhaps you would like a fan? Let me know what colour you prefer and send me your address. The ones I have right now are the same design as the one in the back.

  5. What a lovely post Roxy, I found myself nodding my head to it all as I read! I agree that in these hot days of summer wearing light cool clothing that covers the skin is cooler than being exposed. I have been looking for a straw hat to wear. I don't wear hats, but I am beginning to think about changing that, lol... and I agree with Nana Diana - why indeed does our culture think tanned means healthy, when it certainly means exposure to skin cancer. Enjoyed your post as always, and hope you get to catch up on some reading in these hot summer afternoons!

  6. Oh... What gorgeous parasoles, dear must have been delightful to live in a time when such feminine things were used to keep the sun off...
    I love the sunshine, but I must admit that hot, humid weather leaves me feeling quite drowsy and unable to work. Thus, planning. meals in advance is indeed a good idea, as is doing your work early! :)
    As of right now, I am cuddled up in warm clothes as winter has arrived in my part of the world! I actually find I get much for achieved in the winter, including gardening!
    But I love all seasons and I am learning to find contentment in each one!
    May you have a beautiful summer!
    It is always so refreshing stopping by your lovely blog - dear Roxy, you are a sweet blessing!
    Joyfully in Christ!

  7. I love lace, the parasols are so pretty.
    I cover up well when it is hot, our Summer has not got to hot yet which is good for us.
    I had heat stroke as a teenager on a trip to Venice & was so ill, so I always stay out of the midday sun.
    Fondly Michelle

  8. Hi Roxy,
    I love those lace parasoles! The lace is just gorgeous! Wish I knew where to find one of those....its funny I actually like to have something light covering my skin as well when I am out in the sunlight...if it is terribly humid though, that is a totally different story....I don't want anything touching me! So far we have been fortunate not to have oppressive heat and hunidity but I know it must be coming.....Enjoy the rest of the weekend Roxy,


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