Sunday, June 28, 2015

Purple Rain and Praying...


Purple flowers and rain... Living from Glory to Glory Blog

I have been doing a lot of praying lately...
I find myself going about my days doing all the things that
Make our life flow smoothly!

I believe we are in training to keep our hearts and homes in peace!
By learning to pray is one thing;
To practice it is another!

We all need a drink of His Presence often,
We can learn to live each day in that place; as it will be required!

Something as powerful as keeping very close to the Lord;
Will help keep you healthy and not overburdened with the,
Cares of the world. We are all hearing the buzz about this and that!
We all know that we have a higher court and calling!

I am learning to not allow all the things that seem so important;
To the world rob me of my peace or calling!

Have you learned the fine art of taking every thought captive?

Do you find yourself suddenly catapulted into chaos?

I think more than ever we will need to keep our heads;
Be not overly excited over what you see and hear!

I heard a saying lately that do not fear!
~As the stage is being set~

What part will you play in all the drama?
Will history repeat it's poor choices again?

Living in such a way that peace flows from you even in a crisis;
Will be duly noted by those watching!

I remember the thought I had years ago was this
Even in troubled times, our men still get hungry!
Learn to take your eyes off the troubles, and sit with Him in the cool of the day.

Do you think that a flower would stop blooming just because;
Things were not going as planned?

I want to encourage all of you to not look at all the problems!
But rather pray and watch and doing what God has given you to do!

purple, Living From Glory to Glory Blog...

I will tell you all a little bit about my last few things going on here;

We cut down our huge tree in between our two homes the other day,
It was the hardest and scariest job I have ever had to do!
This tree was called our family tree and it just died this last winter!

I saw a woman walking today with her two children and she was using an
 Umbrella to keep the sun off of her!

I have kept busy and have spent less time on the computer!

How are each of you ladies doing?
Hope you have a wonderful week, filled with good things!


  1. Hi Roxy, Nice to see an update from you. I hear you on the bad hair humidity days!!! We have received rain the last two days and it was much appreciated. I've been using the crockpot to help keep the kitchen cooler during GA's heat this summer. I did a post this afternoon on answered prayer and how the Lord uses people to help others. I wish you and your family a blessed July 4th holiday.

  2. Roxy I think people awe not joining the follower page but that doesn't mean they are not visiting. I have been on the blogging circuit since 2005 and I still only have about 300 followers so I took the icon off the page. My statcounter reports a thousand more visitors a day than that. There could be a lot more subscribers but I am not sure if you can get a number for that. Nuts because readers do not click the follow button may nit mean they don't read regularly.

  3. You are so brilliant to point out the flowers bloom anyway, a sign that God still has the world in a natural state, even when people try to mess up their lives with rebellion. And the dishes still need washing, meals are needed at home no matter what the chaos of the world.

  4. Thanks to the humidity and all the rain, my hair has gone wacko on me, but I just don't feel right complaining about it in light of all the wonderful rain we've had. Some days it is harder than others to take all those thoughts captive. The news is troubling, but I meet with Him every morning and know that He has everything under control.

  5. Glad to see you here. We have rain here, too, and my hair is awful! I have been so busy with the grandkids and my daughter here...busy but fulfilled. Just like God wants it to be! xo Diana

  6. Dear Roxy,

    Your timing is perfect!
    I too, like what you said about the flower blooming. Makes sense.
    So I will go about my day, praying and praising.

    By the way, what are some of your "special meals"? I'm always looking for ideas!

  7. Hello Roxy! SO glad to hear you are doing well, despite the bad hair days. ;) I have been tempted to cut mine but I'm holding off.

    I love what you said - Living in such a way that peace flows from you even in a crisis; Will be duly noted by those watching! - such true words! We live by example, as Christ did.

    Blessings for a safe and happy 4th of July!

  8. I use to live in the tropical north of Australia and I struggled with humidity for years and my hair hated it, I sometimes looked quite wild :))))

    I take one day at the time and it's far more calming and peaceful and thank the Lord for His daily presences in my day. I have so much to be thank ful for even when thinks are unpleasant.

    Fighting off a cold at present, it's been very stubborn:( I think I have passed it onto my husband.

    Jo xxx

  9. Hi Roxy! Your posts are always so encouraging and inspiring! I love that you included a little of what is going on with you at the end. My hair gets so wavy in the humidity too and I have a straight hairstyle!!

  10. Roxy dear...I love the flower analogy. It keeps growing and focusing on what God has given it to do. As Elisabeth Elliot says...Just do the next thing. Life really I simple as we trust and keep focused on what the Lord has set before us to accomplish.
    You are a blessing,

  11. Hi Rox,
    I wanted to comment on this post the other day, but got interrupted before I got to it, and never got back until now. I love your analogies, and your words of encouragement. They are timely reminders and such blessings. I was thinking of your tree, and felt for your having to cut so much of it down. I heard a scripture in church the other day and thought of you:

    Job 14:7-9

    For there is hope for a tree, When it is cut down, that it will sprout again, And its shoots will not fail. 8"Though its roots grow old in the ground And its stump dies in the dry soil, 9At the scent of water it will flourish And put forth sprigs like a plant.…

  12. Good morning dearest Roxy...I am always refreshed and encouraged by your beautiful words... I love what you said...

    Sunday, June 28, 2015
    Purple Rain and Praying...

    I have been doing a lot of praying lately...
    I find myself going about my days doing all the things that
    Make our life flow smoothly!

    I believe we are in training to keep our hearts and homes in peace!
    By learning to pray is one thing;
    To practice it is another!

    We all need a drink of His Presence often,
    We can learn to live each day in that place; as it will be required!

    Something as powerful as keeping very close to the Lord;
    Will help keep you healthy and not overburdened with the,
    Cares of the world. We are all hearing the buzz about this and that!
    We all know that we have a higher court and calling!

    ''I am learning to not allow all the things that seem so important;
    To the world rob me of my peace or calling!''

    May we all strive to take every thought captive and keep our eyes on our heavenly Father!

    Blessings to you, Roxy, and enjoy the rest of your week!
    Hugs and much love...


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!