Thursday, June 11, 2015

How To Tell What Kind Of Man He Is...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I want to share with you a word of wisdom that was spoken to me;
Many years back, I had a wonderful Godly woman tell me this statement!

She told me this;
" There are only two kinds of men"

I asked her, what are they?

She told me this;

  Those that WORK
 Those that DON'T

So there you have it...

Some men will not provide for their families or homes!
Some will work and work and work to provide for them!

I am talking about being the one "MAN" to make and supply provisions for there

We have to help the younger ladies to know that some men will never
want to provide for them!
They are selfish and lazy and they want to stay home.
They may even require the women to go work outside the home;
Just so they can still eat and have a roof over their heads.

Always Sleeping and are Just Lazy

I understand that some men may not work because of a handicap or a real illness.
I am rather referring to a un-biblical demand that is being refused to take responsibility.

There is a scripture that says;
"If a man shall not work so he shall not eat"

Now this work is a work that looks different in so many ways;
Manuel Labor
Owning Their Own Business
Hitting the pavement actively looking for work...

We all have seen a family whose breadwinner lost his job through
Downsizing or a business closure.
I am not talking about that situation;

I am referring to a man who just always chooses to be lazy and not provide!
The word says he his worst then an infidel...

So my other point in this is that we as women have to be careful too
Not to complain when your husband has to work long hours!
We can find ourselves whining about the very thing
God commanded them to do...

As a matter of fact that is what they were created to do!

Work is what gives them self worth and strength!
It is what gives them grit and wisdom!

To provide for their families
A Roof over Their heads
Physical Safety 

"Beware Of the Men who have a love affair with the bottle"
Or with drugs of any kind.
The pull of strong drink has brought much pain and suffering to families!

Why do we think we can change a person,
Most women enable men to not provide by working themselves;
When both work it is a different situation.
Sometimes we enable by trying to help with the very thing that
They need to do to become healthy inside and out!

I believe it was a hard word to hear, but it may allow someone to see
A "Red Flag" before they marry...

If you have been blessed with a Man who does work hard for his family,
Tell him how much you appreciate all his hard work...


  1. Oh my Roxy.....what wisdom in those words. I have never heard that saying before about the 2 types of men. I will have to share that with my daughter. You know as I think about it, it would be true, usually a man who works hard has the type of character qualities needed in a good mate. Hard work and self discipline prove to be the stability in marriage. And God did create the man to be the protector/provider.
    Glad I have one of those good kind.....Hugs from Shirley

  2. Oh yes, I totally agree with this post! There are lazy men out there that expect their wives to be the provider! I hope women will read this and beware! A good man will work hard to provide! Blessings, Roxy.

  3. Mine's an excellent, diligent, responsible provider! I am DEEPLY grateful to God!!!

    True words today, Roxy!!!


  4. Wonderful words of wisdom! Many a woman has been caught unawares by a man who has no intention of working hard to provide for his family. Usually a man with that kind of selfish nature uses sweet and cunning words to trick a woman into thinking he is something he is not. It is a wonderful thought you have shared. A woman must be careful to realize there is a danger in believing everything a man says, when his actions do not match his words!

    I am so very very very thankful that the Lord blessed me with a husband who knows the wonderful value of providing for his family, and who yearns for nothing more than to see us cared and protected for by his hard work. He works long hard hours, but when he is home, we enjoy every precious moment together. Much love to you Roxy, and praying the Lord continues to bless your heart of writing for His glory :)

  5. I love your words of wisdom - they always give me food for thought.

    Did you notice that I did an Art Friday for you, all about hats - it was fun to have a look at all the different styles and which ones I liked most and the ones I wouldn't ever wear!!:

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Jo xx

  6. Very blessed to have a man that works hard to provide for his family. The only cautionary note I would add would be regarding the men that work so hard and end up neglecting their families and even their health. There are a lot of children in these times who barely see their fathers as they work such long hours, stay at the office after hours etc or they may even put ministry obligations ahead of spending time with family. I suppose it depends on what the purpose of those long hours are for and what wages are going towards and to differentiate between needs and wants. My husband works 4 days a week. On most Fridays he is here and he works on projects around the home. Our children get to work alongside him, they see how hard he works and learn valuable life skills and work ethics from him. The sacrifice of that day's pay is worth it. Oh yes, it would be lovely to have money for a new sofa but in the end I think I prefer having my man here at the end of the day (usually the only time he sits down!) to sit on the old sofa with me than working overtime to pay for a new one!

  7. Wise words, and sound advice. I don't tell my husband enough how much I appreciate his hard work. Thank you for the reminder, Roxy.
    You are a blessing!!
    Love you.


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