Monday, June 15, 2015

My Sister And Dear Friend...


Do you ever just want to go back to just being a kid again...

I thought I hated it when my sister would tell me what to do,
But after many years of having to do everything myself,
I kind of miss having someone telling how to do something,
And when to do it   LOL

Are you the big sister or the little sister?
Or in my case I am the middle sister...

I have this sister that is the most positive person I know;
She is also very funny and always makes me laugh...

She also can be a bit bossy in the best way;
But deep down inside I always love her ideas and perceptions,
About life and family and matters of the heart...

I have enjoyed reading so many blogs that are about;
Finding joy
Baking lemon cakes and cookies
Being Content in your life
Organizing our Homes
Enjoying Summer
Even Book Reviews

Once again, I can see we all are wanting to find JOY
In the days we are living in...
They are all treasures!

Please take the time to tell those you love;
How much you appreciate them!!

My son has a little saying when things get tough;
"Can't we all just get along"

~Well, now that depends on do you want to be right or keep the peace~

I am laughing at the fact, after years of blogging, I still have not
Reached 200 followers...
Maybe that gadget just might need to disappear LOL
I really do not care about the number that are following;
It is just a sign of how we just feel stuck at times.

But we are learning to endure when even simple things seem tough!
I think I will sit and read this afternoon...
Read and maybe crochet a granny square.

The Word tells us not to be conformed to this world;
But rather to be transformed by the renewing of our minds!

Enjoy and take pleasure!
Everyday is a gift!
Dwell in the Possibilities!


  1. You girls look like two little peas in a pod...and cute as can be!
    I always wanted a sister....I got 5 brothers instead!!
    Well, the Lord knows prepared me for 4 sons and 8 grandsons:)
    Hugs from Shirley

  2. Hi Roxy, As you know, I am the younger sis. I wish life were as simple as when we were kids, for sure! This is a nice photo of you and your sis. Beautiful smiles. Georgia is really hot today, almost 100, so reading is a very good idea!!!

  3. What a lovely sister you have Roxy...and what a sweet photo! I think I see a family have the same smile! I have mentioned before that I am the baby of 8 children so I have been a little sis all of my life. I have 4 sisters and two of them were like second mothers to me because they helped Mom take care of me when I was a baby :) I love them one and all and haven't seen any of them for 2 years...BUT that will be changing soon. There will be a family reunion in July in Ohio...and I can't wait! And to answer that first question...YES! I would love to be a kid again...if only for a day. Well, maybe a week :)

  4. You might be a bit "old school" but so am I so I love your blog. I find things here that lift my heart and soul. Thank you for reminding me of things I may have forgotten but that are very important.

  5. You are blessed to have a sister and one to spare.
    I use to pretend to have a sister and her name was Linda.
    I think my life would of been completely different if I had a sister.

    As far as followers, I probably would of had 200 by now too, but a lot left. Some followers come and some go! ?????

  6. Hi Roxy, what a lovely post of sister love. Beautiful photo!
    Family means so much and a special blessing.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Have a nice week my friend.
    Hugs, CM

  7. Birth order was a big issue with the Lord, apparently, huh? I am the firstborn of four-- one sis after me, then two baby brothers.

    One of our girls-- our baby-- was like your son: "Can't we just say we're sorry and move on?" Great attitude!

    As for blog followers, I do not have that gadget on my blog, Roxy. When I deleted my original blog (started on 23 September 2009 on Guam), I had hundreds of followers. In 2013 I deleted it, and was begged to come back, I did but did not add the followers gadget. Just me. I blog now on my own terms. I got off of Facebook and Twitter. I have a voice but I don't need or feed off the "connection" hundreds were expecting of me.

    I'm getting ready to go embroider on my denim jacket. Are you crocheting?

    Hugs, Roxy!

  8. Well, I thought I was following you, but wasn't sure, so went ahead and joined, but it still says 199. I thought I'd be #200! I just reached 200, and when I started blogging I had big dreams I'd have 5000 followers the first year. Ha!
    I got something even better; a small group of lovely blog friends who encourage each other, like yourself.
    What a nice picture of you and your sister. I was the oldest; I don't remember being bossy, but my sister might disagree :)
    xo Deborah

  9. I'm the middle child too. 3-older and 3-younger. One of 3-sisters. Our doctor calls us The 3-Sisters.
    I'm also a younger sister and an older sister. My eldest sister is the most amazing woman, bossy, always right and would do anything for you she could and she is my shoulder to cry or lean on. My younger sister is a complete earthly angel. She would give you her last drop of blood or the shirt off her back and cry with you until there were no more tears. I fall in the middle as well I should. I'm a bossy angel so says my husband. :D
    Sister's are the best and I thank God He gave me my two. We won't talk about the 4-boys. haha. But I love them too.

    Thanks for this sweet post.
    Jake's a Girl

  10. I am a middle sister Roxy, I am closer to my older sister, she has always been there for me, through thick and thin, my younger sister is more independent ! I alway enjoy your thoughts so encouraging, thank you for sharing.

  11. What a lovely picture Roxy! Sisters!! So beautiful and happy! You are so in the moment and appreciate everyday! Finding and feeling joy is a choice's a beautiful feeling and is yours for the asking! I so enjoyed this post. Have a lovely week love!

  12. A lovely post about sisters, dear that reminds me so much of my own.. My sister would relate to you as she always says I used to tell her what to do and when to do it.. lol.. I am the oldest.. There are only the two of us so she had to put up with me.. Such sweet words in your post and enjoyed it so much... Take care, my sweet friend.. God bless..

  13. Oh, I just LOVE what Deborah said about her sweet group of blog friends...I totally agree :) I remember you doing a post about friendship and how t's better to have a few true and precious friends than a boatload of insincere "friends." We have said it over and over, but blogging friends are so special and they are a lovely treasure.

    It was so much fun to see your sister....both of you are so beautiful! I have only one sister and she is 7-years-older than me. We have never really had a phenomenal relationship due to the age gap, but she is my sweet sister and I love her with all of my heart :)

    Thanks for joining Roses of Inspiration this week. Love ya!

  14. I love this picture of you and your sister Rox; ;it is so cute of the two of you. I enjoyed meeting your sister, and it seems that you two are very alike; I think I would be laughing all the time if I were with you both… as it is I am laugh a good deal of the time when I am talking to you, hahaha. I am the youngest of two brothers as you know… and I always wished for a sister, so I say enjoy your sister all you can sister.

    I love the blogs themes you have been enjoying, just the titles inspire me. It is true about wanting to find joy, these are days that we must contend for our joy and our peace. Loved the post. Have a great week.

  15. Awww... You and your sister have the same beautiful smiles, Roxy.
    Sisters... they come in all shapes and sizes with their own ways about them, don't they? :)
    I was the oldest sister, but my brother was the oldest. He is now with the Lord, but he and I were really really close. He was my "BIG" brother and always looked after me, right up until he died at the age of 52. He was the greatest!
    Being the oldest sister you are given responsibilities that the younger ones do not have, therefore, you tend to seem like you are the "bossy" one, when in fact, you are just taking the lead and looking after them. :) That is how I see it. LOL
    Reading sounds like a great idea for the day.
    I have to agree with Deborah as well. We really do have a wonderful group of ladies here in this blogging community, as small as it is.
    You have a lovely place here Roxy, for us ladies to come a visit. Thank you for sharing the beauty that you do.

    Enjoy your day!
    Much love ~ Debbie

  16. Y'all are beautiful!!! I just spent the weekend with my sister in FL, and had a great time. She is seven years older than me and we have become good friends now that we are adults.

  17. You're both so beautiful, Roxy, and I know so thankful to be sisters. I am the big sister, and 14 years older than my little sis. Even though we have that age gap, we have always been close. I still talk to her everyday, across the miles from Texas to Ohio. I Loved reading your post and your words of wisdom.

  18. Good morning Roxy,
    Wow, you look so much like your sister! I am the middle sister....and I in turn also have 3 girls! I am with your son! "Can't we all just get along?" How nice that you are close and spend time together!

  19. I just found your blog and have been reading the posts...beautiful and inspirational. Thank you so much for your work!

  20. What a lovely post about sisters! I am blessed with two sisters and two brothers, and am the eldest of my family, and I agree with others, that sometimes as the oldest, you carry and shoulder responsibilities for the younger ones. About the followers - I "high-five" Kelley for saying that she does not care for followers - neither do I. I write because of what is on my heart, and not to have a certain number. None of that stuff on my blog either. The numbers are just that... numbers... and I think just being thankful that your sweet and loving heart for the Lord is reaching wherever it may, blessing as it goes, and that is all that needs to be. Your place here is beautiful, full of grace and truth, and much enjoyed. May the Lord continue to bless your heart for Him!

  21. Your sister resembles a friend of mine Roxy! I have one younger sister that is all. I have not seen her since 2001 when I was last in the UK for my father's funeral but next month she arrives in Australia for a 10 day holiday and to attend my son's wedding. We have a lot to catch up on!
    As for blogging, I don't ever expect to reach 200 followers now that I blog so infrequently. As you know, what we went through last month as a family which praise God had a happy ending, turned my life upside down and more than ever I want to sow into the life of my family on a daily basis and be there for my children and not distracted sitting behind a computer screen blogging away because you never know what each day may bring. To me it is just ironic that there are women with children writing blogs about homemaking who have to employ housekeepers in order to keep up their blog! There are so many blogs out there now for Christian women it is almost mind boggling. In a way, it was simpler when I just had my books by Emilie Barnes, Elisabeth Elliot and Edith Schaeffer to inspire me! But I am so very grateful for the wonderful ladies and kindred spirits like yourself and Pam that I have connected with thanks to blogging and in reality I am only blogging these past few years to keep alive that connection. I really don't have the time to take the stylish home photos which draw in the followers and I no longer fret about my boring blog design either. Along with a large following comes an obligation to keep on writing new and inspirational posts and answer the inevitable emails so I'm very content to remain a village size blog in the blogosphere! I rarely comment on blogs these days but I've commented twice this past week on your blog so you know I'm still here!

  22. And you even look like sisters! My sister and I do not. She looks like our dad and I look like our mom. I am the eldest. She probably thinks I am bossy. =D

    The Followers box...yup, I hear you. I waited for over a year before I gained the final five followers to tick it up over the 500 mark. I always follow those who follow me and I try to always visit those who visit so I don't get it. Perhaps it is broken, too! Perhaps yours is as well.

  23. Hi Roxy,
    Your blog is one that I would miss most if you stopped writing it.
    I wouldn't worry about the numbers. You have excellent comments.

    Your sister is beautiful like you.

    I wish we lived closer.

    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!