Wednesday, October 28, 2015

How I Make My Fall Treat Mix...

My Fall Treat Mix

When fall comes around, I always like to make a special mix of sweet and salty treats.
I enjoy adding a cereal that has a maple flavor to it!

I know this may be not on your food list of things to eat, but it is only once a year!

I have always thought the memories that it comes with it is so worth it!
~I am sure you foodies out there will make a healthier version~

But, it makes me happy and brings a smile to my face...

You can really add anything you want into your own batch;
But sweet and salty is what I aim for in mine.

It really is convenient to make up a batch and store in a pretty glass jar!
I always make up a little bag of it and put it in my car for a snack.
You can add fruit or nuts, really whatever your heart desires.

Why are making memories so powerful to one's heart and sense's?
I have come to a stage in my life where I believe I can answer that very question.

Everything holds a memory;
That is why we must always take heed to make some good ones.
I am thankful that the good ones over power the ones that hinder or harm.

Do you know that even the sound of your voice portrays an emotion?
That is why our tone is so important!
Keep the bitterness out of our words;
As we may just have to eat them...

May our words be salty or sweet!

My Recipe For My Fall Mix

1 bag of pretzels
1 bag of goldfish crackers
1 box of Chocolate Grahams
1 small bag of chocolate M&M's
3 cups of Maple flavor cereal

Please share with me what you like to put into your Fall Mix!
Also see two other ideas for Fall mixes below!

Here Is A Photo Of What I Used...

Here are two other Blog sites showing their versions of a Fall Mix

Please check out these other sites for inspiration;

Blessings, Roxy


  1. Yum! What a wonderful collection of yummies all in one bowl! And I liked what you said about being careful with our words, we never know when we may have to "eat" them... may they be salty or sweet... but never bitter. Yes indeed. A good thought to remember for the day! Appreciate you sharing your collection of wisdom dear Roxy :)

  2. Raisins, walnuts, banana chips and cheerios together.

  3. What a wonderful collection! I love those yummies in a bowl!

  4. What fun--but I think you need to post the "recipe"!
    I have always done a candy mix---and the kids love it...of course they do! xo Diana

  5. Hmmm....I think everyone is making up some form of a fall mix! I just posted one on my blog this morning! I made a spicy one for my guys. But, I do tend to go for a more sweet and salty note myself. I love the combo of a crunchy cereal, a cheddar cracker, pretzels and of course something chocolate!

    This mix you made is very good, it's hard not to eat the whole jar!
    I love the maple flavored cereal, it really says Fall to me!

    I hope you enjoy your day! I think it's gonna be chilly out! :o)

    Hugs, Amy

  6. That does sound good, Roxy. I did not know there was maple flavored cereal!!!! lol xo Diana

  7. This really looks good, Roxy...I love a sweet and salty mix. In my mind, you can't have one without the other! Happy Thursday :)

  8. Yummy! I haven't made anything yet, but I know my daughter likes Chex Mix.

  9. I could eat my weight in those sweet & salty mixes. I love 'em.

  10. Looks So yummy, Rox, its very like one that I make. I do love the coziness of this time of year (as you talked about in your previous post), and I love these delightful traditions. There are happy memories in every bite.

  11. Hi Roxy, This looks like a great treat mix to make for gifts too. I make one I call Merry Mix. I use m&m's, peanuts, choc.chips, butterscotch morsels and raisins. I place it in pretty candy style jars, tie a pretty Christmas ribbon on and add a gift tag. Everyone loves it. The combo is so addictive.
    I am surly going to try yours. It looks so good!!
    Thanks for sharing. xo

  12. Hello Roxy... What a wonderful recipe.. And so simple.. I love those kind.. I think I will pin this if you don't mind and pass the recipe along to the Keepers group..
    God bless, my friend. xo

  13. Roxy, I like a little sweet and salty as well! We enjoy a fun mix like this now and then. I have one that I make in Nov. called a 'blessing mix'. It has Bugles in it which looks like cornucopias, and the pretzels resemble arms folded in prayer. Thanks for sharing your recipe with SYC.

  14. Your fall mix looks super yummy! I am sure dad had enjoyed having it for his lunch and hunting trip. Thanks for sharing my mix too!


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