Monday, October 26, 2015

Learn To Say No...


When I think about the season that smells of pumpkin and rich spices;
I feel a cozy sensation that we have now completed another portion.

Because of the strong and bright appearance that a pumpkin has,
We can see that time can bring forth a strong and lovely stature.

I can't help but think of the changes that happen in our lives.
We cannot stop the process of life that does bring about these changes.
These things will always be in the process of change.

We can all say remember when;

We would be bored to tears if nothing ever changed!

If the seasons did not change, we would miss the delights and the sorrows.
The summer brings long hot days and balmy nights.
The fall brings fruits and harvest of much hard work,
And the colors that are on display,
They twist and twirl and seem to be having the last dance, as if to say goodbye.
Winter can be harsh and can keep us close to home;
When the evening starts very early, we can embrace the longer evenings.
Then just when we feel like the never ending season of winter.
Then along comes spring once again to remind us;

God is still doing a good work within us!

But oh, we can take the time to be diligent in  how we live our days,
We also can take joy...

Dear Ones if you are feeling heavy laden;
Give it to God and learn to say no when a demand results in crushing your joy!

We are not suppose to say yes, to everything that comes our way;
Because we can actually start to feel a social justice to the world that we must accomplish!

This can become a false duty rather than a calling from God!


  1. Hi Roxy, Great post. Saying no has been a challenge for me, but I have learned to use it and I am better in doing so.
    Wishing you a wonderful week. Hugs and Blessings, cm

  2. "This can become a false duty rather than a calling from God!"


    So true!

  3. Saying no can be hard, but you're right. Sometimes you have too.

  4. Change often comes at a time when we are just adjusting to the comforting "normality" of our situation... even so, we must accept the fact that change comes as quickly and suddenly as possibly the seasons of nature change... great thoughts Roxy... and realizing that we don't have to say "yes" to every request for someone needing our time - especially if it means giving up precious family time. Our families must come first. And most comforting of all is the fact that while our circumstances and situations may change, one thing that never wavers is the Lord who is our Rock and foundation that we can hold on to. Much love and blessings to you today, dear Roxy! :)

  5. Good post, Roxy. I have learned to say No sometimes...but always feel a bit guilty doing that. However, I know we can't always do everything we are called upon to do. There really is a freedom that comes when we say No sometimes. xo Diana

  6. This is such a timely post. It can be hard to say no, but I never want to be in that situation of doing false work. The older I get my NO'S get louder and bolder!

  7. Dear Roxy,
    I have missed you, sweet one, and pray you are well!
    I resonate with this post so much! I am learning :)
    "Dear Ones if you are feeling heavy ladened;
    Give it to God and learn to say no when a demand results in crushing your joy!"
    What a true statement this is. To God be the glory!
    Thank you!

  8. Such words of wisdom, Roxy. I appreciate so much your heart speaking to us and reminding us that it is okay to say No!

  9. I am even now praying about a decision, whether to say yes or no. And weighing my motives. Am I only tempted to say yes so others will think well of me? Not a good reason! The most important thing is, is the Lord calling me to do this? Blessings, Deborah

  10. Thank you!

    I love how you referenced the seasons, such a great visual that really dies translate into my thinking about my own seasons of life. How I want to give more to others but God has blessed me my own husband and children to give to first. This also honors Him.

    Thank you again! Praying for you!

  11. Dearest Roxy...oh, how I enjoyed your beautiful post this evening...summer has arrived early in our part of the world and oh my! We are sweltering in the these warm temperatures of 90+ degrees!
    I love what you had to share...change is indeed necessary, and although we may not always enjoy it, it is needful...and I find that when I look back on certain parts of my life, I am reminded of the joy in those times - even the difficult, painful times! He is so good to us all the time...
    I am sorry I have been so quiet on the blog visiting front of I have missed it! Things have been rather busy in our home lately as we welcomed another member to our family...a seventeen year old young lady named Sindy whom the Lord asked us to foster...I am trying to put together a post so as to introduce her to my sweet blog friends! It hasn't been easy, but Jesus is so merciful and has blessed us with this new sister, and I can already feel a love for her growing within me - I am so delighted!
    Whilst this change was happening, my mother discovered she was now our family is about to grow some more! Of course we are all thrilled!
    But oh how wonderful to stop by and ''visit'' with you again...your words of wisdom never cease to bless and encourage me!
    Blessings to you and have a wonderful Wednesday in Christ,
    Kelly-Anne {Beautiful Girlhood}
    {on her little sister's account!}

  12. This is something I struggle with. I am fortunate to have a husband that keeps this type of thing in check. Thank you for sharing this Roxy!

  13. Thank you for these wise words....Sincerely, Kelly Thompson, Colorado

  14. How did you get to be soooo wise?
    I feel like you mama me sometimes with your posts.
    Bless you!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!