Friday, October 9, 2015

The Remnant A Heavenly Quilt...

We as women are in need of covering...
Spiritual and Physical
As we see the damage done as even the children today reject covering.

The whole earth is filled with His Glory...

We need covering in our lives, such as those that pray for us!
Those that call sin, sin...

Too many of us are just too polite!

We can be so polite that we may miss a chance to speak truth!

I just assume to rather mind my own business;
So I really enjoy when God orchestrates His teaching moments.

We are inundated with information, and you get to pick what best suits you!
(This is a very dangerous practice)

I trust that if I ask for wisdom God will provide me with it;
As I read and study His word...
Why, where else could I go?

No one is really interested in what I might have to say;
It feels like a slow fade...

Yet, I am being renewed in learning to take joy in my position in this life.
We get to enjoy and savor the sweet moments and learn something new.

I will be content with my portion

A Quilt is so wonderful;
 They come in so many sizes and colors
They keep us covered from the chills that blow from outside sources.
We can even see them as a decoration in a room
A covering upon one's bed
A throw over a back of a chair or couch
A gift hand made to a newly married couple

I desire what matters most to my Lord;
To love my husband and to be his helpmate
To be a keeper of this home
To be a good friend
To teach women how to love their own husbands
To help them to know how to train their own children...

But, alas, this may be a dying breed of woman!

Maybe we just need to cover ourselves and those we love;
With the heavenly quilt of prayer...

I see the need to remind myself that the word speaks of
~ A  Remnant ~
That my dear is just what every quilt is made out of!
Those little unique and imperfect pieces of material
Every shape and size and color...

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory


  1. This post brought tears to my eyes. Yes it's possible that we may be a dying breed. Our world seems to have become a place of taking, never giving. My greatest desire has always been to be a keeper of the home, to love my husband and be his helpmeet. I've often felt so alone as, even in the churches, so many women are leaving their homes in search of something more fulfilling. Can there really be anything more fulfilling than following God's calling as a woman?
    Thank you for these thought provoking words.
    Blessings, Jocelyn

  2. "But, alas, this may be a dying breed of woman!"

    No, it's not.


  3. Things certainly are changing, but I will never give up on the younger generation. I'm sure the Lord is the same and will do his best to bring them into his arms. Under his fold and wrap them in the warmth of his arms. Similar to a warm and beautiful quilt! You always say things so poetically Roxy!

  4. It is a changing world, isn't it. While some changes have made our lives easier many of them have stripped core values out of the home. Blessings to you for your posts. xo Diana
    ps. GREAT quilt snippets.

  5. I just found your blog, and I love it! I hope you will check out my blog and please follow by email.

    Love in Christ,

  6. I'm glad you're part of the quilt of my life, Roxy.


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