Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Utmost For His Highest...

My Utmost For His Highest...

Most days just come to us wrapped in either sunshine or clouds.
~Each day has potential to live out His perfect will~

The contrast, seems to be light and dark...

We are pilgrims and we are on a journey to a far away land.
But, this journey usually takes place within a boundary that He
has placed you in!

I have learned most my lessons of biblical womanhood right within
my very home and church family.

We have been set in a certain place for a season and we also have been called out.
This seems to be the ebb and flow!
When we can adjust to these things we grow.

Truth is not always so easy to find...

We always think that the Bereans were special because they were
always seeming to be very religious;
They spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear
some new thing.
Acts 17:19-34

Stay in the Word
Study to show yourself approved
Stay and sit at the Lord's feet...

I have been cleaning out around here;
Books that are not approved;
Have been written with a tilt or an open false belief.

My first calling is to keep myself set apart
The narrow path is just that
Yet, we can find unity in many things;
We must do all things in love and allow others to grow
 and to change as the Spirit leads them!

We are asked in the scriptures to check ourselves to
"To see that we are in the faith"

Why, because as the hymn states
Lord, I know that I am prone to wander...

My home and marriage is the most important mission fields,
Yet, we can reach out to one another as the Lord leads.
Encourage a woman today, that she is doing a powerful work
Training, teaching and being a Godly example, in her very home.

I hope to start doing some ribbon embroidering soon.
I have to go and pick up a needle with a large eye to thread
The ribbon into it. I have never done this, but I hope to give it a whirl.

Have you started any new projects to keep you busy at home?
(Well, that sounded silly, like any one of us have a spare moment)

Blessings to all of you!


  1. A very timely encouragement, Roxy to clean house around here too. I found a blog post years ago on cleaning house and have it written in the back of my Bible. I don't remember anymore where I found it so I can't give credit where it is due but if someone else recognizes it, please let me know so that I can.

    Cleaning House

    Every few months go through the house and examine it according to these Scriptures:

    Psalm 101:3
    2 Corinthians 7:1
    Proverbs 3:33
    Philippians 4:8
    Deuteronomy 7:26
    1 John 5:21
    Psalm 101:2
    Psalm 119:37

    Clean out those things that are not pleasing to the Lord. It is very easy for worldly distractions to creep into our home. Look at:

    * Books and magazines
    * Art, personal pictures
    * Videos and DVD's
    * Music
    * Toys
    * Anything immodest or crude in speech, manner or suggestion
    * Immodest clothing
    * Miscellaneous things that the Lord might reveal to you.

    (I would also add that you should examine your online and social media activities. Are they pleasing to the Lord?)

    Replace items with things that would inspire and draw you, your family and others to God.

    Strive to make your home a safe place that honors the Lord by carefully discerning and guarding the things you allow into it.

  2. You have the sweetest spirit! I agree with you about staying in the Word,listening and praying
    I appreciate your words. I think I've said this to you more then once, but it's true.

  3. What a sweet and lovely post. And isn't it, indeed, a sweet joy to share the love of God around the world with our blogs!

    I'm starting to do some Christmas shopping. I love to give Scripture calendars and Bibles as part of my gifts and I'm looking forward to using my Bible store coupon next Monday. Plus I have a new Bible arriving today that might work quite well for some special loved ones :)

    AND working hard on blogging and helping real estate clients, grandkids, and elderly parents. Yup, you are right - we are all quite busy - but with joy-filled tasks.

    Happy Autumn


  4. I am cleaning house around here, too...and dreading going through my books. For some reason that is going to be one of the hardest things for me to do. I have collected books for years and years and years.
    God bless you as you walk your "narrow path". xo Diana

  5. I loved Theresa's comment. I looked up each of the Scriptures she encouraged us to use as a biblical gauge.

    Great teaching, Roxy, as you can tell by the other great comments I read, as well. Spurring us into some positive action!


    P.S. Yes, I am no longer blogging. xo

  6. Very timely words dear Roxie! We can never let down our guard, can we? We must always be prepared to realize the enemy slips in the gate unawares. I enjoyed Teresa's sharing of how to clean your house as well! I wish you the best of luck with ribbon embroidery, it sounds like a lot of fun, and beautiful results too! Have a blessed and beautiful fall day :)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!