Saturday, January 30, 2016

Asking For Prayer And Counting Your Blessings...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

God Loves To Hear Our Prayer's...

What kind of day are you having?

I do hope you are counting your blessings and giving thanks;
If you are in good health, praise the Lord!
If you have food in your cupboard, give thanks!
If your man is standing by you, give thanks!

I just wanted to share my afternoon with you ladies;
I just returned home from visiting a very dear friend!
She is an amazing woman...
Her name is Kelly
A sweet and gentle Irish gal,
She is a worshipper at heart!
~She sings like a bird~

She is funny and very cute;

But she has had struggles, like most of us have.
But this time in this season it is a different struggle!
She was diagnosed with brain cancer,
She has had two brain surgeries and is undergoing the
Full cancer treatment plan for her type of cancer!

She seemed to be very peaceful and I could sense her faith!

She had a cute headband on her head!!
Her daughter had given her a pedicure and her toes were ready to meet 
A warm and sandy beach in my opinion!

She smiled and nodded her head over everything we said to her!
We had the chance to pray with her and she gave a hardy 

I think God has a way of showing us a very good perspective
On what we might think is a hard or difficult season.
Can we encourage another, even when we are in a battle?
Yes, Yes we can and we should...

Can I ask you to pray for my dear friend?
Would you lift her up and add your prayer request;
To the Lord Jesus Christ, she loves and serves.

Her husband is a Pastor;
And he was telling my Husband and I, what his sermon was
 Going to be about for his church tomorrow;
It went something like this...
David learned what he needed to learn to fight the giant
Through the battles he had won with the Lion and the Bears!

We all learn to fight in the battle...

I believe one day we can all look back and sing;
Look What The Lord Has Done!

If you could leave a comment for her here on this Blog Post,
I could send her the link with your thoughts and prayers for her!
Can we encourage another today with our prayers!



  1. Keeping Kelly and her family in prayer. A lovely post, my friend. Thank You.

  2. Dear Roxy, What a treasure of a friend you are, a sister indeed! I would love to pray for your friend-because she is a sister in faith too, but also Irish and you may remember that I am 100% Irish. All of my grandparents were born in Ireland. I was hoping she had a blog so I could go visit her. I want to tell you that I have a friend in Ca. that I used to work with and last summer she was diagnosed with two brain tumors-incurable brain cancer. She is undergoing chemo and maybe radiation and doing well. The treatments are to prolong her life. She is on FB, a mom of two-a 13 yr old boy and a20 yr old daughter who just had a baby. This friend was always so healthy and in shape. She is a Catholic and is holding onto her faith.
    Please give your friend my love and prayers.
    Sending you big hugs today-we've got a big storm coming. Stay warm.

  3. Dearest Roxy...I am a long time reader of your blog and even though I do not comment much this was a post I did not want to miss commenting on. Thank you so much for such well written and encouraging blog posts. After reading this one I immediately went and told my husband and children about your friend needing to be lifted up and prayer to our almighty Father God.

    Dear Kelly...... My family and I went down in prayer for you and your family this afternoon. We took our request before our merciful and wise father. God holds all power in his hands, which I'm sure you know this already. We ask that God steps in and that his will be done though it all, because he is able. We will continue to pray for you and your family and may God richly bless you all. Isaiah 53:5 says.... But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities , the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed. Be blessed dear sister in Christ

    Roxy..... You and your family are in are prayers as well. Thank you for showing us all everyday what is is to be a true friend, wife, and mother.

  4. Hi Roxy,
    I will join you in praying for your friend. Thank you for sharing this and allowing us the opportunity to join in prayer.
    Hugs from your friend Shirley
    Hello Dear Kelly,
    My name is Shirley and I live in Virginia.
    I will be praying for you and your family as you go through this journey with the Lord.
    I am so thankful that the Lord has promised that He will never leave us or forsake us.
    What peace there is in knowing we are not ever alone on the journey through life.
    You are precious to Him and I am praying that you feel His Arms of love holding you tightly.
    Much love to you and your family.

  5. May it be Our Lord's will to heal Her.Yes Dear Lord, I pray it be Your will.Amen-Love You Jesus,Denise.

  6. Hi Kelly! My husband, also a pastor, is receiving treatment for neck and head cancer right now. We are 1/4 way through treatment. We know how hard the battle is and we understand the pain- not only any physical pain but also the physiological pain that your family and friends go through on your behalf. I will pray not only for you but for them, too.

    You have a wonderful, Godly friend in Roxy. What a blessing our friends are to us in times like this. If it is God's will we will pray you well. Blessings, Diana

  7. Keeping Kelly and her family in my prayers. Bless you Roxy for being such a prayer warrior yourself.

  8. Roxy, blessings to your dear friend Kelly. I pray that the Lord will keep her and her family in their care during this time, watch over her and bless her with healing. We also pray that she will continue to cling close to her Savior, and be encouraged in her faith.
    You are a good friend to her; I'm sure she is so appreciative.
    Blessings, Deborah

  9. Prayers and love for your dear friend...
    May God surround her with his loving arms and may she rest her head on the lap of our Blessed Mother.
    She is blessed to have a friend like you.

  10. Father God, I thank you for Kelly's faithfulness and peaceful attitude through this. I pray Father God that you will fill her fully with your Holy Spirit. I pray that you will bring complete healing and restoration to Kelly's brain and body and spirit through the blood of Jesus Christ and the stripes that He took for our healing. I ask it all in the Name above all other names. Jesus Christ your Son the Most High God!

  11. Precious Roxy, you are such a kind and dear friend. I love how the Lord uses you to bring comfort and joy to others - you are such a beautiful instrument.

    Please know that WE will indeed be praying for Kelly. My, what a struggle not only for, but also her family. She sounds like quite the woman...a woman of faith.

    Love and hugs to you!

  12. I will pray for your friend Kelly!

  13. As I set here reading through the comments I am in awe at the prayer warriors that have stopped to read this and pray for Kelly. Kelly is an amazing woman of God and she is very loved by many!

    Kelly, I pray for you every single day! May you find rest and strength in the arms of God. You are worth far more than rubies!

    Sending many hugs and prayers your way!
    Love, Amy

  14. Dearest Kelley, I just wanted you to know how much you have inspired me in this battle that you have chosen to find joy in the midst of the trial!
    You my dear are a precious and wonderful friend and wife and mother and grandmother! We all love you very much!
    Hugs, Roxy

  15. Dear Roxy, your post is touching and heartfelt and all so very true. My prayers are lifted for your friend as she walks this path. I know God will direct her and be right by her side every step of the way. That thought is always a comfort to me and I hope for her as well.

    Dear Kelly, Lifting you in my prayers for God to comfort you with renewed health through his healing grace. Sending Friendship and Hugs your way. Blessings be yours in the days ahead.

    Thank you Roxy for your kindness and loving spirit. God has blessed you with a gift and using your heart to touch others. You are an inspiration.
    Love to you my friend. xo

  16. Peace, prayers, blessings and love........
    and a big (((((HUG))))

  17. so very sorry to hear of your friends trial. God knows that you and her family would love to have her stay here for a lot longer and may end up being, But either way I prayed that she would be a testimony to those around her, showing that whatever is God's will, is her will for her life as well. in Christ..Sue

  18. Dear Kelly,
    I'm praying God will use you to touch the lives of others that you meet. Your work is not yet done. I am reminded of 2 Corinthians 4:17 and Philippians 3:10. Blessing to you my sister.


  19. Kelly, praying for you down in New Zealand.
    May our ever-present God be with you in all and through all, and may grace, mercy and peace flood your heart daily.
    May any pain be well controlled, and may those who love you bring you JOY. May the many who know you give thanks to God for you and praise Him that you are such a wonderful witness of his tenderness and love.

    Jude: 24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,

    25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

  20. Hi Roxy! Thank you so much for sharing your heart about your friend who is also our sister in Christ!! Isn't that so cool that we can pray for each other like this?!
    Heavenly Father I lift up Kelly to you. I speak health and wholeness to her brain. I speak peace in the midst of the storm. I pray that her every need by met. You are her Father and you love her so very much. I thank you for her healing and that the promises that you have given her will be seen. Amen and Amen. Have a blessed week Roxy! You too Kelly!!

  21. A message for Kelly from Gail in Australia.
    Hello Kelly, i just wanted you to know that I am holding you in my prayers. He is such and amazing God and the very best friend a lady could have. He will be holding your hand and stroking your brow as you go through your treatment and just remember He calls you His beloved. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Be blessed, beloved of our Lord.
    From across the seas, Gail.

  22. You have ours...heartfelt prayers for your dear friend Kelly as she faces this difficult struggle. May God hold her in the palm of his hand in her coming days. Hugs and blessings!

  23. Praying in the mighty,majestic and matchless name of Jesus for Kellys complete healing,and claiming it.Bless you ,Dawn

  24. I'm feeling so sad after reading of your beloved friend ... I'm praying for her and for her dear ones, and for you too, my darling Roxy ... I'm sure tHe Lord is going to listen to us !

    May your week be blessed with joy and wonder, my sweetest friend
    sending love to you with all my heart

  25. Keeping Kelly in my prayers. May she feel Gods arms around her supporting and holding her. Blessings to you both,

  26. Have just prayed for this sister in Christ. It is so encouraging to see all the precious people responding to your request Roxy. I am in my 'War Room' right now as I set up mine in a corner of our home office/library after seeing the movie. In a way it is very handy as I can respond as soon as I see any prayer requests on blogs or newsfeeds rather than go to the other end of the house where my closet is.
    Dear Kelly, Isn't it amazing to know how God can raise up an army of prayer warriors around the world? I am in Australia and last year saw God raise up an army within hours for a traumatic situation that we were facing as a family - there were believers on every continent praying and we saw those prayers answered powerfully. It was such a revelation to me and I pray that just knowing people you have never met are praying for you brings you much encouragement. I am originally from England and used to have a number of Irish friends, how I miss hearing that accent and how they used to make me laugh! Roxy is so blessed to know you.

  27. Roxy, such a beautiful post about the power of prayer! What a joy and an honor it is to go to the throneroom of heaven and beseech the Lord on behalf of this dear sister in Christ!

    Dear Kelly, Please know that you are being lifted up by a company of sisters in the Lord who are believing that the Lord is able to heal, and deliver you from the disease that has attacked you. We are standing in faith with you and for you, and asking the Lord to provide strength for the journey, encouragement for every difficult moment, and for His peace that passeth all understanding to be there in the moments when nothing makes sense at all. May you feel the love of the Lord wrapped around you in these times, and know that you are being girded up by sisters in the Lord that you may never meet this side of heaven. Praying for you and believing that the Lord has this battle, and is carrying you through it!

    Much love to both of you ladies today, and Roxy, please keep us informed so we can continue to pray for your dear friend!

  28. Oh, dear Kelly...stay strong in the mighty Lord, and know that you are being carried in His loving arms and in prayer! Thank you for your beautiful example of faith...I do indeed pray that Jesus would encourage your heart and heal your body.

    Dear Roxy, thank you for sharing with is such a blessing to be in this blogging community, and I lvoe how we can lift one another up to the Father, asking for Him to lead and guide us and be our ever-present help...

    With much love in Him...

  29. She sounds like a remarkable woman of faith and I will add my prayers with yours for it is a privilege to pray. Sounds as if she is also a teacher just by her good example.

  30. Hello Kelly, I'm praying for you that your treatments will work and heal you. You have a wonderful friend Roxy!
    Hugs Julie xo


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!