Monday, February 1, 2016

Open Your Eyes And See Faith At Work...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog


It is very hard to understand faith;
And as a Christian we can have nothing,
Yet possess everything!

We can become sorrowful,
Yet we are able to rejoice

We may be poor in finances or in our health;
Yet we are rich with things money can not purchase.

This faith is very real yet invisible to the naked eye.

Faith gives  spiritual substance to the invisible...

"Faith is what will enable us to see God as a God of love at work;
Through all our hurts and hardships in our lives.

I have faith that I am doing just what God has called me to do!
Yes, I have doubts at times;
Yes, I could do more.
Yes, I could do and do and do...

But this faith allows me to wait and rest and be at peace.

I have put my hand to the plow;
I have days ahead of me that will require a purpose and a plan!

Keep your hands busy dear ones,
These days are requiring you to not look back!

Take each day one day at a time;
And create a lovely meal for your loved ones!
Bake some fresh, quick bread!
Paint your nails!
Read a Good book!
Work on some mending, sew on a button!
Write an encouraging card to someone!

Do not become discouraged!

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and certain
Of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1


  1. Roxy, a beautiful post. Yes we can be rich in spirit and give our families so much that is not material. Be not discouraged. Thankyou. Mimi xxx

  2. I cannot imagine my life without it, Roxy! Beautiful post! Happy February!

  3. This is just lovely!!!!
    Thank you for sharing!!!!

  4. Your title really caught my attention. So many times I don't "see" my faith.

  5. FAITH gives spiritual substance...amen! Your posts refresh the heart and soul, sweet friend.

    Thank you for sharing this sweet encouragement with Roses of Inspiration. I hope your week is going well! We are buried under beautiful white snow and I am loving it :) Hugs to you!

  6. Faith is not really faith if we can see it... which is something I always remind myself of. A beautiful thought shared Roxy, always an encouragement to come here, and be uplifted by your good words. There is much we can do while we wait for the Lord to do what He has promised! Praying the Lord will answer those prayers in your life today in a mighty way!!!!

  7. Reminds me of an old song: Faith Hope and Charity - That's the way to live successfully! Have a nice week!!

  8. Oh, how did you know this was just what I needed to read today, dearets Roxy...? Thnak you for sharing these beautiful, uplifting words - such a blessing to me! With all my love...

  9. Such a well written, beautiful post Rox; Thank you for the word of encouragement.
    Hugs and Blessings to you.

  10. SO very true! We are SO blessed to belong to our Great God, aren't we? Hugs to you! Camille

  11. What an encouraging post, my darling Roxy, giving comfort to the soul, thank you from the deep of my heart !
    With love and gratitude


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