Sunday, January 3, 2016

Better Choices for eating More Fruits And Vegetables...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

One thing that always can be seen this time of year;
So many of us try to make a decision to eat better and to make better choices!

I for one think this is a good idea as it resets your internal clock for food choices.
Thinking along the lines of more fresh fruits or vegetables.

I did see a young woman in the grocery store in her yoga pants
She looked totally inspired, maybe she ran to the store!
Just with a cart filled with fresh veggies it looked like a work of art!

But I did want to encourage her, but I also wanted to say;
Just remember those fresh fruits and veggies go limp pretty quick!
Who out there has not had rotten bananas before a few days had passed!
Oh, and the limp celery, but you can usually get that to crisp up.

And those tomatoes that sprout seeds inside (yuck)

These bodies need so many good things...
I for one need protein every morning
Also, if I eat too many fruits with a lot of seeds it hurts my tummy!

Juicing to much to quick can raise the sugar levels and that feels yucky!

So for me the best approach is all things in moderation!

Buy a few vegetables at a time and use them up!
Eat the ones that are in season, as they are cheaper and fresher!

Eat right and light...
Yet, a little sweet for a treat makes a girl happy deep down inside!

I always love seeing pretty bright veggies in a bowl...


  1. Hello There!
    Yes, it is always nice to start the New Year with a new challenge. I for one have been trying really hard to eat more veggies. Now, it might not be such a hard challenge and or change for me, but training my boys to try them is another. We have fish with mashed taters and acorn squash for dinner tonight and only 2 out of the 3 boys complained and gagged. When in doubt I guess hide it within their meals.

    I have been feeling run down and tired, so I am willing to change things up a bit to feeling better. So, why not start with the simple foods, right?

    I hope you had a great day! I got my laundry caught up!! Now, that's something to celebrate!


  2. I'm always trying to eat healthier but find it hard to do at times, but never give up!

  3. We (husband and I) have been eating vegetables and meat, mainly. I feel better and have lost weight. The goal was not to loose weight but to be healthy. this included no sugar.
    Dr said, what ever I'm doing, keep it up! Blood work came back great!

  4. I agree Roxy. Love veggies and fruit, but try to eat what is in season. Always counting the days till I can plant a garden again. Happy New Year sweet friend!

  5. Good thing to remember. I've had all those things happen to me and the waste grieves me. But maybe she is planning to juice them. Several years ago I did a 21 day juice and organic vegetable fast. I filled my cart up with so many fruits and veggies and stuffed the refrigerator. When you juice fruits and vegetables, it doesn't take long to use them all up very quickly.


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