Saturday, January 2, 2016

What Else Can I Possible, Say...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Play It Again Sam...

Have you ever just felt like what else can I possibly say?

Well, I can assure you of this, my Hubby would say
You my dear have many more words left to say...

So I guess I will just say what comes to mind!

I love and hate winter
I love it because it is the time of year you can sit by the fire,
And no one thinks you're lazy. And I can put my PJ's on earlier
and no one thinks anything about it.
I hate it because;
1. It is cold
2 It gets dark so early
3 It's cold, oh wait I said that already!

I have been painting my nails some very bright colors, 
Many lovely shades of reds!
It looks so bright and cheery, so now I have gone back to wearing
My rubber gloves while doing dishes! It really does save my hands
from becoming chapped and the nails drying out.

I have walked so far every day this year!!
(2 whole days)

I now have to take my blood pressure twice a day;
Just thinking about doing it makes my blood pressure go up!
( Well, that is just makes no sense to me)

I also had to stop drinking coffee because it made my blood pressure
Go much higher, so I now am a decaf drinker...
So now life has taken a whole new turn...

I know you all have so many great ideas about lower blood pressure;
But mine is caused from genetics...

I seem to be praying for so many people who have had some very
difficult times, right now in their lives.

Have you ever had nights you just can't fall asleep?
Well the sure cure is to get out the phone book---
And start praying for everyone in alphabetical order!
(Really, I tried that once)

Remember that commercial with the little old lady eating a hamburger?
She opens it up and says;
"Where's the BEEF"

So you all get my point!
Sometimes it is better to not say anything!

Oh wait !!
"Laughter is good medicine"


  1. Hi Roxy, i feel the same way about winter as you!! Thanks for making me smile! Enjoy your Sunday and week.
    Julie xo

  2. I feel the same way about winter. We were blessed with an unseasonably warm December so I'm not going to complain. (I actually wore sandals a couple of days) I also have high blood pressure, also genetic, and there wasn't much i could do about except go on meds. I learned ( the hard way) that ibuprophen can cause it to increase so I now have to avoid any advil, motrin type products. And when I can't sleep I start praying for family every time! Enjoy your week!

  3. You are such a darling! I always am uplifted when I read your posts! Hugs for being such a blessing to us all! Please keep up such positive posts!

  4. I had to chuckle as I read this post, dear Roxy.
    I have to tell you though that winter is my favorite season. :-) It does bring with it much dryness, and keeping those hands most is a task in deed! And oh...sitting by the fire...doesn't get any better than that. In fact, I'm doing that right now add I visit with you.

    Have a beautiful week.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!