Friday, January 1, 2016

Morning By Morning... Spurgeon

Keeping yourself and your loved ones free from either self imposed
Legalistic ideas and things that rob us of just good old fashion enjoyment!

Learning to take pleasure in things that God does not forbid in His Word...

I think many have had enough trial and testing in their lives!
But just thinking that does not stop them from coming.

That is why I am always doing the one thing that helps;
With life's overload and the physical stuff of oneself
or a loved one's struggle.

I am so thankful for the encouragement that I receive from a morning
Devotional and prayer time.
I really do not know how some people make it through a day without
His strength and support from His word!

I am hoping to thrive this new year and not just survive!
I do not want to live in fear, but faith!

I always enjoy when others share with me a word they feel applies
to their lives for the new year.

I have so far heard the word community
Another said Jubilee
Another said to simplify

Well, I do hope we all can be moving in a direction that brings
peace to our lives, but most importantly is to bring God glory!

Some years just seem to bring so many changes;
That was for us last year, so maybe my word may have been

But for this year it just may be 

Only God see's the end from the beginning, so that is why
~We walk by faith~

Have you sensed a word from scripture that is a word that
will bring your encouragement this new year?

Blessings, Roxy


  1. This is one of my favorite devotionals. Happy New Year Roxy!

  2. I so appreciate every posting Roxy.My word I believe the dear Lord gave me is JOY.Every year it is different, but through His word He makes it very clear what He is speaking to me.I do want to find JOY in My Lord and in every situation.Every difficulty is an opportunity so my Son reminded me with a note in Mamas blessing jar. Bless you Roxy,my heart so desires to rest in Jesus, and glorify Him through my life each day. Bless you dear Lady, Dawn E. Brown

  3. My word for 2016 is, PREPARE! I'm really praying about how the Lord wants to use me to serve Him. I've been slack in many areas and I am now committed to preparing myself for His service.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!