Saturday, January 9, 2016

Learning To Adapt To Your Husbands Schedule...

Everyday things...

Before I went to bed last night I wrote out a small list of a few
things that needed to be done!
I have found that a list can help me prioritize things that must be done!

I can get overwhelmed at times so I do not always make up a list;
But when I get behind I can see the wisdom of writing out my chores.

1st on my list was baking a cake;
My Husband will ask me every once in a while to make his work crew a
 Pineapple upside down cake, as they really enjoy this!

Now, It was my most important thing to do today, because
He asked me if I would do it!

I find myself making it a point to ask my Husband if there is anything
he needs me to do more him; as he works long hours.

The second thing on my list to do was baking cookies;
When my Husband goes to work I packed him a lunch;
And we all know how wonderful a fresh baked cookie is in one's lunch!
This was a priority because when he eats one of those cookies,
He will think of me...
Trust me it is the little things like cutting their oranges in half,
Or putting a note in their lunch box, or a piece of chocolate!

Third on my list was cooking up a nice pork roast with sauerkraut;
As this is a dish his mother use to make him...
(He likes the way I cook mine now days)

Then I had to change out my tablecloth and placemats,
And then I swept and mopped the kitchen floor.

Oh, and I had to deep clean our bathroom!

And I still need to peel and cook up some potatoes.

Yet, I feel good about having done these things!
My home looks good and smells wonderful!
And Hubby has a nice treat to share with his crew!

"When you put your Husband needs first this will help to build
And strengthen your marriage"

Some days we just need to get our priorities right for each day is different!
Every day is not the same...

That is why we must learn to adapt to our Husbands life and schedule!
Being flexible is a fine art worth learning...


  1. I often write a list when I have so many things to do, for not to forget what is important, as you said, and for not to neglecting my husband, which is, for me, the first thing I have promised when we got married and the most important of all I have to do at home !
    Of course, there's my work (I'm a teacher), the work in our estate I try to lead and which often make me feel very busy, but my work at home is my priority.... and it couldn't be otherwise :)

    Sending blessings on your weekend, darling Roxy,
    with love

  2. Thank you Roxy for these specific examples of putting your husband first. This encourages me to once again re-examine my priorities. Thanks for the inspiration. I really appreciate your blog. :)

  3. Hi Roxy. This was a very helpful post. Thanks!

    ~Lady Virtue

  4. It was neat getting a peek into your day... and how you set your best priorities for your husband, what a joy to do this for him. I like making lists too, especially when I have a lot of things to get accomplished. :)

  5. Oh- I have done that- Our life is now all about my hubby's schedule- treatments and appointments and I am glad to do it. xo Diana

  6. You're right about that, Roxy. I'm trying to get used to my husband being home a lot. He's still looking for a job. Prayers appreciated!
    Blessings to you!

  7. Making a list is such a help when a busy day is ahead.
    I admire your commitment to your husbands' needs, Roxy. I could do much better in that area.
    When I get home from work, I tend to "just get by" with doing laundry, and other household chores. I should set aside more time to do special things more often to show how much I appreciate my husband, and his efforts.
    You are an example of a Godly woman....and I am grateful He has put you in my life.
    Love you.

  8. Oh yes, at my age, list does help if I can remember where I laid it...Ha ha ! You are right Roxy,when putting others needs above our own we are blessed!

  9. Roxy,
    Thank you so much for the reminder, I tend to get so busy in everyday life, and forget that my main focus should be my husband. Something I am going to try and correct, and get back to where I should be on this.

  10. I have just done a list ready for tomorrow so that I wont forget anything, it does help me to feel organised as I cross each thing out. My husband loves home cooked cakes and biscuits in his lunch box, it is so important for our husbands to have a little piece of home with them at work.

  11. Roxy, again your womanly thoughts are inspiring to so many people. I always prepare a lunch bag for my husband five days a week.I try to include special things like peanuts,apple juice etc.I always ask the sweet Lord to give me a special love for him daily. We have been married for thirty-two years and I strongly believe it is through prayer and daily Bible reading that holds a marriage together. Thanks for sharing your heart.
    Dolores Moore

  12. Great reminder Roxy! Flexibility is something I really need to work on as I like a set schedule... And hubby's needs should be first, and not my personal to-do list!

  13. Now, you my dear, are a busy woman! Keep those home fires burning brightly on these cold winter days! How was the pork roast? Delightful Ms. Roxy!! Hugs!

  14. I agree! Time is precious, and I enjoy every moment I get to spend with my husband, even if I have to get up when he does. And believe me, it's early! :-)

  15. Thank you for the reminder. I am truly learning from your blog. Gos bless you.


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